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Berrak Sarikaya

MiscBiz  - 
#Bizdom How can businesses build relationships with reporters?

We sat down with +Elizabeth Wiley from +KING 5 News and discussed the dos and don’ts of pitching your story to the news. Want to learn more about interacting with reporters? Elizabeth will be in the community today at 2:30 PM PDT to respond to your questions, so feel free to leave them in the comments. Note: This is not a video hangout.

What's a typical day for you at King 5 News?

In terms of the routine, there are a few general tasks my teammates and I take care of, but the focus varies a lot depending on the time of day. Main tasks: keeping website up-to-date with local and national content, editing and posting reporter stories (and clip packages from TV), distributing content via social networks (FB and Twitter), customer service, training/advising others in the news room on digital. 
Could you give us some examples of how business owners can build relationships with reporters? 

I would start by identifying reporters that have a beat or focus related to your business and reaching out to introduce yourself. That first contact might just include a hello, background on yourself/your company and perhaps a mention of a story or stories the reporter has done well.
Another good way to build that relationship is to think of ways your company or someone who works with you could serve as a source for a breaking news story. While the whole story may not be about you, that would get your business' name out there.
If there is something timely going on with your business, be prepared with not only information but possible people to interview and any media (images, b-roll, etc.) that could support the story.
Finally, I would recommend thinking about the news outlet you are working with. What makes a good TV story is different than what makes a good print/written story. In TV, we definitely look for ways to tell the story visually as well as through interviews.
What are some common mistakes people make when sending reporter pitches?

Too long, unclear – be straight and to the point.
Not timely. Are you sending a pitch because it’s convenient to you or because there is a reason this would matter to people now?
Now that I’ve talked about what not to do, here is what you should do.
These are the elements we look for in pitches:
- What’s new or different?
- Is the story focused? Can it be described in a sentence?
- What is the emotional center? Can you tell it through the people affected?
I've heard of 'spot news' - could you tell us a little more about what that is and give us a few examples?

Spot news is usually reporting of events as they occur. Usually this refers to breaking news events like a tornado, car crash, house fire, etc.
If you could give one piece of advice to businesses who are looking to get news coverage, what would it be?

We want to tell stories about people, not just air promo pieces. People connect better to emotion. We’ve identified a few motivators for people who watch/read our stories. These are reasons they are more likely to connect with what we’re sharing: family, safety, health, community, money. If you can connect your pitch to one (or more) of those, it will make for a better story.
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Berrak Sarikaya

MiscBiz  - 
#BizBits Tell us your mission statement.

Every great business has a clear and inspiring purpose. How did you come up with the mission statement for your business? 
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Eric Gehler profilfotójaSantosa Laksana profilfotója
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I was purely working with affiliate programs, and statements of my program is:

The principal foundation of services G.Profit System is: A way to doing online marketing business correctly. And the right way to improve your marketing. In order to achieve success by creating income through online marketing.
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As a paying Google Apps for Business customer, this post by +Brian White reaffirms my already high confidence in Google and reassures me that my data is being stored by the right company.  But it's not just about how Google stores data, it's also the whole ecosystem for supporting and empowering businesses and startups that makes Google the right choice.  This community is a good example of this.
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If you're not paying for the product, you are the product.

I have to admit, this is a catchy line.  It appeals to the inner cynic in us all and makes a certain amount of sense in a core, "what can you do for me," type of thinking.

But it's hog-wash.

I work for Google so I follow the news about the company and I'm really tired of seeing that first line, or some variation of it, spouted by people who really don't care enough to want to think it through.  It does not work that way!

Yes, Google is a company.  And yes, Google is a reasonably large company (though not that large compared to the likes of IBM, GE, etc.).  But though a company is a single entity in the eyes of the law, it is not run like that.  Google is full of many thousands of individuals, many of whom are more rabid about user privacy than the privacy watchdogs that complain.  I've watched them take Larry and Sergey to task on stage about the smallest things.  I've done it twice myself.  If the leaders of the company purposely violated our users' trust, there would be open revolt and the founders would be lucky to not find themselves strung up by their toes.

