
52.216-1 Type of Contract.

As prescribed in 16.105, complete and insert the following provision:

Type of Contract (Apr 1984)

The Government contemplates award of a _________ [Contracting Officer insert specific type of contract] contract resulting from this solicitation.

(End of provision)

52.216-2 Economic Price Adjustment—Standard Supplies.

As prescribed in 16.203-4(a), insert the following clause. The clause may be modified by increasing the 10 percent limit on aggregate increases specified in paragraph (c)(1), upon approval by the chief of the contracting office.

Economic Price Adjustment—Standard Supplies (Jan 1997)

(a) The Contractor warrants that the unit price stated in the Schedule for _________ [offeror insert Schedule line item number] is not in excess of the Contractor’s applicable established price in effect on the contract date for like quantities of the same item. The term “unit price” excludes any part of the price directly resulting from requirements for preservation, packaging, or packing beyond standard commercial practice. The term “established price” means a price that—

(1) Is an established catalog or market price for a commercial item sold in substantial quantities to the general public; and

(2) Is the net price after applying any standard trade discounts offered by the Contractor.

(b) The Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer of the amount and effective date of each decrease in any applicable established price. Each corresponding contract unit price shall be decreased by the same percentage that the established price is decreased. The decrease shall apply to those items delivered on and after the effective date of the decrease in the Contractor’s established price, and this contract shall be modified accordingly.

(c) If the Contractor’s applicable established price is increased after the contract date, the corresponding contract unit price shall be increased, upon the Contractor’s written request to the Contracting Officer, by the same percentage that the established price is increased, and the contract shall be modified accordingly, subject to the following limitations:

(1) The aggregate of the increases in any contract unit price under this clause shall not exceed 10 percent of the original contract unit price.

(2) The increased contract unit price shall be effective—

(i) On the effective date of the increase in the applicable established price if the Contracting Officer receives the Contractor’s written request within 10 days thereafter; or

(ii) If the written request is received later, on the date the Contracting Officer receives the request.

(3) The increased contract unit price shall not apply to quantities scheduled under the contract for delivery before the effective date of the increased contract unit price, unless failure to deliver before that date results from causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, within the meaning of the Default clause.

(4) No modification increasing a contract unit price shall be executed under this paragraph (c) until the Contracting Officer verifies the increase in the applicable established price.

(5) Within 30 days after receipt of the Contractor’s written request, the Contracting Officer may cancel, without liability to either party, any undelivered portion of the contract items affected by the requested increase.

(d) During the time allowed for the cancellation provided for in paragraph (c)(5) of this clause, and thereafter if there is no cancellation, the Contractor shall continue deliveries according to the contract delivery schedule, and the Government shall pay for such deliveries at the contract unit price, increased to the extent provided by paragraph (c) of this clause.

(End of clause)

52.216-3 Economic Price Adjustment—Semistandard Supplies.

As prescribed in 16.203-4(b), insert the following clause. The clause may be modified by increasing the 10 percent limit on aggregate increases specified in paragraph (c)(1), upon approval by the chief of the contracting office.

Economic Price Adjustment—Semistandard Supplies (Jan 1997)

(a) The Contractor warrants that the supplies identified as line items __________ [offeror insert Schedule line item number] in the Schedule are, except for modifications required by the contract specifications, supplies for which it has an established price. The term “established price” means a price that (1) is an established catalog or market price for a commercial item sold in substantial quantities to the general public, and (2) is the net price after applying any standard trade discounts offered by the Contractor. The Contractor further warrants that, as of the date of this contract, any difference between the unit prices stated in the contract for these line items and the Contractor’s established prices for like quantities of the nearest commercial equivalents are due to compliance with contract specifications and with any contract requirements for preservation, packaging, and packing beyond standard commercial practice.

(b) The Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer of the amount and effective date of each decrease in any applicable established price. Each corresponding contract unit price (exclusive of any part of the unit price that reflects modifications resulting from compliance with specifications or with requirements for preservation, packaging, and packing beyond standard commercial practice) shall be decreased by the same percentage that the established price is decreased. The decrease shall apply to those items delivered on and after the effective date of the decrease in the Contractor’s established price, and this contract shall be modified accordingly.

(c) If the Contractor’s applicable established price is increased after the contract date, the corresponding contract unit price (exclusive of any part of the unit price resulting from compliance with specifications or with requirements for preservation, packaging, and packing beyond standard commercial practice) shall be increased, upon the Contractor’s written request to the Contracting Officer, by the same percentage that the established price is increased, and the contract shall be modified accordingly, subject to the following limitations:

(1) The aggregate of the increases in any contract unit price under this clause shall not exceed 10 percent of the original contract unit price.

(2) The increased contract unit price shall be effective—

(i) On the effective date of the increase in the applicable established price if the Contracting Officer receives the Contractor’s written request within 10 days thereafter; or

(ii) If the written request is received later, on the date the Contracting Officer receives the request.

(3) The increased contract unit price shall not apply to quantities scheduled under the contract for delivery before the effective date of the increased contract unit price, unless failure to deliver before that date results from causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, within the meaning of the Default clause.

(4) No modification increasing a contract unit price shall be executed under this paragraph (c) until the Contracting Officer verifies the increase in the applicable established price.

(5) Within 30 days after receipt of the Contractor’s written request, the Contracting Officer may cancel, without liability to either party, any undelivered portion of the contract items affected by the requested increase.

(d) During the time allowed for the cancellation provided for in paragraph (c)(5) of this clause, and thereafter if there is no cancellation, the Contractor shall continue deliveries according to the contract delivery schedule, and the Government shall pay for such deliveries at the contract unit price, increased to the extent provided by paragraph (c) of this clause.

(End of clause)

52.216-4 Economic Price Adjustment—Labor and Material.

As prescribed in 16.203-4(c), when contracting by negotiation, insert a clause that is substantially the same as the following clause in solicitations and contracts when the conditions specified in 16.203-4(c)(1)(i) through (iv) apply (but see 16.203-4(c)(2)). The clause may be modified by increasing the 10-percent limit on aggregate increases specified in paragraph (c)(4), upon approval by the chief of the contracting office.

Economic Price Adjustment—Labor and Material (Jan 2017)

(a) The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer if, at any time during contract performance, the rate of pay for labor (including fringe benefits) or the unit prices for material shown in the Schedule either increase or decrease. The Contractor shall furnish this notice within 60 days after the increase or decrease, or within any additional period that the Contracting Officer may approve in writing, but not later than the date of final payment under this contract. The notice shall include the Contractor’s proposal for an adjustment in the contract unit prices to be negotiated under paragraph (b) of this clause, and shall include, in the form required by the Contracting Officer, supporting data explaining the cause, effective date, and amount of the increase or decrease and the amount of the Contractor’s adjustment proposal.

(b) Promptly after the Contracting Officer receives the notice and data under paragraph (a) of this clause, the Contracting Officer and the Contractor shall negotiate a price adjustment in the contract unit prices and its effective date. However, the Contracting Officer may postpone the negotiations until an accumulation of increases and decreases in the labor rates (including fringe benefits) and unit prices of material shown in the Schedule results in an adjustment allowable under paragraph (c)(3) of this clause. The Contracting Officer shall modify this contract (1) to include the price adjustment and its effective date and (2) to revise the labor rates (including fringe benefits) or unit prices of material as shown in the Schedule to reflect the increases or decreases resulting from the adjustment. The Contractor shall continue performance pending agreement on, or determination of, any adjustment and its effective date.

(c) Any price adjustment under this clause is subject to the following limitations:

(1) Any adjustment shall be limited to the effect on unit prices of the increases or decreases in the rates of pay for labor (including fringe benefits) or unit prices for material shown in the Schedule. There shall be no adjustment for—

(i) Supplies or services for which the production cost is not affected by such changes;

(ii) Changes in rates or unit prices other than those shown in the Schedule; or

(iii) Changes in the quantities of labor or material used from those shown in the Schedule for each item.

(2) No upward adjustment shall apply to supplies or services that are required to be delivered or performed before the effective date of the adjustment, unless the Contractor’s failure to deliver or perform according to the delivery schedule results from causes beyond the Contractor’s control and without its fault or negligence, within the meaning of the Default clause.

(3) There shall be no adjustment for any change in rates of pay for labor (including fringe benefits) or unit prices for material which would not result in a net change of at least 3 percent of the then-current total contract price. This limitation shall not apply, however, if, after final delivery of all line items, either party requests an adjustment under paragraph (b) of this clause.

(4) The aggregate of the increases in any contract unit price made under this clause shall not exceed 10 percent of the original unit price. There is no percentage limitation on the amount of decreases that may be made under this clause.

(d) The Contracting Officer may examine the Contractor’s books, records, and other supporting data relevant to the cost of labor (including fringe benefits) and material during all reasonable times until the end of 3 years after the date of final payment under this contract or the time periods specified in Subpart 4.7 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), whichever is earlier.

(End of clause)

52.216-5 Price Redetermination—Prospective.

As prescribed in 16.205-4, insert the following clause:

Price Redetermination—Prospective (Oct 1997)

(a) General. The unit prices and the total price stated in this contract shall be periodically redetermined in accordance with this clause, except that—

(1) The prices for supplies delivered and services performed before the first effective date of price redetermination (see paragraph (c) of this clause) shall remain fixed; and

(2) In no event shall the total amount paid under this contract exceed any ceiling price included in the contract.

(b) Definition. “Costs,” as used in this clause, means allowable costs in accordance with Part 31 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in effect on the date of this contract.

(c) Price redetermination periods. For the purpose of price redetermination, performance of this contract is divided into successive periods. The first period shall extend from the date of the contract to ________, (see Note (1)) and the second and each succeeding period shall extend for ________ [insert appropriate number] months from the end of the last preceding period, except that the parties may agree to vary the length of the final period. The first day of the second and each succeeding period shall be the effective date of price redetermination for that period.

(d) Data submission.

(1) Not more than _______ nor less than ______ (see Note (2)) days before the end of each redetermination period, except the last, the Contractor shall submit—

(i) Proposed prices for supplies that may be delivered or services that may be performed in the next succeeding period, and—

(A) An estimate and breakdown of the costs of these supplies or services in the format of Table 15-2, FAR 15.408, or in any other form on which the parties may agree;

(B) Sufficient data to support the accuracy and reliability of this estimate; and

(C) An explanation of the differences between this estimate and the original (or last preceding) estimate for the same supplies or services; and

(ii) A statement of all costs incurred in performing this contract through the end of the _______________ month (see Note (3)) before the submission of proposed prices in the format of Table 15-2, FAR 15.408 (or in any other form on which the parties may agree), with sufficient supporting data to disclose unit costs and cost trends for—

(A) Supplies delivered and services performed; and

(B) Inventories of work in process and undelivered contract supplies on hand (estimated to the extent necessary).

