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EPA Metadata Editor

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The EPA Metadata Editor (EME)

The EME is a simple geospatial metadata editor that allows users to create and edit records that meet EPA and Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata requirements.

The EME is one of the only FGDC metadata editors that runs in ArcGIS 10 and higher. It can be used as an ArcGIS extension or as a standalone tool and provides ArcGIS users with FGDC synchronization capabilities.

Metadata records created and edited with the EME are fully compatible with the EPA Environmental Dataset Gateway (EDG). The EDG is a web-based metadata portal that enables data consumers to discover, view, and access geospatial and non-geospatial resources (e.g. data, documents, services, and applications) made available by EPA's Program Offices, Regions, and Research Laboratories.

EME 3.2.1 is now available!

EME 3.2.1 is intended for stewards of existing FGDC CSDGM geospatial metadata who need to quickly update records to ensure minimal compliance with the new federal Open Data Policy. More details are available on the download page.

EME 4.0 is now available! Here is What's New:

  • Support for OMB's Project Open Data Metadata Schema
  • Updated User Interface that no longer depends on MS Access for stored content (XML based instead)
  • Utilize the enhancement capabilities of the ISO 19115 series (URLs and Services)

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