Everything Google does is done for our users.  Your happiness is always the first priority, even above Ads.  (I've seen this in both policy and various practical implementations.)  You are not product; you are our customers!  That's simply the way we view it and it permeates the company from bottom to top.  Everything is done to make a better service for you.

Even Ads is viewed as a service to our users.  Random ads are garbage.  Useful ads are a benefit.  Yes, it's also a benefit to our publishers and yes, it's also a benefit to our shareholders.  Since when did win-win-win arrangements become a bad thing?

I won't claim that Google always gets it exactly right or that we haven't made mistakes.  We don't and we have.  And we admit it.  And it will happen again.  Sorry.  But everything is done with the right intent even if it doesn't always work out as hoped.  Hindsight is perfect.

Google is the most moral company in which I have ever worked.  But guarding our users' privacy doesn't just make moral sense, it makes business sense.  If we purposefully violated our users' privacy, we wouldn't have a business at all before very long.
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Sir Frank Warwick profilfotójaMatthew Saunders profilfotójaTuck Sing Lee profilfotójaAndy Kennedy profilfotója
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+Sir Frank Warwick Personally, I feel that all major businesses, if they haven't already, will soon have the ability to analyse user data and user actions on their services.  Most of the time this is for the purpose offering you, the customer, improved services or service suggestions.  Adverts, if done correctly, can be seen as a service - they are targeted to your preferences and just like search results can help you find things that interest you.  Where I start to get worried is where companies amalgamate previously disparate data sources and start selling this data on to others.  
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Berrak Sarikaya

MiscBiz  - 
#Bizdom Have you been successful in getting news coverage for your business?

Getting press for your business has powerful potential, and you don’t need an advertising budget to get mentioned on local news. Here are some tactics to try:

Want to learn more about pitching stories to reporters once you’ve established a relationship? We’ll have more tips for you on Thursday, and +Elizabeth Wiley from +KING 5 News in Seattle will be in the community to answer your questions.
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Gil Pac profilfotójaBerrak Sarikaya profilfotójaLen Holliday profilfotója
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+Gil Pac Great to hear. Are there any tips that you would add to our one-sheeter? 
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Hey GBC! One of the great questions I got last week (when Google Business Community hosted me in a live Hangout) was, "How should I use Vine or Instagram for video marketing?" #bizdom

Transparently, I was a little tongue twisted and I'd like to offer up a more detailed response!  I sat down with my Digital Director and we put together  6 Rules for Video Marketing. Hopefully this helps and if you have any further questions, feel free to reach out: 
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Berrak Sarikaya profilfotójaRyan Park profilfotója
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+Berrak Sarikaya Thanks B!
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Hello everyone - I have a problem. I need to get the ownership/ manager rights of a google+ business account. I can't contact the old owner of this account, because she no longer works for us and I don't have the login details myself to transfer the rights to my own account. 
 I already filled out the "Request for manager access', but that doesn't really help since I can't really reach the current page owner.

Is there anything I could do to get the rights for my google+ business page?

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Berrak Sarikaya profilfotójaJade Wang profilfotója
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Thanks +Jade Wang for responding. +Christina Nobis Have you been able to follow up with the support team? Let us know if we can help any further. 
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Berrak Sarikaya

MiscBiz  - 
#BizBits  You can find a mentor in a relative, a family friend, or a former manager. Did you have a mentor when you were starting your business? 
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Berrak Sarikaya profilfotójaColin Donohue profilfotója
10 megjegyzés
+Berrak Sarikaya yeah, there are some very experienced folks involved. For Latino entrepreneurs, there is also a really neat program which provides deeper mentorship, as well as potential access to capital for startup/growth. Applications for this round are due tomorrow though :-o
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3D led lighting sign
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Berrak Sarikaya profilfotójaAndrew Rulnick profilfotója
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+sincerity led sign custom-made I'd love to keep the discussion in the community, as I'm sure the rest of the community would also love to know more about you and your business.
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Why Is Google+ (So Much) Better For Your Business Than Facebook?