(2) The Contractor shall also submit, to the extent that it becomes available before negotiations on redetermined prices are concluded—

(i) Supplemental statements of costs incurred after the date stated in subdivision (d)(1)(ii) of this section for—

(A) Supplies delivered and services performed; and

(B) Inventories of work in process and undelivered contract supplies on hand (estimated to the extent necessary); and

(ii) Any other relevant data that the Contracting Officer may reasonably require.

(3) If the Contractor fails to submit the data required by paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section, within the time specified, the Contracting Officer may suspend payments under this contract until the data are furnished. If it is later determined that the Government has overpaid the Contractor, the Contractor shall repay the excess to the Government immediately. Unless repaid within 30 days after the end of the data submittal period, the amount of the excess shall bear interest, computed from the date the data were due to the date of repayment, at the rate established in accordance with the Interest clause.

(e) Price redetermination. Upon the Contracting Officer’s receipt of the data required by paragraph (d) of this section, the Contracting Officer and the Contractor shall promptly negotiate to redetermine fair and reasonable prices for supplies that may be delivered or services that may be performed in the period following the effective date of price redetermination.

(f) Contract modifications. Each negotiated redetermination of prices shall be evidenced by a modification to this contract, signed by the Contractor and the Contracting Officer, stating the redetermined prices that apply during the redetermination period.

(g) Adjusting billing prices. Pending execution of the contract modification (see paragraph (f) of this section), the Contractor shall submit invoices or vouchers in accordance with the billing prices stated in this contract. If at any time it appears that the then-current billing prices will be substantially greater than the estimated final prices, or if the Contractor submits data showing that the redetermined price will be substantially greater than the current billing prices, the parties shall negotiate an appropriate decrease or increase in billing prices. Any billing price adjustment shall be reflected in a contract modification and shall not affect the redetermination of prices under this clause. After the contract modification for price redetermination is executed, the total amount paid or to be paid on all invoices or vouchers shall be adjusted to reflect the agreed-upon prices, and any requested additional payments, refunds, or credits shall be made promptly.

(h) Quarterly limitation on payments statement. This paragraph (h) applies only during periods for which firm prices have not been established.

(1) Within 45 days after the end of the quarter of the Contractor’s fiscal year in which a delivery is first made (or services are first performed) and accepted by the Government under this contract, and for each quarter thereafter, the Contractor shall submit to the contract administration office (with a copy to the contracting office and the cognizant contract auditor) a statement, cumulative from the beginning of the contract, showing—

(i) The total contract price of all supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government and for which final prices have been established;

(ii) The total costs (estimated to the extent necessary) reasonably incurred for, and properly allocable solely to, the supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government and for which final prices have not been established;

(iii) The portion of the total interim profit (used in establishing the initial contract price or agreed to for the purpose of this paragraph (h)) that is in direct proportion to the supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government and for which final prices have not been established; and

(iv) The total amount of all invoices or vouchers for supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government (including amounts applied or to be applied to liquidate progress payments).

(2) The statement required by paragraph (h)(1) of this section need not be submitted for any quarter for which either no costs are to be reported under subdivision (h)(1)(ii) of this section, or revised billing prices have been established in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section, and do not exceed the existing contract price, the Contractor’s price-redetermination proposal, or a price based on the most recent quarterly statement, whichever is least.

(3) Notwithstanding any provision of this contract authorizing greater payments, if on any quarterly statement the amount under subdivision (h)(1)(iv) of this section exceeds the sum due the Contractor, as computed in accordance with subdivisions (h)(1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this section, the Contractor shall immediately refund or credit to the Government the amount of this excess. The Contractor may, when appropriate, reduce this refund or credit by the amount of any applicable tax credits due the Contractor under 26 U.S.C. 1481 and by the amount of previous refunds or credits affected under this clause. If any portion of the excess has been applied to the liquidation of progress payments, then that portion may, instead of being refunded, be added to the unliquidated progress payment account, consistent with the Progress Payments clause. The Contractor shall provide complete details to support any claimed reductions in refunds.

(4) If the Contractor fails to submit the quarterly statement within 45 days after the end of each quarter and it is later determined that the Government has overpaid the Contractor, the Contractor shall repay the excess to the Government immediately. Unless repaid within 30 days after the end of the statement submittal period, the amount of the excess shall bear interest, computed from the date the quarterly statement was due to the date of repayment, at the rate established in accordance with the Interest clause.

(i) Subcontracts. No subcontract placed under this contract may provide for payment on a cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost basis.

(j) Disagreements. If the Contractor and the Contracting Officer fail to agree upon redetermined prices for any price redetermination period within 60 days (or within such other period as the parties agree) after the date on which the data required by paragraph (d) of this section are to be submitted, the Contracting Officer shall promptly issue a decision in accordance with the Disputes clause. For the purpose of paragraphs (f), (g), and (h) of this section, and pending final settlement of the disagreement on appeal, by failure to appeal, or by agreement, this decision shall be treated as an executed contract modification. Pending final settlement, price redetermination for subsequent periods, if any, shall continue to be negotiated as provided in this clause.

(k) Termination. If this contract is terminated, prices shall continue to be established in accordance with this clause for (1) completed supplies and services accepted by the Government and (2) those supplies and services not terminated under a partial termination. All other elements of the termination shall be resolved in accordance with other applicable clauses of this contract.

(End of clause)


(1) Express in terms of units delivered, or as a date; but in either case the period should end on the last day of a month.

(2) Insert the number of days chosen so that the Contractor’s submission will be late enough to reflect recent cost experience (taking into account the Contractor’s accounting system), but early enough to permit review, audit (if necessary), and negotiation before the start of the prospective period.

(3) Insert “first,” except that “second” may be inserted if necessary to achieve compatibility with the Contractor’s accounting system.

52.216-6 Price Redetermination—Retroactive.

As prescribed in 16.206-4, insert the following clause:

Price Redetermination—Retroactive (Oct 1997)

(a) General. The unit price and the total price stated in this contract shall be redetermined in accordance with this clause, but in no event shall the total amount paid under this contract exceed __________ [insert dollar amount of ceiling price].

(b) Definition. “Costs,” as used in this clause, means allowable costs in accordance with Part 31 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in effect on the date of this contract.

(c) Data submission.

(1) Within ______ [Contracting Officer insert number of days] days after delivery of all supplies to be delivered and completion of all services to be performed under this contract, the Contractor shall submit—

(i) Proposed prices;

(ii) A statement in the format of Table 15-2, FAR 15.408, or in any other form on which the parties may agree, of all costs incurred in performing the contract; and

(iii) Any other relevant data that the Contracting Officer may reasonably require.

(2) If the Contractor fails to submit the data required by paragraph (c)(1) of this section within the time specified, the Contracting Officer may suspend payments under this contract until the data are furnished. If it is later determined that the Government has overpaid the Contractor, the excess shall be repaid to the Government immediately. Unless repaid within 30 days after the end of the data submittal period, the amount of the excess shall bear interest, computed from the date the data were due to the date of repayment, at the rate established in accordance with the Interest clause.

(d) Price determination. Upon the Contracting Officer’s receipt of the data required by paragraph (c) of this section, the Contracting Officer and the Contractor shall promptly negotiate to redetermine fair and reasonable prices for supplies delivered and services performed by the Contractor under this contract.

(e) Contract modification. The negotiated redetermination of price shall be evidenced by a modification to this contract, signed by the Contractor and the Contracting Officer.

(f) Adjusting billing prices. Pending execution of the contract modification (see paragraph (e) of this section), the Contractor shall submit invoices or vouchers in accordance with billing prices stated in this contract. If at any time it appears that the then-current billing prices will be substantially greater than the estimated final prices, or if the Contractor submits data showing that the redetermined prices will be substantially greater than the current billing prices, the parties shall negotiate an appropriate decrease or increase in billing prices. Any billing price adjustment shall be reflected in a contract modification and shall not affect the redetermination of prices under this clause. After the contract modification for price redetermination is executed, the total amount paid or to be paid on all invoices or vouchers shall be adjusted to reflect the agreed-upon prices, and any resulting additional payments, refunds, or credits shall be made promptly.

(g) Quarterly limitation on payments statement. This paragraph (g) shall apply until final price redetermination under this contract has been completed.

(1) Within 45 days after the end of the quarter of the Contractor’s fiscal year in which a delivery is first made (or services are first performed) and accepted by the Government under this contract, and for each quarter thereafter, the Contractor shall submit to the contract administration office (with a copy to the contracting office and the cognizant contract auditor), a statement, cumulative from the beginning of the contract, showing—

(i) The total contract price of all supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government and for which final prices have been established;

(ii) The total costs (estimated to the extent necessary) reasonably incurred for, and properly allocable solely to, the supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government and for which final prices have not been established;

(iii) The portion of the total interim profit (used in establishing the initial contract price or agreed to for the purpose of this paragraph (g)) that is in direct proportion to the supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government and for which final prices have not been established; and

(iv) The total amount of all invoices or vouchers for supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government (including amounts applied or to be applied to liquidate progress payments).

(2) Notwithstanding any provision of this contract authorizing greater payments, if on any quarterly statement the amount under subdivision (g)(1)(iv) of this section exceeds the sum due the Contractor, as computed in accordance with subdivisions (g)(1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this section, the Contractor shall immediately refund or credit to the Government the amount of this excess. The Contractor may, when appropriate, reduce this refund or credit by the amount of any applicable tax credits due the contractor under 26 U.S.C. 1481 and by the amount of previous refunds or credits effected under this clause. If any portion of the excess has been applied to the liquidation of progress payments, then that portion may, instead of being refunded, be added to the unliquidated progress payment account, consistent with the Progress Payments clause. The Contractor shall provide complete details to support any claimed reduction in refunds.

(3) If the Contractor fails to submit the quarterly statement within 45 days after the end of each quarter and it is later determined that the Government has overpaid the Contractor, the Contractor shall repay the excess to the Government immediately. Unless repaid within 30 days after the end of the statement submittal period, the amount of the excess shall bear interest, computed from the date the quarterly statement was due to the date of repayment, at the rate established in accordance with the Interest clause.

(h) Subcontracts. No subcontract placed under this contract may provide for payment on a cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost basis.

(i) Disagreements. If the Contractor and the Contracting Officer fail to agree upon redetermined prices within 60 days (or within such other period as the parties agree) after the date on which the data required by paragraph (c) of this section are to be submitted, the Contracting Officer shall promptly issue a decision in accordance with the Disputes clause. For the purpose of paragraphs (e), (f), and (g) of this section, and pending final settlement of the disagreement on appeal, by failure to appeal, or by agreement, this decision shall be treated as an executed contract modification.

(j) Termination. If this contract is terminated before price redetermination, prices shall be established in accordance with this clause for completed supplies and services not terminated. All other elements of the termination shall be resolved in accordance with other applicable clauses of this contract.

