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Moniz Gets to Work as Secretary of Energy

May 21, 2013 - 1:20pm


Dr. Ernest Moniz was sworn in as the nation's 13th Secretary of Energy by Deputy Energy Secretary Daniel Poneman in a ceremony for the Department's employees and spoke of his vision for the Department's future.

This morning among friends, family and colleagues, Dr. Ernest Moniz was officially sworn in as the 13th United States Secretary of Energy.

“Today is a big day for the DOE family,” said Deputy Secretary Poneman during opening remarks at today’s ceremony.

“This is going to be a fabulously collaborative second term,” added John P. Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, shortly before Secretary Moniz took the stage.

After his swearing-in, Dr. Moniz shared his enthusiasm for the task at hand – expressing his commitment to advancing President Obama’s all-of-the-above energy strategy. He listed a variety of top priorities for his term as Secretary of Energy – from promoting American leadership in science and clean energy innovation to maintaining a safe and reliable nuclear stockpile.

Dr. Moniz closed his speech simply and to the point, “I hope we can all look back over the next three and a half years and say that we accomplished important work for the American people.”

Prior to his appointment, Secretary Moniz was the Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics and Engineering Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he was a faculty member since 1973. From 1997 until January 2001, Dr. Moniz served as Under Secretary of the Department of Energy.

To learn more about Secretary Moniz and to follow his progress as the 13th Secretary of Energy visit his Facebook and Twitter pages. Watch the video above for a full recap of today's swearing-in ceremony.