I have used both social networks for some years now and am now firmly of the belief that Google+ has got the edge - click on the link to find out why and send me your comments!
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Daniel Bodnar profilfotójaSantosa Laksana profilfotójaMykeesha Taylor profilfotója
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I think G+ has a much more engaged audience than fb. It seems fb is still primarily used for entertainment while G+ is used for business and networking purposes. Just my opinion though. 
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A közösségről

Welcome to the Google Business Community — a place where businesses can get the help they need to succeed on the web by connecting with experts and each other. In addition to regular Hangouts and Q+As with Googlers, trusted Advisors and industry leaders, you’ll also see: #BizBits - Stats, tips, quotes and trivia for a little learning every day #BizBytes - Case studies, thought pieces, white papers and articles to discuss #Bizdom - Topic-specific training sessions led by web specialists Have something to share that doesn’t fall into one of the categories on the left? #MiscBiz Have a question you want an online pro to answer? #AskanAdvisor Have ideas on we can help you better or things you want to learn more about? #SuggestionBox
Mountain View, CA

Matthew Sweeney

Be Found Online  - 
YOU Can Blast Your Ad To 30,000 Double-Optin Subscribers
EVERY Single Month at Zero Cost. On Us Starting NOW!

No Obligation EVER...

PLUS ->>

=> 50,000 Visitors to Your Website!
=> 100,000 FREE Emailer Credits!
=> 10,000 Traffic Exchange Credits!
=> 25,000 Advertising Views for YOUR Website!


Get Our $500 Of Free Gifts If You
Signup Now with NO Obligation EVER...


In Success,
Matthew Sweeney

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Nimit Mohindroo profilfotója
hey matthew, what is this offer? What do you do? and why all this for FREE?
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Casey Monroe

Be Found Online  - 
Join the +Google Ads team for a live, 30-minute Hangout on Air designed to help new advertisers like you get the results you want with AdWords.

During the Hangout, the Adwords team will be: 
- Breaking down key terms and concepts that'll help you get the most out of what you budget 
- Advice on making a great start—you'll hear from a business currently achieving success with AdWords
- Answering your questions—this is a conversation where you'll get insights that'll help you reach your business goals

You can get more info and RSVP here:
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Dallas Edge profilfotója
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Lauren Kashuk

Work Together  - 
#BizBits Are you working in a family-owned business?

Take a guess, and come back on Friday to see the answer.
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Berrak Sarikaya profilfotójaDan Dunn profilfotója
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I say Around 47%
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Len Holliday

Be Found Online  - 
Google+ Firsthand Weather=Success! It is a must for any successful business to continue their exposure to new viewer's on the internet! I hate to say it is a numbers game, that seems to be the case with all successful businesses, that is if they want to stay successful. In the old days a business had the option to advertise hoping it would bring in new clients and then the real success comes from word-of-mouth after you have steed the test of time by doing your very best to give your client's a product they were very happy with! In my case at Firsthand Weather, that is giving our viewers the most accurate weather forecast available to them on the internet! And that is what we do, year in and year out! Our Winter Of 2013-2014 forecast we sent out to our customers way back in August Of 2013 was 98% accurate or by far the most accurate weather forecast available on the internet! Len Holliday(Lead Forecaster For!
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Berrak Sarikaya profilfotójaLen Holliday profilfotója
2 megjegyzés
+Len Holliday Thanks so much for joining us and giving us a behind-the-scenes look of how much your work has an impact on others. I'm also glad to hear that being on G+ has contributed to your success. We're looking forward to seeing you around the community. 
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The view from my "morning office"  this morning :)
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Helping Hands Professional Cleaning Service, LLC profilfotójaTrevor Stewart profilfotója
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The perks of being an entrepreneur! Well deserved.
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Berrak Sarikaya

MiscBiz  - 
#BizBits   Browse the web, jargon-free.

Digital marketing is tough. As a business person, how are you supposed to gauge the ROI on your SEM strategy if you need to guess what those terms mean? 