(End of clause)

52.216-7 Allowable Cost and Payment.

As prescribed in 16.307(a), insert the following clause:

Allowable Cost and Payment (Jun 2013)

(a) Invoicing.

(1) The Government will make payments to the Contractor when requested as work progresses, but (except for small business concerns) not more often than once every 2 weeks, in amounts determined to be allowable by the Contracting Officer in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 31.2 in effect on the date of this contract and the terms of this contract. The Contractor may submit to an authorized representative of the Contracting Officer, in such form and reasonable detail as the representative may require, an invoice or voucher supported by a statement of the claimed allowable cost for performing this contract.

(2) Contract financing payments are not subject to the interest penalty provisions of the Prompt Payment Act. Interim payments made prior to the final payment under the contract are contract financing payments, except interim payments if this contract contains Alternate I to the clause at 52.232-25.

(3) The designated payment office will make interim payments for contract financing on the _________ [Contracting Officer insert day as prescribed by agency head; if not prescribed, insert "30th"] day after the designated billing office receives a proper payment request. In the event that the Government requires an audit or other review of a specific payment request to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, the designated payment office is not compelled to make payment by the specified due date.

(b) Reimbursing costs.

(1) For the purpose of reimbursing allowable costs (except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this clause, with respect to pension, deferred profit sharing, and employee stock ownership plan contributions), the term “costs” includes only—

(i) Those recorded costs that, at the time of the request for reimbursement, the Contractor has paid by cash, check, or other form of actual payment for items or services purchased directly for the contract;

(ii) When the Contractor is not delinquent in paying costs of contract performance in the ordinary course of business, costs incurred, but not necessarily paid, for—

(A) Supplies and services purchased directly for the contract and associated financing payments to subcontractors, provided payments determined due will be made—

(1) In accordance with the terms and conditions of a subcontract or invoice; and

(2) Ordinarily within 30 days of the submission of the Contractor’s payment request to the Government;

(B) Materials issued from the Contractor’s inventory and placed in the production process for use on the contract;

(C) Direct labor;

(D) Direct travel;

(E) Other direct in-house costs; and

(F) Properly allocable and allowable indirect costs, as shown in the records maintained by the Contractor for purposes of obtaining reimbursement under Government contracts; and

(iii) The amount of financing payments that have been paid by cash, check, or other forms of payment to subcontractors.

(2) Accrued costs of Contractor contributions under employee pension plans shall be excluded until actually paid unless—

(i) The Contractor’s practice is to make contributions to the retirement fund quarterly or more frequently; and

(ii) The contribution does not remain unpaid 30 days after the end of the applicable quarter or shorter payment period (any contribution remaining unpaid shall be excluded from the Contractor’s indirect costs for payment purposes).

(3) Notwithstanding the audit and adjustment of invoices or vouchers under paragraph (g) of this clause, allowable indirect costs under this contract shall be obtained by applying indirect cost rates established in accordance with paragraph (d) of this clause.

(4) Any statements in specifications or other documents incorporated in this contract by reference designating performance of services or furnishing of materials at the Contractor’s expense or at no cost to the Government shall be disregarded for purposes of cost-reimbursement under this clause.

(c) Small business concerns. A small business concern may receive more frequent payments than every 2 weeks.

(d) Final indirect cost rates.

(1) Final annual indirect cost rates and the appropriate bases shall be established in accordance with Subpart 42.7 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in effect for the period covered by the indirect cost rate proposal.

(2)(i) The Contractor shall submit an adequate final indirect cost rate proposal to the Contracting Officer (or cognizant Federal agency official) and auditor within the 6-month period following the expiration of each of its fiscal years. Reasonable extensions, for exceptional circumstances only, may be requested in writing by the Contractor and granted in writing by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall support its proposal with adequate supporting data.

(ii) The proposed rates shall be based on the Contractor’s actual cost experience for that period. The appropriate Government representative and the Contractor shall establish the final indirect cost rates as promptly as practical after receipt of the Contractor’s proposal.

(iii) An adequate indirect cost rate proposal shall include the following data unless otherwise specified by the cognizant Federal agency official:

(A) Summary of all claimed indirect expense rates, including pool, base, and calculated indirect rate.

(B) General and Administrative expenses (final indirect cost pool). Schedule of claimed expenses by element of cost as identified in accounting records (Chart of Accounts).

(C) Overhead expenses (final indirect cost pool). Schedule of claimed expenses by element of cost as identified in accounting records (Chart of Accounts) for each final indirect cost pool.

(D) Occupancy expenses (intermediate indirect cost pool). Schedule of claimed expenses by element of cost as identified in accounting records (Chart of Accounts) and expense reallocation to final indirect cost pools.

(E) Claimed allocation bases, by element of cost, used to distribute indirect costs.

(F) Facilities capital cost of money factors computation.

(G) Reconciliation of books of account (i.e., General Ledger) and claimed direct costs by major cost element.

(H) Schedule of direct costs by contract and subcontract and indirect expense applied at claimed rates, as well as a subsidiary schedule of Government participation percentages in each of the allocation base amounts.

(I) Schedule of cumulative direct and indirect costs claimed and billed by contract and subcontract.

(J) Subcontract information. Listing of subcontracts awarded to companies for which the contractor is the prime or upper-tier contractor (include prime and subcontract numbers; subcontract value and award type; amount claimed during the fiscal year; and the subcontractor name, address, and point of contact information).

(K) Summary of each time-and-materials and labor-hour contract information, including labor categories, labor rates, hours, and amounts; direct materials; other direct costs; and, indirect expense applied at claimed rates.

(L) Reconciliation of total payroll per IRS form 941 to total labor costs distribution.

(M) Listing of decisions/agreements/approvals and description of accounting/organizational changes.

(N) Certificate of final indirect costs (see 52.242-4, Certification of Final Indirect Costs).

(O) Contract closing information for contracts physically completed in this fiscal year (include contract number, period of performance, contract ceiling amounts, contract fee computations, level of effort, and indicate if the contract is ready to close).

(iv) The following supplemental information is not required to determine if a proposal is adequate, but may be required during the audit process:

(A) Comparative analysis of indirect expense pools detailed by account to prior fiscal year and budgetary data.

(B) General organizational information and limitation on allowability of compensation for certain contractor personnel. See 31.205-6(p). Additional salary reference information is available at

(C) Identification of prime contracts under which the contractor performs as a subcontractor.

(D) Description of accounting system (excludes contractors required to submit a CAS Disclosure Statement or contractors where the description of the accounting system has not changed from the previous year’s submission).

(E) Procedures for identifying and excluding unallowable costs from the costs claimed and billed (excludes contractors where the procedures have not changed from the previous year’s submission).

(F) Certified financial statements and other financial data (e.g., trial balance, compilation, review, etc.).

(G) Management letter from outside CPAs concerning any internal control weaknesses.

(H) Actions that have been and/or will be implemented to correct the weaknesses described in the management letter from subparagraph (G) of this section.

(I) List of all internal audit reports issued since the last disclosure of internal audit reports to the Government.

(J) Annual internal audit plan of scheduled audits to be performed in the fiscal year when the final indirect cost rate submission is made.

(K) Federal and State income tax returns.

(L) Securities and Exchange Commission 10-K annual report.

(M) Minutes from board of directors meetings.

(N) Listing of delay claims and termination claims submitted which contain costs relating to the subject fiscal year.

(O) Contract briefings, which generally include a synopsis of all pertinent contract provisions, such as: contract type, contract amount, product or service(s) to be provided, contract performance period, rate ceilings, advance approval requirements, pre-contract cost allowability limitations, and billing limitations.

(v) The Contractor shall update the billings on all contracts to reflect the final settled rates and update the schedule of cumulative direct and indirect costs claimed and billed, as required in paragraph (d)(2)(iii)(I) of this section, within 60 days after settlement of final indirect cost rates.

(3) The Contractor and the appropriate Government representative shall execute a written understanding setting forth the final indirect cost rates. The understanding shall specify (i) the agreed-upon final annual indirect cost rates, (ii) the bases to which the rates apply, (iii) the periods for which the rates apply, (iv) any specific indirect cost items treated as direct costs in the settlement, and (v) the affected contract and/or subcontract, identifying any with advance agreements or special terms and the applicable rates. The understanding shall not change any monetary ceiling, contract obligation, or specific cost allowance or disallowance provided for in this contract. The understanding is incorporated into this contract upon execution.

(4) Failure by the parties to agree on a final annual indirect cost rate shall be a dispute within the meaning of the Disputes clause.

(5) Within 120 days (or longer period if approved in writing by the Contracting Officer) after settlement of the final annual indirect cost rates for all years of a physically complete contract, the Contractor shall submit a completion invoice or voucher to reflect the settled amounts and rates. The completion invoice or voucher shall include settled subcontract amounts and rates. The prime contractor is responsible for settling subcontractor amounts and rates included in the completion invoice or voucher and providing status of subcontractor audits to the contracting officer upon request.

(6)(i) If the Contractor fails to submit a completion invoice or voucher within the time specified in paragraph (d)(5) of this clause, the Contracting Officer may—

(A) Determine the amounts due to the Contractor under the contract; and

(B) Record this determination in a unilateral modification to the contract.

(ii) This determination constitutes the final decision of the Contracting Officer in accordance with the Disputes clause.

(e) Billing rates. Until final annual indirect cost rates are established for any period, the Government shall reimburse the Contractor at billing rates established by the Contracting Officer or by an authorized representative (the cognizant auditor), subject to adjustment when the final rates are established. These billing rates—

(1) Shall be the anticipated final rates; and

(2) May be prospectively or retroactively revised by mutual agreement, at either party’s request, to prevent substantial overpayment or underpayment.

(f) Quick-closeout procedures. Quick-closeout procedures are applicable when the conditions in FAR 42.708(a) are satisfied.

(g) Audit. At any time or times before final payment, the Contracting Officer may have the Contractor’s invoices or vouchers and statements of cost audited. Any payment may be—

(1) Reduced by amounts found by the Contracting Officer not to constitute allowable costs; or

(2) Adjusted for prior overpayments or underpayments.

(h) Final payment.

(1) Upon approval of a completion invoice or voucher submitted by the Contractor in accordance with paragraph (d)(5) of this clause, and upon the Contractor’s compliance with all terms of this contract, the Government shall promptly pay any balance of allowable costs and that part of the fee (if any) not previously paid.

