
Spectrum is the range of electromagnetic radio frequencies used to transmit sound, data, and video across the country. It is what carries voice between cell phones, television shows from broadcasters to your TV, and online information from one computer to the next, wirelessly. The Spectrum Dashboard allows new ways for citizens to search spectrum in the United States. The system allows you to find out how spectrum is being used, who owns spectrum licenses around the county, and what spectrum is available in your county. The following APIs represent a step toward improving how the FCC makes information available to the public.


This API accepts a frequency range and returns a list of the frequency bands along with a high level description of how the band is allocated and for what uses within the 225 MHz and 3700 MHz frequency range. The API returns the lower and upper frequencies of each band and a band description including the radio services operating within the band, whether the band is allocated for federal or non-federal use, and whether the band permits unlicensed operation.
This API has been updated to also return the search criteria and the date that the data in the Spectrum Dashboard database was last updated.
Example Request
Parameter Type Description
frequencyFrom optional string

If a frequency range is not provided then the API will return all spectrum bands falling within the 225 to 3700 MHz range. Both a lower and upper frequency value must be provided when entering search criteria.

frequencyTo optional string

If a frequency range is not provided then the API will return all spectrum bands falling within the 225 to 3700 MHz range. Both a lower and upper frequency value must be provided when entering search criteria.

pageNum optional string

Valid values: any integer > 0 (default 1)

sortColumn optional string

Valid values: lowerBand (default), upperBand, or desc

sortOrder optional string

Order of returned results.

Valid values: asc (default), desc

pageSize optional integer

Valid values: any integer > 0 (default 1000)

limit optional integer

Number of results.

Valid values: any integer > 0 (default 100)

format optional string

Format for the returned results.

Valid values: XML (default), JSON, JSONP

jsonCallback optional string

Default value is callback.

Error Response Codes
Code Description

The format is incorrect. The proper formats are XML, JSON or JSONP.


The limit must be an integer greater than 0.


The pageNum field must be between 1 and 500,000.


The sortOrder field must be either asc or desc..


The pageSize field must be between 1 and 1,000.


The sortColumn field must be lowerBand, upperBand or desc.


Both a lower and upper frequency value falling within the 225 to 3700 MHz frequency range must be specified.


No matches found based on search criteria.


This API returns a high level overview of who owns spectrum across the country within the 225 MHz to 3700 MHz frequency range in radio services deemed appropriate for mobile broadband use. The API returns the call sign, licensee name, common name, radio service code, radio service description, channel block, channel block frequency, market code and market description.
This API has been updated to also return the search criteria and the date that the data in the Spectrum Dashboard database was last updated.
Example Request
Parameter Type Description
name optional string

radioservice optional string

frequencyFrom optional string

frequencyTo optional string

country optional string

state optional string

pageNum optional string

Valid values: any integer > 0 (default 1)

sortColumn optional string

Valid values: callsign, licenseeName, commonName (default), radioServiceCode, rscDesc, channelBlock, frequencyLowerBand, frequencyUpperBand, marketcode, or marketDesc.

sortOrder optional string

Order of returned results.

Valid values: asc (default), desc

pageSize optional integer

Valid values: any integer > 0 (default 1000)

limit optional integer

Number of results.

Valid values: any integer > 0 (default 100)

format optional string

Format for the returned results.

Valid values: XML (default), JSON, JSONP

jsonCallback optional string

Default value is callback.

Error Response Codes
Code Description

The format is incorrect. The proper formats are XML, JSON or JSONP.


The limit must be an integer greater than 0.


The pageNum field must be between 1 and 500,000.


The sortColumn field must be callsign, licenseeName, commonName, radioServiceCode, rscDesc, channelBlock, frequencyLowerBand, frequencyUpperBand, marketCode, or marketDesc.


The sortOrder field must be either asc or desc.


The pageSize field must be between 1 and 1,000.


Only one name is allowed for a given API call. Wildcards are accepted.


Only one callsign is allowed for a given API call. Wildcards are accepted.


Both a lower and upper frequency value falling within the 225 to 3700 MHz frequency range must be specified.


All counties provided must fall within the same state. State code must contain 2 characters.


No matches found based on search criteria.