This is why the folks at Knock Twice (and some friends at Google) created the Dejargonizer -- a handy extension that turns marketing-speak into human-speak:

Let us know what words you think are the worst offenders. 
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Berrak Sarikaya profilfotójaJules Smith profilfotójaLen Holliday profilfotója
3 megjegyzés
+Len Holliday It really depends on what will work best for you and your team. The Google Enterprise team has valuable resources, including webinars and the Google Apps datasheet which provides a quick summary of what's included in Apps in four pages. You can find all of that information here:
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Hi, I'm Christian Parley of +ParleyShot Commercial Photography and I'm a Google Trusted Photographer who provides local businesses with Google's Business View service.
 (See the +Fresno Chamber of Commerce example of a GBV tour here >>

I'm constantly trying to reach decision makers in small businesses in the City of #Fresno  area and have all the obligatory online properties (website, social media pages, member of local Chambers).
But what would be the best use of my time in your opinion?
Cold calling? Email marketing? Reaching out to advertising agencies to offer the service through them? Or....?
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Michael Johnston profilfotójaParleyShot Commercial Photography profilfotója
7 megjegyzés
My video skills do need an upgrade, +Andreas Sihm Thanks.

Great tips and strategy +Michael Johnston, gave me much to think about and apply.
And thanks for the users perspective on my website, too. That was excellent feedback.
That website is five years old now so it's a bit of a Frankenstein. I'm currently designing the new, responsive one. Taking you off site to a listing with my competitors has always troubled me bit. I absolutely do need to keep the user on my page and keep the focus on a better click-through rate.  
I came from newspaper photojournalism, so I haven't built a studio yet. I'm a location shooter currently. The upside of having over a decade of journalism experience is I'm really good with people.  Over the last few years i think I've been able to augment that to a solid novice sales style. But it's time to move up a level. 

Awesome feedback. Really enjoying this community.  
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Any tips on promoting a social enterprise on G+? Are there any other social enterprises in the community? Would love to collaborate!
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Tammie McGlothlin profilfotójaAndrew Rulnick profilfotója
4 megjegyzés
The best tip I have for any business on G+, or really any social platform, is to relax and just be yourself.
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Hello everyone - just wanted to introduce myself + my company LSTN. We make high quality headphones handcrafted from reclaimed wood. For every pair sold we help restore hearing to a person in need through Starkey Hearing Foundation. Here's a short YouTube clip about our company!
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Bridget Hilton profilfotójaAndrew Rulnick profilfotójaBrett Willms profilfotója
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Thanks guys! I was actually inspired by a video I saw on YouTube of a woman hearing for the first time. Music has always been my entire life and I couldn't imagine life without it, so I wanted to make a product that gave hearing to those in need.
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Bay Area Tech Pros

Be Found Online  - 

Last year Bay Area Tech Pros closed our office in Pleasant hill and became a home-based business in Walnut Creek.

However, as of that time Google has completely failed to update the address and absolutely no leads have came from local maps in that time.

I've reported the issue to Google a number of times, and I've tried to fix it in MapMaker. Google has failed to respond and the mapmaker edits were denied with no research by people with 1000+ edits.

For months I am seeing the same notice:
"Edits to the page are pending. Edits may be reviewed for quality before publishing."

How long does this take? Could these edits possibly be reviewed by 2015? I have not been in that location since 2013, yet Google refuses to update it!

All in all, Google+ and Google local has failed this business consistently for over 5 years. Luckily, we provide excellent services and work off of word of mouth referrals - nonetheless, it would be great to be listed in the proper city as a provider of computer repair. If I could get some assistance with this here, that would be great, as I've exhausted all the automated options offered.
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Bay Area Tech Pros profilfotója
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+Michael Johnston
Yes, I have edited this address last year but it continues to display "Edits to the page are pending. Edits may be reviewed for quality before publishing."
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Hi! I'm new here but thought I'd jump right in seeking some advice. I am in the process of building a Wordpress blog. The trouble is, it's not true "Build it and they will come". :)

Does anyone have tips or ideas for SEO on Wordpress or anything on SEO for that matter?
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Kinsey Barnard profilfotójaBerrak Sarikaya profilfotójaNicholas M Cirelli profilfotója
11 megjegyzés
Hi +Kinsey Barnard, looks like you already got some great suggestions from your fellow community members. We recently had a Q&A on creating search-friendly websites with +Michael Johnston, and this recap may have some additional useful information for you:
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