(2) The Contractor shall pay to the Government any refunds, rebates, credits, or other amounts (including interest, if any) accruing to or received by the Contractor or any assignee under this contract, to the extent that those amounts are properly allocable to costs for which the Contractor has been reimbursed by the Government. Reasonable expenses incurred by the Contractor for securing refunds, rebates, credits, or other amounts shall be allowable costs if approved by the Contracting Officer. Before final payment under this contract, the Contractor and each assignee whose assignment is in effect at the time of final payment shall execute and deliver—

(i) An assignment to the Government, in form and substance satisfactory to the Contracting Officer, of refunds, rebates, credits, or other amounts (including interest, if any) properly allocable to costs for which the Contractor has been reimbursed by the Government under this contract; and

(ii) A release discharging the Government, its officers, agents, and employees from all liabilities, obligations, and claims arising out of or under this contract, except—

(A) Specified claims stated in exact amounts, or in estimated amounts when the exact amounts are not known;

(B) Claims (including reasonable incidental expenses) based upon liabilities of the Contractor to third parties arising out of the performance of this contract; provided, that the claims are not known to the Contractor on the date of the execution of the release, and that the Contractor gives notice of the claims in writing to the Contracting Officer within 6 years following the release date or notice of final payment date, whichever is earlier; and

(C) Claims for reimbursement of costs, including reasonable incidental expenses, incurred by the Contractor under the patent clauses of this contract, excluding, however, any expenses arising from the Contractor’s indemnification of the Government against patent liability.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Feb 1997). As prescribed in 16.307(a)(2), substitute the following paragraph (b)(1)(iii) for paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of the basic clause:

(iii) The amount of progress and other payments to the Contractor’s subcontractors that either have been paid, or that the Contractor is required to pay pursuant to the clause of this contract entitled “Prompt Payment for Construction Contracts.” Payments shall be made by cash, check, or other form of payment to the Contractor’s subcontractors under similar cost standards.

Alternate II (Aug 2012). As prescribed in 16.307(a)(3), substitute the following paragraph (a)(1) for paragraph (a)(1) of the basic clause:

(a)(1) The Government will make payments to the Contractor when requested as work progresses, but not more often than once every two weeks, in amounts determined to be allowable by the Contracting Officer in accordance with subpart 31.3 in effect on the date of this contract and the terms of this contract. The Contractor may submit to an authorized representative of the Contracting Officer, in such form and reasonable detail as the representative may require, an invoice or voucher supported by a statement of the claimed allowable cost for performing this contract.

Alternate III (Aug 2012). As prescribed in 16.307(a)(4), substitute the following paragraph (a)(1) for paragraph (a)(1) of the basic clause:

(a)(1) The Government will make payments to the Contractor when requested as work progresses, but not more often than once every two weeks, in amounts determined to be allowable by the Contracting Officer in accordance with subpart 31.6 in effect on the date of this contract and the terms of this contract. The Contractor may submit to an authorized representative of the Contracting Officer, in such form and reasonable detail as the representative may require, an invoice or voucher supported by a statement of the claimed allowable cost for performing this contract.

Alternate IV (Aug 2012). As prescribed in 16.307(a)(5), substitute the following paragraph (a)(1) for paragraph (a)(1) of the basic clause:

(a)(1) The Government will make payments to the Contractor when requested as work progresses, but not more often than once every two weeks, in amounts determined to be allowable by the Contracting Officer in accordance with subpart 31.7 in effect on the date of this contract and the terms of this contract. The Contractor may submit to an authorized representative of the Contracting Officer, in such form and reasonable detail as the representative may require, an invoice or voucher supported by a statement of the claimed allowable cost for performing this contract.

52.216-8 Fixed Fee.

As prescribed in 16.307(b), insert the following clause:

Fixed Fee (Jun 2011)

(a) The Government shall pay the Contractor for performing this contract the fixed fee specified in the Schedule.

(b) Payment of the fixed fee shall be made as specified in the Schedule; provided that the Contracting Officer withholds a reserve not to exceed 15 percent of the total fixed fee or $100,000, whichever is less, to protect the Government’s interest. The Contracting Officer shall release 75 percent of all fee withholds under this contract after receipt of an adequate certified final indirect cost rate proposal covering the year of physical completion of this contract, provided the Contractor has satisfied all other contract terms and conditions, including the submission of the final patent and royalty reports, and is not delinquent in submitting final vouchers on prior years’ settlements. The Contracting Officer may release up to 90 percent of the fee withholds under this contract based on the Contractor’s past performance related to the submission and settlement of final indirect cost rate proposals.

(End of clause)

52.216-9 Fixed Fee—Construction.

As prescribed in 16.307(c), insert the following clause:

Fixed Fee—Construction (Jun 2011)

(a) The Government shall pay to the Contractor for performing this contract the fixed fee specified in the Schedule.

(b) Payment of the fixed fee shall be made in installments based upon the percentage of completion of the work as determined from estimates submitted to and approved by the Contracting Officer, but subject to the withholding provisions of paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) The Contracting Officer shall withhold a reserve not to exceed 15 percent of the total fixed fee or $100,000, whichever is less, to protect the Government’s interest. The Contracting Officer shall release 75 percent of all fee withholds under this contract after receipt of an adequate certified final indirect cost rate proposal covering the year of physical completion of this contract, provided the Contractor has satisfied all other contract terms and conditions, including the submission of the final patent and royalty reports, and is not delinquent in submitting final vouchers on prior years’ settlements. The Contracting Officer may release up to 90 percent of the fee withholds under this contract based on the Contractor’s past performance related to the submission and settlement of final indirect cost rate proposals.

(End of clause)

52.216-10 Incentive Fee.

As prescribed in 16.307(d), insert the following clause:

Incentive Fee (Jun 2011)

(a) General. The Government shall pay the Contractor for performing this contract a fee determined as provided in this contract.

(b) Target cost and target fee. The target cost and target fee specified in the Schedule are subject to adjustment if the contract is modified in accordance with paragraph (d) of this clause.

(1) “Target cost,” as used in this contract, means the estimated cost of this contract as initially negotiated, adjusted in accordance with paragraph (d) of this clause.

(2) “Target fee,” as used in this contract, means the fee initially negotiated on the assumption that this contract would be performed for a cost equal to the estimated cost initially negotiated, adjusted in accordance with paragraph (d) of this clause.

(c) Withholding of payment.

(1) Normally, the Government shall pay the fee to the Contractor as specified in the Schedule. However, when the Contracting Officer considers that performance or cost indicates that the Contractor will not achieve target, the Government shall pay on the basis of an appropriate lesser fee. When the Contractor demonstrates that performance or cost clearly indicates that the Contractor will earn a fee significantly above the target fee, the Government may, at the sole discretion of the Contracting Officer, pay on the basis of an appropriate higher fee.

(2) Payment of the incentive fee shall be made as specified in the Schedule; provided that the Contracting Officer withholds a reserve not to exceed 15 percent of the total incentive fee or $100,000, whichever is less, to protect the Government’s interest. The Contracting Officer shall release 75 percent of all fee withholds under this contract after receipt of an adequate certified final indirect cost rate proposal covering the year of physical completion of this contract, provided the Contractor has satisfied all other contract terms and conditions, including the submission of the final patent and royalty reports, and is not delinquent in submitting final vouchers on prior years’ settlements. The Contracting Officer may release up to 90 percent of the fee withholds under this contract based on the Contractor’s past performance related to the submission and settlement of final indirect cost rate proposals.

(d) Equitable adjustments. When the work under this contract is increased or decreased by a modification to this contract or when any equitable adjustment in the target cost is authorized under any other clause, equitable adjustments in the target cost, target fee, minimum fee, and maximum fee, as appropriate, shall be stated in a supplemental agreement to this contract.

(e) Fee payable.

(1) The fee payable under this contract shall be the target fee increased by _____ [Contracting Officer insert Contractor’s participation] cents for every dollar that the total allowable cost is less than the target cost or decreased by ______ [Contracting Officer insert Contractor’s participation] cents for every dollar that the total allowable cost exceeds the target cost. In no event shall the fee be greater than ____________ [Contracting Officer insert percentage] percent or less than _________________ [Contracting Officer insert percentage] percent of the target cost.

(2) The fee shall be subject to adjustment, to the extent provided in paragraph (d) of this clause, and within the minimum and maximum fee limitations in paragraph (e)(1) of this clause, when the total allowable cost is increased or decreased as a consequence of—

(i) Payments made under assignments; or

(ii) Claims excepted from the release as required by paragraph (h)(2) of the Allowable Cost and Payment clause.

(3) If this contract is terminated in its entirety, the portion of the target fee payable shall not be subject to an increase or decrease as provided in this paragraph. The termination shall be accomplished in accordance with other applicable clauses of this contract.

(4) For the purpose of fee adjustment, “total allowable cost” shall not include allowable costs arising out of—

(i) Any of the causes covered by the Excusable Delays clause to the extent that they are beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor or any subcontractor;

(ii) The taking effect, after negotiating the target cost, of a statute, court decision, written ruling, or regulation that results in the Contractor’s being required to pay or bear the burden of any tax or duty or rate increase in a tax or duty;

(iii) Any direct cost attributed to the Contractor’s involvement in litigation as required by the Contracting Officer pursuant to a clause of this contract, including furnishing evidence and information requested pursuant to the Notice and Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement clause;

(iv) The purchase and maintenance of additional insurance not in the target cost and required by the Contracting Officer, or claims for reimbursement for liabilities to third persons pursuant to the Insurance Liability to Third Persons clause;

(v) Any claim, loss, or damage resulting from a risk for which the Contractor has been relieved of liability by the Government Property clause; or

(vi) Any claim, loss, or damage resulting from a risk defined in the contract as unusually hazardous or as a nuclear risk and against which the Government has expressly agreed to indemnify the Contractor.

(5) All other allowable costs are included in “total allowable cost” for fee adjustment in accordance with this paragraph (e), unless otherwise specifically provided in this contract.

(f) Contract modification. The total allowable cost and the adjusted fee determined as provided in this clause shall be evidenced by a modification to this contract signed by the Contractor and Contracting Officer.

(g) Inconsistencies. In the event of any language inconsistencies between this clause and provisioning documents or Government options under this contract, compensation for spare parts or other supplies and services ordered under such documents shall be determined in accordance with this clause.

(End of clause)

52.216-11 Cost Contract—No Fee.

As prescribed in 16.307(e), insert the clause in solicitations and contracts when a cost-reimbursement contract is contemplated that provides no fee and is not a cost-sharing contract. This clause may be modified by substituting “$10,000” in lieu of “$100,000” as the maximum reserve in paragraph (b) if the Contractor is a nonprofit organization.

Cost Contract—No Fee (Apr 1984)

(a) The Government shall not pay the Contractor a fee for performing this contract.

(b) After payment of 80 percent of the total estimated cost shown in the Schedule, the Contracting Officer may withhold further payment of allowable cost until a reserve is set aside in an amount that the Contracting Officer considers necessary to protect the Government’s interest. This reserve shall not exceed one percent of the total estimated cost shown in the Schedule or $100,000, whichever is less.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). In a contract for research and development with an educational institution or a nonprofit organization, for which the Contracting Officer has determined that withholding of a portion of allowable costs is not required, delete paragraph (b) of the basic clause.

