OLIVER is MassGIS' premier online data viewer and download application. MassGIS also provides several specialized or theme-focused viewers. MassGIS' ArcGIS Online platform contains dozens of web services and several maps and applications. All are described below.

Developers can learn more about MassGIS Geospatial Web Services . State agencies interested in including GIS and mapping capabilities in their web sites should refer to MassGIS' Web Mapping Services Catalog.


Oliver Logo

OLIVER Screenshot


OLIVER is MassGIS' Online Data Viewer

  • Interactively display and query nearly all of MassGIS' data
  • Download up-to-date shapefiles from our database, with legend files
  • Overlay MassGIS data onto other basemaps such as Google Terrain

... And much more (see details below), all within your web browser.
Give it a try!

ArcGIS Online

MassGIS' ArcGIS Online Web mapping platform offers a wide collection of interactive maps and applications and map and feature services.

MassGIS ArcGIS Online home page screen

Specialized and Thematic Viewers

Also see other browser-based viewers, which include:
CZM Boston Harbor Habitat Atlas
CZM MORIS Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan
CZM Shoreline Change Project
DCR Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs)
DCR Dams
DCR Watershed Protection Act
DFG Wildlands Map
EEA Environmental Justice
EEA Wind Energy Site Screening Tool
EOHED Planning Ahead for Growth Mapping Tool
MassDEP Priority Resource
MassDEP Title 5 Setback Areas
MassDEP Water Supply Protection Areas
MassDEP Wetland and Wetland Change Areas
Mass. Audubon Butterfly Atlas
Mass. Audubon Breeding Bird Atlas
NHESP Priority, Estimated Habitat
Census 2000 Legislative District Browser

Details about OLIVER: 

Developed by MassGIS, CZM and SeaPlan (formerly Massachusetts Ocean Partnership), version 2.0 of OLIVER includes many enhancements and bug fixes:

  • Tiled Layers of fast-drawing cached (pre-rendered) datasets including Tax Parcels, Structures, and Detailed Features (transportation, infrastructure, etc.)
  • More basemaps including
  • Better printing
  • Streamlined data download process, with 3 ways to extract data (by bounding box, by drawn shape or by selected feature shape)
  • Ability to change the color of points, lines and polygons (within a limited palette)
  • Permalink URLs (to send or bookmark) that support color changes and opacity - so that the link you send exactly represents your map!
  • Ability to add selected external (from non-MassGIS servers) WMS layers
  • Dropdown to zoom directly to a city or town (OLIVER only)

Check out all the latest Enhancements and Upgrades

In addition to the above standard features, OLIVER is now more configurable to create custom viewers.
Along with adding custom datasets, titles, logos, default layers and geographic extent there is now also:

  • Capability to Draw and edit to live database layers (including optional snapping and splitting)
  • Configurability for many buttons and tools to be hidden if not needed
  • Dropdown options to zoom to extents; optionally narrow down dropdown choices within geographies

For state agencies MassGIS can design and host custom "OLIVER"s. For information, contact aleda.freeman@state.ma.us.
For more information on configuration options see OLIVER developers' documentation and configuration examples.
The OLIVER toolkit is an open source project that can be found on Google code as the "morisoliver" project.

Last Updated 11/7/2016