52.216-12 Cost-Sharing Contract—No Fee.

As prescribed in 16.307(f), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when a cost-sharing contract is contemplated. This clause may be modified by substituting “$10,000” in lieu of “$100,000” as the maximum reserve in paragraph (b) if the contract is with a nonprofit organization.

Cost Sharing Contract—No Fee (Apr 1984)

(a) The Government shall not pay to the Contractor a fee for performing this contract.

(b) After paying 80 percent of the Government’s share of the total estimated cost of performance shown in the Schedule, the Contracting Officer may withhold further payment of allowable cost until a reserve is set aside in an amount that the Contracting Officer considers necessary to protect the Government’s interest. This reserve shall not exceed one percent of the Government’s share of the total estimated cost shown in the Schedule or $100,000, whichever is less.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). In a contract for research and development with an educational institution, for which the contracting officer has determined that withholding of a portion of allowable cost is not required, delete paragraph (b) of the basic clause.

52.216-13 [Reserved]

52.216-14 [Reserved]

52.216-15 Predetermined Indirect Cost Rates.

As prescribed in 16.307(g), insert the following clause:

Predetermined Indirect Cost Rates (Apr 1998)

(a) Notwithstanding the Allowable Cost and Payment clause of this contract, the allowable indirect costs under this contract shall be obtained by applying predetermined indirect cost rates to bases agreed upon by the parties, as specified below.

(b)(1) The Contractor shall submit an adequate final indirect cost rate proposal to the Contracting Officer (or cognizant Federal agency official) and auditor within the 6-month period following the expiration of each of its fiscal years. Reasonable extensions, for exceptional circumstances only, may be requested in writing by the Contractor and granted in writing by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall support its proposal with adequate supporting data.

(2) The proposed rates shall be based on the Contractor’s actual cost experience for that period. The appropriate Government representative and the Contractor shall establish the final indirect cost rates as promptly as practical after receipt of the Contractor’s proposal.

(c) Allowability of costs and acceptability of cost allocation methods shall be determined in accordance with FAR Subpart 31.3 in effect on the date of this contract.

(d) Predetermined rate agreements in effect on the date of this contract shall be incorporated into the contract Schedule. The Contracting Officer (or cognizant Federal agency official) and Contractor shall negotiate rates for subsequent periods and execute a written indirect cost rate agreement setting forth the results. The agreement shall specify (1) the agreed-upon predetermined indirect cost rates, (2) the bases to which the rates apply, (3) the period for which the rates apply, and (4) the specific items treated as direct costs or any changes in the items previously agreed to be direct costs. The indirect cost rate agreement shall not change any monetary ceiling, contract obligation, or specific cost allowance or disallowance provided for in this contract. The agreement is incorporated into this contract upon execution.

(e) Pending establishment of predetermined indirect cost rates for any fiscal year (or other period agreed to by the parties), the Contractor shall be reimbursed either at the rates fixed for the previous fiscal year (or other period) or at billing rates acceptable to the Contracting Officer (or cognizant Federal agency official), subject to appropriate adjustment when the final rates for that period are established.

(f) Any failure by the parties to agree on any predetermined indirect cost rates under this clause shall not be considered a dispute within the meaning of the Disputes clause. If for any fiscal year (or other period specified in the Schedule) the parties fail to agree to predetermined indirect cost rates, the allowable indirect costs shall be obtained by applying final indirect cost rates established in accordance with the Allowable Cost and Payment clause.

(g) Allowable indirect costs for the period from the beginning of performance until the end of the Contractor’s fiscal year (or other period specified in the Schedule) shall be obtained using the predetermined indirect cost rates and the bases shown in the Schedule.

(End of clause)

52.216-16 Incentive Price Revision—Firm Target.

As prescribed in 16.406(a), insert the following clause:

Incentive Price Revision—Firm Target (Oct 1997)

(a) General. The supplies or services identified in the Schedule as Items _______ [Contracting Officer insert Schedule line item numbers] are subject to price revision in accordance with this clause; provided, that in no event shall the total final price of these items exceed the ceiling price of ________ dollars ($_____). Any supplies or services that are to be (1) ordered separately under, or otherwise added to, this

contract and (2) subject to price revision in accordance with the terms of this clause shall be identified as such in a modification to this contract.

(b) Definition. “Costs,” as used in this clause, means allowable costs in accordance with Part 31 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in effect on the date of this contract.

(c) Data submission.

(1) Within __________________ [Contracting Officer insert number of days] days after the end of the month in which the Contractor has delivered the last unit of supplies and completed the services specified by item number in paragraph (a) of this clause, the Contractor shall submit in the format of Table 15-2, FAR 15.408, or in any other form on which the parties agree—

(i) A detailed statement of all costs incurred up to the end of that month in performing all work under the items;

(ii) An estimate of costs of further performance, if any, that may be necessary to complete performance of all work under the items;

(iii) A list of all residual inventory and an estimate of its value; and

(iv) Any other relevant data that the Contracting Officer may reasonably require.

(2) If the Contractor fails to submit the data required by paragraph (c)(1) of this clause within the time specified and it is later determined that the Government has overpaid the Contractor, the Contractor shall repay the excess to the Government immediately. Unless repaid within 30 days after the end of the data submittal period, the amount of the excess shall bear interest, computed from the date the data were due to the date of repayment, at the rate established in accordance with the Interest clause.

(d) Price revision. Upon the Contracting Officer’s receipt of the data required by paragraph (c) of this clause, the Contracting Officer and the Contractor shall promptly establish the total final price of the items specified in (a) of this clause by applying to final negotiated cost an adjustment for profit or loss, as follows:

(1) On the basis of the information required by paragraph (c) of this clause, together with any other pertinent information, the parties shall negotiate the total final cost incurred or to be incurred for supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government and which are subject to price revision under this clause.

(2) The total final price shall be established by applying to the total final negotiated cost an adjustment for profit or loss, as follows:

(i) If the total final negotiated cost is equal to the total target cost, the adjustment is the total target profit.

(ii) If the total final negotiated cost is greater than the total target cost, the adjustment is the total target profit, less ______ [Contracting Officer insert percent] percent of the amount by which the total final negotiated cost exceeds the total target cost.

(iii) If the final negotiated cost is less than the total target cost, the adjustment is the total target profit plus _____ [Contracting Officer insert percent] percent of the amount by which the total final negotiated cost is less than the total target cost.

(e) Contract modification. The total final price of the items specified in paragraph (a) of this clause shall be evidenced by a modification to this contract, signed by the Contractor and the Contracting Officer. This price shall not be subject to revision, notwithstanding any changes in the cost of performing the contract, except to the extent that—

(1) The parties may agree in writing, before the determination of total final price, to exclude specific elements of cost from this price and to a procedure for subsequent disposition of those elements; and

(2) Adjustments or credits are explicitly permitted or required by this or any other clause in this contract.

(f) Adjusting billing prices.

(1) Pending execution of the contract modification (see paragraph (e) of this clause), the Contractor shall submit invoices or vouchers in accordance with billing prices as provided in this paragraph. The billing prices shall be the target prices shown in this contract.

(2) If at any time it appears from information provided by the contractor under paragraph (g)(2) of this clause that the then-current billing prices will be substantially greater than the estimated final prices, the parties shall negotiate a reduction in the billing prices. Similarly, the parties may negotiate an increase in billing prices by any or all of the difference between the target prices and the ceiling price, upon the Contractor’s submission of factual data showing that final cost under this contract will be substantially greater than the target cost.

(3) Any billing price adjustment shall be reflected in a contract modification and shall not affect the determination of the total final price under paragraph (d) of this clause. After the contract modification establishing the total final price is executed, the total amount paid or to be paid on all invoices or vouchers shall be adjusted to reflect the total final price, and any resulting additional payments, refunds, or credits shall be made promptly.

(g) Quarterly limitation on payments statement. This paragraph (g) shall apply until final price revision under this contract has been completed.

(1) Within 45 days after the end of each quarter of the Contractor’s fiscal year in which a delivery is first made (or services are first performed) and accepted by the Government under this contract, and for each quarter thereafter, the Contractor shall submit to the contract administration office (with a copy to the contracting office and the cognizant contract auditor) a statement, cumulative from the beginning of the contract, showing—

(i) The total contract price of all supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government and for which final prices have been established;

(ii) The total costs (estimated to the extent necessary) reasonably incurred for, and properly allocable solely to, the supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government and for which final prices have not been established;

(iii) The portion of the total target profit (used in establishing the initial contract price or agreed to for the purpose of this paragraph (g)) that is in direct proportion to the supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government and for which final prices have not been established—increased or decreased in accordance with paragraph (d)(2) of this clause, when the amount stated under subdivision (g)(1)(ii) of this clause differs from the aggregate target costs of the supplies or services; and

(iv) The total amount of all invoices or vouchers for supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government (including amounts applied or to be applied to liquidate progress payments).

(2) Notwithstanding any provision of this contract authorizing greater payments, if on any quarterly statement the amount under subdivision (g)(1)(iv) of this clause exceeds the sum due the Contractor, as computed in accordance with subdivisions (g)(1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this clause, the Contractor shall immediately refund or credit to the Government the amount of this excess. The Contractor may, when appropriate, reduce this refund or credit by the amount of any applicable tax credits due the Contractor under 26 U.S.C. 1481 and by the amount of previous refunds or credits effected under this clause. If any portion of the excess has been applied to the liquidation of progress payments, then that portion may, instead of being refunded, be added to the unliquidated progress payment account consistent with the Progress Payments clause. The Contractor shall provide complete details to support any claimed reductions in refunds.

(3) If the Contractor fails to submit the quarterly statement within 45 days after the end of each quarter and it is later determined that the Government has overpaid the Contractor, the Contractor shall repay the excess to the Government immediately. Unless repaid within 30 days after the end of the statement submittal period, the amount of the excess shall bear interest, computed from the date the quarterly statement was due to the date of repayment, at the rate established in accordance with the Interest clause.

(h) Subcontracts. No subcontract placed under this contract may provide for payment on a cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost basis.

(i) Disagreements. If the Contractor and the Contracting Officer fail to agree upon the total final price within 60 days (or within such other period as the Contracting Officer may specify) after the date on which the data required by paragraph (c) of this clause are to be submitted, the Contracting Officer shall promptly issue a decision in accordance with the Disputes clause.

(j) Termination. If this contract is terminated before the total final price is established, prices of supplies or services subject to price revision shall be established in accordance with this clause for (1) completed supplies and services accepted by the Government and (2) those supplies and services not terminated under a partial termination. All other elements of the termination shall be resolved in accordance with other applicable clauses of this contract.

(k) Equitable adjustment under other clauses. If an equitable adjustment in the contract price is made under any other clause of this contract before the total final price is established, the adjustment shall be made in the total target cost and may be made in the maximum dollar limit on the total final price, the total target profit, or both. If the adjustment is made after the total final price is established, only the total final price shall be adjusted.

(l) Exclusion from target price and total final price. If any clause of this contract provides that the contract price does not or will not include an amount for a specific purpose, then neither any target price nor the total final price includes or will include any amount for that purpose.

(m) Separate reimbursement. If any clause of this contract expressly provides that the cost of performance of an obligation shall be at Government expense, that expense shall not be included in any target price or in the total final price, but shall be reimbursed separately.

(n) Taxes. As used in the Federal, State, and Local Taxes clause or in any other clause that provides for certain taxes or duties to be included in, or excluded from, the contract price, the term “contract price” includes the total target price or, if it has been established, the total final price. When any of these clauses requires that the contract price be increased or decreased as a result of changes in the obligation of the Contractor to pay or bear the burden of certain taxes or duties, the increase or decrease shall be made in the total target price or, if it has been established, in the total final price, so that it will not affect the Contractor’s profit or loss on this contract.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). As prescribed in 16.406(a), add the following paragraph (o) to the basic clause:

(o) Provisioning and options. Parts, other supplies, or services that are to be furnished under this contract on the basis of a provisioning document or Government option shall be subject to price revision in accordance with this clause. Any prices established for these parts, other supplies, or services under a provisioning document or Government option shall be treated as target prices. Target cost and profit covering these parts, other supplies, or services may be established separately, in the aggregate, or in any combination, as the parties may agree.

52.216-17 Incentive Price Revision—Successive Targets.

As prescribed in 16.406(b), insert the following clause:

Incentive Price Revision—Successive Targets (Oct 1997)

(a) General. The supplies or services identified in the Schedule as Items _________ [Contracting Officer insert line item numbers] are subject to price revision in accordance with this clause; provided, that in no event shall the total final price of these items exceed the ceiling price of ________ dollars ($__________________). The prices of these items shown in the Schedule are the initial target prices, which include an initial target profit of ___________ [Contracting Officer insert percent] percent of the initial target cost. Any supplies or services that are to be—

(1) Ordered separately under, or otherwise added to, this contract; and

(2) Subject to price revision in accordance with this clause shall be identified as such in a modification to this contract.

(b) Definition. “Costs,” as used in this clause, means allowable costs in accordance with Part 31 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in effect on the date of this contract.

(c) Submitting data for establishing the firm fixed price or a final profit adjustment formula.

(1) Within ___________ [Contracting Officer insert number of days] days after the end of the month in which the Contractor has completed ___________ (see Note 1), the Contractor shall submit the following data:

(i) A proposed firm fixed price or total firm target price for supplies delivered and to be delivered and services performed and to be performed.

(ii) A detailed statement of all costs incurred in the performance of this contract through the end of the month specified above, in the format of Table 15-2, FAR 15.408 (or in any other form on which the parties may agree), with sufficient supporting data to disclose unit costs and cost trends for—

(A) Supplies delivered and services performed; and

(B) Inventories of work in process and undelivered contract supplies on hand (estimated to the extent necessary).

(iii) An estimate of costs of all supplies delivered and to be delivered and all services performed and to be performed under this contract, using the statement of costs incurred plus an estimate of costs to complete performance, in the format of Table 15-2, FAR 15.408 (or in any other form on which the parties may agree), together with—

(A) Sufficient data to support the accuracy and reliability of the estimate; and

(B) An explanation of the differences between this estimate and the original estimate used to establish the initial target prices.

(2) The Contractor shall also submit, to the extent that it becomes available before negotiations establishing the total firm price are concluded—

(i) Supplemental statements of costs incurred after the end of the month specified in paragraph (1) of this section for—

(A) Supplies delivered and services performed; and

(B) Inventories of work in process and undelivered contract supplies on hand (estimated to the extent necessary); and

(ii) Any other relevant data that the Contracting Officer may reasonably require.

(3) If the Contractor fails to submit the data required by paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section within the time specified and it is later determined that the Government has overpaid the Contractor, the Contractor shall repay the excess to the Government immediately. Unless repaid within 30 days after the end of the data submittal period, the amount of the excess shall bear interest, computed from the date the data were due to the date of repayment, at the rate established in accordance with the Interest clause.

(d) Establishing firm fixed price or final profit adjustment formula. Upon the Contracting Officer’s receipt of the data required by paragraph (c) of this section, the Contracting Officer and the Contractor shall promptly establish either a firm fixed price or a profit adjustment formula for determining final profit, as follows:

(1) The parties shall negotiate a total firm target cost, based upon the data submitted under paragraph (c) of this section.

(2) If the total firm target cost is more than the total initial target cost, the total initial target profit shall be decreased. If the total firm target cost is less than the total initial target cost, the total initial target profit shall be increased. The initial target profit shall be increased or decreased by _____ percent (see Note 2) of the difference between the total initial target cost and the total firm target cost. The resulting amount shall be the total firm target profit; provided, that in no event shall the total firm target profit be less than ___________ percent or more than ___________ percent [Contracting Officer insert percents] of the total initial cost.

(3) If the total firm target cost plus the total firm target profit represent a reasonable price for performing that part of the contract subject to price revision under this clause, the parties may agree on a firm fixed price, which shall be evidenced by a contract modification signed by the Contractor and the Contracting Officer.

(4) Failure of the parties to agree to a firm fixed price shall not constitute a dispute under the Disputes clause. If agreement is not reached, or if establishment of a firm fixed price is inappropriate, the Contractor and the Contracting Officer shall establish a profit adjustment formula under which the total final price shall be established by applying to the total final negotiated cost an adjustment for profit or loss, determined as follows:

(i) If the total final negotiated cost is equal to the total firm target cost, the adjustment is the total firm target profit.

(ii) If the total final negotiated cost is greater than the total firm target cost, the adjustment is the total firm target profit, less ___________ percent of the amount by which the total final negotiated cost exceeds the total firm target cost.

(iii) If the total final negotiated cost is less than the total firm target cost, the adjustment is the total firm target profit, plus ___________ percent of the amount by which the total final negotiated cost is less than the total firm target cost.

(iv) The total firm target cost, total firm target profit, and the profit adjustment formula for determining final profit shall be evidenced by a modification to this contract signed by the Contractor and the Contracting Officer.

(e) Submitting data for final price revision. Unless a firm fixed price has been established in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section within _____________ [Contracting Officer insert number of days] days after the end of the month in which the Contractor has delivered the last unit of supplies and completed the services specified by item number in paragraph (a) of this section, the Contractor shall submit in the format of Table 15-2, FAR 15.408 (or in any other form on which the parties agree)—

(1) A detailed statement of all costs incurred up to the end of that month in performing all work under the items;

(2) An estimate of costs of further performance, if any, that may be necessary to complete performance of all work under the items;

(3) A list of all residual inventory and an estimate of its value; and

(4) Any other relevant data that the Contracting Officer may reasonably require.

(f) Final price revision. Unless a firm fixed price has been agreed to in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section, the Contractor and the Contracting Officer shall, promptly after submission of the data required by paragraph (e) of this section, establish the total final price, as follows:

(1) On the basis of the information required by paragraph (e) of this section, together with any other pertinent information, the parties shall negotiate the total final cost incurred or to be incurred for the supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government and which are subject to price revision under this clause.

(2) The total final price shall be established by applying to the total final negotiated cost an adjustment for final profit or loss determined as agreed upon under paragraph (d)(4) of this section.

(g) Contract modification. The total final price of the items specified in paragraph (a) of this section shall be evidenced by a modification to this contract, signed by the Contractor and the Contracting Officer. This price shall not be subject to revision, notwithstanding any changes in the cost of performing the contract, except to the extent that—

(1) The parties may agree in writing, before the determination of total final price, to exclude specific elements of cost from this price and to a procedure for subsequent disposition of these elements; and

(2) Adjustments or credits are explicitly permitted or required by this or any other clause in this contract.

(h) Adjustment of billing prices.

(1) Pending execution of the contract modification (see paragraph (e) of this section), the Contractor shall submit invoices or vouchers in accordance with billing prices as provided in this paragraph. The billing prices shall be the initial target prices shown in this contract until firm target prices are established under paragraph (d) of this section. When established, the firm target prices shall be used as the billing prices.

(2) If at any time it appears from information provided by the contractor under paragraph (i)(1) of this section that the then-current billing prices will be substantially greater than the estimated final prices, the parties shall negotiate a reduction in the billing prices. Similarly, the parties may negotiate an increase in billing prices by any or all of the difference between the target prices and the ceiling price, upon the Contractor’s submission of factual data showing that the final cost under this contract will be substantially greater than the target cost.

(3) Any adjustment of billing prices shall be reflected in a contract modification and shall not affect the determination of any price under paragraph (d) or (f) of this section. After the contract modification establishing the total final price is executed, the total amount paid or to be paid on all invoices or vouchers shall be adjusted to reflect the total final price, and any resulting additional payments, refunds, or credits shall be made promptly.

(i) Quarterly limitation on payments statement. This paragraph (i) shall apply until a firm fixed price or a total final price is established under paragraph (d)(3) or (f)(2).

(1) Within 45 days after the end of each quarter of the Contractor’s fiscal year in which a delivery is first made (or services are first performed) and accepted by the Government under this contract, and for each quarter thereafter, the Contractor shall submit to the contract administration office (with a copy to the contracting office and the cognizant contract auditor) a statement, cumulative from the beginning of the contract, showing—

(i) The total contract price of all supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government and for which final prices have been established;

(ii) The total cost (estimated to the extent necessary) reasonably incurred for, and properly allocable solely to, the supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government and for which final prices have not been established;

(iii) The portion of the total interim profit (used in establishing the initial contract price or agreed to for the purpose of this paragraph (i)) that is in direct proportion to the supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government and for which final prices have not been established—increased or decreased in accordance with paragraph (d)(4) of this section when the amount stated under subdivision (ii) of this section, differs from the aggregate firm target costs of the supplies or services; and

(iv) The total amount of all invoices or vouchers for supplies delivered (or services performed) and accepted by the Government (including amounts applied or to be applied to liquidate progress payments).

(2) Notwithstanding any provision of this contract authorizing greater payments, if on any quarterly statement the amount under subdivision (i)(1)(iv) of this section exceeds the sum due the Contractor, as computed in accordance with subdivisions (i)(1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this section, the Contractor shall immediately refund or credit to the Government the amount of this excess. The Contractor may, when appropriate, reduce this refund or credit by the amount of any applicable tax credits due the Contractor under 26 U.S.C. 1481 and by the amount of previous refunds or credits effected under this clause. If any portion of the excess has been applied to the liquidation of progress payments, then that portion may, instead of being refunded, be added to the unliquidated progress payment account consistent with the Progress Payments clause. The Contractor shall provide complete details to support any claimed reductions in refunds.

(3) If the Contractor fails to submit the quarterly statement within 45 days after the end of each quarter and it is later determined that the Government has overpaid the Contractor, the Contractor shall repay the excess to the Government immediately. Unless repaid within 30 days after the end of the statement submittal period, the amount of the excess shall bear interest, computed from the date the quarterly statement was due to the date of repayment, at the rate established in accordance with the Interest clause.

(j) Subcontracts. No subcontract placed under this contract may provide for payment on a cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost basis.

(k) Disagreements. If the Contractor and the Contracting Officer fail to agree upon (1) a total firm target cost and a final profit adjustment formula or (2) a total final price, within 60 days (or within such other period as the Contracting Officer may specify) after the date on which the data required in paragraphs (c) and (e) of this section are to be submitted, the Contracting Officer shall promptly issue a decision in accordance with the Disputes clause.

(l) Termination. If this contract is terminated before the total final price is established, prices of supplies or services subject to price revision shall be established in accordance with this clause for (1) completed supplies and services accepted by the Government and (2) those supplies or services not terminated under a partial termination. All other elements of the termination shall be resolved in accordance with other applicable clauses of this contract.

(m) Equitable adjustments under other clauses. If an equitable adjustment in the contract price is made under any other clause of this contract before the total final price is established, the adjustment shall be made in the total target cost and may be made in the maximum dollar limit on the total final price, the total target profit, or both. If the adjustment is made after the total final price is established, only the total final price shall be adjusted.

(n) Exclusion from target price and total final price. If any clause of this contract provides that the contract price does not or will not include an amount for a specific purpose, then neither any target price nor the total final price includes or will include any amount for that purpose.

(o) Separate reimbursement. If any clause of this contract expressly provides that the cost of performance of an obligation shall be at Government expense, that expense shall not be included in any target price or in the total final price, but shall be reimbursed separately.

(p) Taxes. As used in the Federal, State, and Local Taxes clause or in any other clause that provides for certain taxes or duties to be included in, or excluded from, the contract price, the term “contract price” includes the total target price or, if it has been established, the total final price. When any of these clauses requires that the contract price be increased or decreased as a result of changes in the obligation of the Contractor to pay or bear the burden of certain taxes or duties, the increase or decrease shall be made in the total target price or, if it has been established, in the total final price, so that it will not affect the Contractor’s profit or loss on this contract.

(End of clause)


(1) The degree of completion may be based on a percentage of contract performance or any other reasonable basis.

(2) The language may be changed to describe a negotiated adjustment pattern under which the extent of adjustment is not the same for all levels of cost variation.

Alternate I (Apr 1984). As prescribed in 16.406(b), add the following paragraph (q) to the basic clause:

(q) Provisioning and options. Parts, other supplies, or services that are to be furnished under this contract on the basis of a provisioning document or Government option shall be subject to price revision in accordance with this clause. Any prices established for these parts, other supplies, or services under a provisioning document or Government option shall be treated as initial target prices, or target prices as agreed upon and stipulated in the pricing document supporting the provisioning or added items. Initial or firm target costs and profits and final prices covering these parts, other supplies, or services may be established separately, in the aggregate, or in any combination, as the parties may agree.

52.216-18 Ordering.

As prescribed in 16.506(a), insert the following clause:

Ordering (Oct 1995)

(a) Any supplies and services to be furnished under this contract shall be ordered by issuance of delivery orders or task orders by the individuals or activities designated in the Schedule. Such orders may be issued from __________ through ____________ [insert dates].

(b) All delivery orders or task orders are subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. In the event of conflict between a delivery order or task order and this contract, the contract shall control.

(c) If mailed, a delivery order or task order is considered “issued” when the Government deposits the order in the mail. Orders may be issued orally, by facsimile, or by electronic commerce methods only if authorized in the Schedule.

(End of clause)

52.216-19 Order Limitations.

As prescribed in 16.506(b), insert a clause substantially the same as follows:

Order Limitations (Oct 1995)

(a) Minimum order. When the Government requires supplies or services covered by this contract in an amount of less than _____________ [insert dollar figure or quantity], the Government is not obligated to purchase, nor is the Contractor obligated to furnish, those supplies or services under the contract.

(b) Maximum order. The Contractor is not obligated to honor—

(1) Any order for a single item in excess of _____________ [insert dollar figure or quantity];

(2) Any order for a combination of items in excess of ______________ [insert dollar figure or quantity]; or

(3) A series of orders from the same ordering office within _____________ days that together call for quantities exceeding the limitation in paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of this section.

(c) If this is a requirements contract (i.e., includes the Requirements clause at subsection 52.216-21 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)), the Government is not required to order a part of any one requirement from the Contractor if that requirement exceeds the maximum-order limitations in paragraph (b) of this section.

(d) Notwithstanding paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the Contractor shall honor any order exceeding the maximum order limitations in paragraph (b), unless that order (or orders) is returned to the ordering office within _____ days after issuance, with written notice stating the Contractor’s intent not to ship the item (or items) called for and the reasons. Upon receiving this notice, the Government may acquire the supplies or services from another source.

(End of clause)

52.216-20 Definite Quantity.

As prescribed in 16.506(c), insert the following clause:

Definite Quantity (Oct 1995)

(a) This is a definite-quantity, indefinite-delivery contract for the supplies or services specified, and effective for the period stated, in the Schedule.

(b) The Government shall order the quantity of supplies or services specified in the Schedule, and the Contractor shall furnish them when ordered. Delivery or performance shall be at locations designated in orders issued in accordance with the Ordering clause and the Schedule.

(c) Except for any limitations on quantities in the Order Limitations clause or in the Schedule, there is no limit on the number of orders that may be issued. The Government may issue orders requiring delivery to multiple destinations or performance at multiple locations.

(d) Any order issued during the effective period of this contract and not completed within that time shall be completed by the Contractor within the time specified in the order. The contract shall govern the Contractor’s and Government’s rights and obligations with respect to that order to the same extent as if the order were completed during the contract’s effective period; provided, that the Contractor shall not be required to make any deliveries under this contract after ________________ [insert date].

(End of clause)

52.216-21 Requirements.

As prescribed in 16.506(d), insert the following clause:

Requirements (Oct 1995)

(a) This is a requirements contract for the supplies or services specified, and effective for the period stated, in the Schedule. The quantities of supplies or services specified in the Schedule are estimates only and are not purchased by this contract. Except as this contract may otherwise provide, if the Government’s requirements do not result in orders in the quantities described as “estimated” or “maximum” in the Schedule, that fact shall not constitute the basis for an equitable price adjustment.

(b) Delivery or performance shall be made only as authorized by orders issued in accordance with the Ordering clause. Subject to any limitations in the Order Limitations clause or elsewhere in this contract, the Contractor shall furnish to the Government all supplies or services specified in the Schedule and called for by orders issued in accordance with the Ordering clause. The Government may issue orders requiring delivery to multiple destinations or performance at multiple locations.

(c) Except as this contract otherwise provides, the Government shall order from the Contractor all the supplies or services specified in the Schedule that are required to be purchased by the Government activity or activities specified in the Schedule.

(d) The Government is not required to purchase from the Contractor requirements in excess of any limit on total orders under this contract.

(e) If the Government urgently requires delivery of any quantity of an item before the earliest date that delivery may be specified under this contract, and if the Contractor will not accept an order providing for the accelerated delivery, the Government may acquire the urgently required goods or services from another source.

(f) Any order issued during the effective period of this contract and not completed within that period shall be completed by the Contractor within the time specified in the order. The contract shall govern the Contractor’s and Government’s rights and obligations with respect to that order to the same extent as if the order were completed during the contract’s effective period; provided, that the Contractor shall not be required to make any deliveries under this contract after _________________ [insert date].

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). If the requirements contract is for nonpersonal services and related supplies and covers estimated requirements that exceed a specific Government activity’s internal capability to produce or perform, substitute the following paragraph (c) for paragraph (c) of the basic clause:

(c) The estimated quantities are not the total requirements of the Government activity specified in the Schedule, but are estimates of requirements in excess of the quantities that the activity may itself furnish within its own capabilities. Except as this contract otherwise provides, the Government shall order from the Contractor all of that activity’s requirements for supplies and services specified in the Schedule that exceed the quantities that the activity may furnish within its own capabilities.

Alternate II (Apr 1984). If the requirements contract includes subsistence for both Government use and resale in the same Schedule, and similar products may be acquired on a brand-name basis, add the following paragraph (g) to the basic clause:

(g) The requirements referred to in this contract are for items to be manufactured according to Government specifications. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated in the contract, the Government may acquire similar products by brand name from other sources for resale.

Alternate III (Oct 1995). If the requirements contract involves a partial small business set-aside, substitute the following paragraph (c) for paragraph (c) of the basic clause:

(c) The Government’s requirements for each item or subitem of supplies or services described in the Schedule are being purchased through one non-set-aside contract and one set-aside contract. Therefore, the Government shall order from each Contractor approximately one-half of the total supplies or services specified in the Schedule that are required to be purchased by the specified Government activity or activities. The Government may choose between the set-aside Contractor and the non-set-aside Contractor in placing any particular order. However, the Government shall allocate successive orders, in accordance with its delivery requirements, to maintain as close a ratio as is reasonably practicable between the total quantities ordered from the two Contractors.

Alternate IV (Oct 1995). If the contract includes subsistence for both Government use and resale in the same Schedule and similar products may be acquired on a brand-name basis and the contract also involves a partial small business set-aside, substitute the following paragraph (c) for paragraph (c) of the basic clause and add the following paragraph (g) to the basic clause:

(c) The Government’s requirements for each item or subitem of supplies or services described in the Schedule are being purchased through one non-set-aside contract and one set-aside contract. Therefore, the Government shall order from each Contractor approximately one-half of the total supplies or services specified in the Schedule that are required to be purchased by the specified Government activity or activities. The Government may choose between the set-aside Contractor and the non-set-aside Contractor in placing any particular order. However, the Government shall allocate successive orders, in accordance with its delivery requirements, to maintain as close a ratio as is reasonably practicable between the total quantities ordered from the two Contractors.

(g) The requirements referred to in this contract are for items to be manufactured according to the Government specifications. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated in the contract, the Government may acquire similar products by brand name from other sources for resale.

52.216-22 Indefinite Quantity.

As prescribed in 16.506(e), insert the following clause:

Indefinite Quantity (Oct 1995)

(a) This is an indefinite-quantity contract for the supplies or services specified, and effective for the period stated, in the Schedule. The quantities of supplies and services specified in the Schedule are estimates only and are not purchased by this contract.

(b) Delivery or performance shall be made only as authorized by orders issued in accordance with the Ordering clause. The Contractor shall furnish to the Government, when and if ordered, the supplies or services specified in the Schedule up to and including the quantity designated in the Schedule as the “maximum.” The Government shall order at least the quantity of supplies or services designated in the Schedule as the “minimum.”

(c) Except for any limitations on quantities in the Order Limitations clause or in the Schedule, there is no limit on the number of orders that may be issued. The Government may issue orders requiring delivery to multiple destinations or performance at multiple locations.

(d) Any order issued during the effective period of this contract and not completed within that period shall be completed by the Contractor within the time specified in the order. The contract shall govern the Contractor’s and Government’s rights and obligations with respect to that order to the same extent as if the order were completed during the contract’s effective period; provided, that the Contractor shall not be required to make any deliveries under this contract after _______________ [insert date].

(End of clause)

52.216-23 Execution and Commencement of Work.

As prescribed in 16.603-4(b)(1), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when a letter contract is contemplated, except that it may be omitted from letter contracts awarded on SF 26:

Execution and Commencement of Work (Apr 1984)

The Contractor shall indicate acceptance of this letter contract by signing three copies of the contract and returning them to the Contracting Officer not later than _______________ [insert date]. Upon acceptance by both parties, the Contractor shall proceed with performance of the work, including purchase of necessary materials.

(End of clause)

52.216-24 Limitation of Government Liability.

As prescribed in 16.603-4(b)(2), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts when a letter contract is contemplated:

Limitation of Government Liability (Apr 1984)

(a) In performing this contract, the Contractor is not authorized to make expenditures or incur obligations exceeding ____________________ dollars.

(b) The maximum amount for which the Government shall be liable if this contract is terminated is ___________ dollars.

(End of clause)

52.216-25 Contract Definitization.

As prescribed in 16.603-4(b)(3), insert the following clause:

Contract Definitization (Oct 2010)

(a) A ______________ [insert specific type of contract] definitive contract is contemplated. The Contractor agrees to begin promptly negotiating with the Contracting Officer the terms of a definitive contract that will include (1) all clauses required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) on the date of execution of the letter contract, (2) all clauses required by law on the date of execution of the definitive contract, and (3) any other mutually agreeable clauses, terms, and conditions. The Contractor agrees to submit a ______ [insert specific type of proposal (e.g., fixed-price or cost-and-fee)] proposal, including data other than certified cost or pricing data, and certified cost or pricing data, in accordance with FAR 15.408, Table 15-2, supporting its proposal.

(b) The schedule for definitizing this contract is [insert target date for definitization of the contract and dates for submission of proposal, beginning of negotiations, and, if appropriate, submission of make-or-buy and subcontracting plans and certified cost or pricing data]:


(c) If agreement on a definitive contract to supersede this letter contract is not reached by the target date in paragraph (b) of this section, or within any extension of it granted by the Contracting Officer, the Contracting Officer may, with the approval of the head of the contracting activity, determine a reasonable price or fee in accordance with Subpart 15.4 and Part 31 of the FAR, subject to Contractor appeal as provided in the Disputes clause. In any event, the Contractor shall proceed with completion of the contract, subject only to the Limitation of Government Liability clause.

(1) After the Contracting Officer’s determination of price or fee, the contract shall be governed by—

(i) All clauses required by the FAR on the date of execution of this letter contract for either fixed-price or cost-reimbursement contracts, as determined by the Contracting Officer under this paragraph (c);

(ii) All clauses required by law as of the date of the Contracting Officer’s determination; and

(iii) Any other clauses, terms, and conditions mutually agreed upon.

(2) To the extent consistent with paragraph (c)(1) of this section, all clauses, terms, and conditions included in this letter contract shall continue in effect, except those that by their nature apply only to a letter contract.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Apr 1984). In letter contracts awarded on the basis of price competition, add the following paragraph (d) to the basic clause:

(d) The definitive contract resulting from this letter contract will include a negotiated _____________ [insert “price ceiling” or “firm fixed price”] in no event to exceed ___________________ [insert the proposed price upon which the award was based].

52.216-26 Payments of Allowable Costs Before Definitization.

As prescribed in 16.603-4(c), insert the following clause:

Payments of Allowable Costs Before Definitization (Dec 2002)

(a) Reimbursement rate. Pending the placing of the definitive contract referred to in this letter contract, the Government will promptly reimburse the Contractor for all allowable costs under this contract at the following rates:

(1) One hundred percent of approved costs representing financing payments to subcontractors under fixed-price subcontracts, provided that the Government’s payments to the Contractor will not exceed 80 percent of the allowable costs of those subcontractors.

(2) One hundred percent of approved costs representing cost-reimbursement subcontracts; provided, that the Government’s payments to the Contractor shall not exceed 85 percent of the allowable costs of those subcontractors.

(3) Eighty-five percent of all other approved costs.

(b) Limitation of reimbursement. To determine the amounts payable to the Contractor under this letter contract, the Contracting Officer shall determine allowable costs in accordance with the applicable cost principles in Part 31 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). The total reimbursement made under this paragraph shall not exceed 85 percent of the maximum amount of the Government’s liability, as stated in this contract.

(c) Invoicing. Payments shall be made promptly to the Contractor when requested as work progresses, but (except for small business concerns) not more often than every 2 weeks, in amounts approved by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor may submit to an authorized representative of the Contracting Officer, in such form and reasonable detail as the representative may require, an invoice or voucher supported by a statement of the claimed allowable cost incurred by the Contractor in the performance of this contract.

(d) Allowable costs. For the purpose of determining allowable costs, the term “costs” includes—

(1) Those recorded costs that result, at the time of the request for reimbursement, from payment by cash, check, or other form of actual payment for items or services purchased directly for the contract;

(2) When the Contractor is not delinquent in payment of costs of contract performance in the ordinary course of business, costs incurred, but not necessarily paid, for—

(i) Supplies and services purchased directly for the contract and associated financing payments to subcontractors, provided payments determined due will be made—

(A) In accordance with the terms and conditions of a subcontract or invoice; and

(B) Ordinarily within 30 days of the submission of the Contractor’s payment request to the Government;

(ii) Materials issued from the Contractor’s stores inventory and placed in the production process for use on the contract;

(iii) Direct labor;

(iv) Direct travel;

(v) Other direct in-house costs; and

(vi) Properly allocable and allowable indirect costs as shown on the records maintained by the Contractor for purposes of obtaining reimbursement under Government contracts; and

(3) The amount of financing payments that the Contractor has paid by cash, check, or other forms of payment to subcontractors.

(e) Small business concerns. A small business concern may receive more frequent payments than every 2 weeks.

(f) Audit. At any time before final payment, the Contracting Officer may have the Contractor’s invoices or vouchers and statements of costs audited. Any payment may be—

(1) Reduced by any amounts found by the Contracting Officer not to constitute allowable costs; or

(2) Adjusted for overpayments or underpayments made on preceding invoices or vouchers.

(End of clause)

52.216-27 Single or Multiple Awards.

As prescribed in 16.506(f), insert the following provision:

Single or Multiple Awards (Oct 1995)

The Government may elect to award a single delivery order contract or task order contract or to award multiple delivery order contracts or task order contracts for the same or similar supplies or services to two or more sources under this solicitation.

(End of provision)

52.216-28 Multiple Awards for Advisory and Assistance Services.

As prescribed in 16.506(g), insert the following provision:

Multiple Awards for Advisory and Assistance Services (Oct 1995)

The Government intends to award multiple contracts for the same or similar advisory and assistance services to two or more sources under this solicitation unless the Government determines, after evaluation of offers, that only one offeror is capable of providing the services at the level of quality required.

(End of provision)

52.216-29 Time-and-Materials/Labor-Hour Proposal Requirements—Non-Commercial Item Acquisition With Adequate Price Competition.

As prescribed in 16.601(f)(1), insert the following provision:

Time-and-Materials/Labor-Hour Proposal Requirements—Non-commercial Item Acquisition With Adequate Price competition (Feb 2007)

(a) The Government contemplates award of a Time-and-Materials or Labor-Hour type of contract resulting from this solicitation.

(b) The offeror must specify fixed hourly rates in its offer that include wages, overhead, general and administrative expenses, and profit. The offeror must specify whether the fixed hourly rate for each labor category applies to labor performed by—

(1) The offeror;

(2) Subcontractors; and/or

(3) Divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of the offeror under a common control;

(c) The offeror must establish fixed hourly rates using—

(1) Separate rates for each category of labor to be performed by each subcontractor and for each category of labor to be performed by the offeror, and for each category of labor to be transferred between divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of the offeror under a common control;

(2) Blended rates for each category of labor to be performed by the offeror, including labor transferred between divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of the offeror under a common control, and all subcontractors; or

(3) Any combination of separate and blended rates for each category of labor to be performed by the offeror, affiliates of the offeror under a common control, and subcontractors.

(End of provision)

52.216-30 Time-and-Materials/Labor-Hour Proposal Requirements—Non-Commercial Item Acquisition Without Adequate Price Competition.

As prescribed in 16.601(f)(2), insert the following provision:

Time-and-Materials/Labor-Hour Proposal Requirements—Non-Commercial Item Acquisition Without Adequate Price Competition (Feb 2007)

(a) The Government contemplates award of a Time-and-Materials or Labor-Hour type of contract resulting from this solicitation.

(b) The offeror must specify separate fixed hourly rates in its offer that include wages, overhead, general and administrative expenses, and profit for each category of labor to be performed by—

(1) The offeror;

(2) Each subcontractor; and

(3) Each division, subsidiary, or affiliate of the offeror under a common control.

(c) Unless exempt under paragraph (d) of this provision, the fixed hourly rates for services transferred between divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of the offeror under a common control—

(1) Shall not include profit for the transferring organization; but

(2) May include profit for the prime Contractor.

(d) The fixed hourly rates for services that meet the definition of commercial item at 2.101 that are transferred between divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of the offeror under a common control may be the established catalog or market rate when it is the established practice of the transferring organization to price interorganizational transfers at other than cost for commercial work of the offeror or any division, subsidiary or affiliate of the offeror under a common control.

(End of provision)

52.216-31 Time-and-Materials/Labor-Hour Proposal Requirements—Commercial Item Acquisition.

As prescribed in 16.601(f)(3), insert the following provision:

Time-and-Materials/Labor-Hour Proposal Requirements—Commercial Item Acquisition (Feb 2007)

(a) The Government contemplates award of a Time-and-Materials or Labor-Hour type of contract resulting from this solicitation.

(b) The offeror must specify fixed hourly rates in its offer that include wages, overhead, general and administrative expenses, and profit. The offeror must specify whether the fixed hourly rate for each labor category applies to labor performed by—

(1) The offeror;

(2) Subcontractors; and/or

(3) Divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of the offeror under a common control.

(End of provision)
