A Highly Engaged Global Audience

ready to hear your story

Share your company's story with the world through our global platform. Whether it’s in New York at our historic headquarters, which is one of the most photographed buildings in the world, on the trading floor where 30 media outlets broadcast, or with our 1.4 million+ Twitter followers, we help connect you to a worldwide audience. We’ll work with your internal teams to strategically combine our owned, earned and paid marketing resources to amplify your company's story in a meaningful way.

Marketing and PR Visibility Resources

The NYSE Bell

Ring the NYSE bell on the day of your IPO and when your company celebrates significant milestones.

The Iconic Façade

Use our in-house photographer to capture your company in front of the iconic NYSE façade.

30 Media Outlets with Access to the Floor

Share your story with the highly engaged audience right on the NYSE trading floor.

NYSE Twitter

Tell our 1.4 million followers about your latest achievements and upcoming projects.

Digital Ads

Put your company’s face in front of the masses with ads in the airport, on CNN, etc.

Simulcasts on Times Square & Silicon Valley

Stream your IPO day and bell ringing into one of the most highly trafficked areas in the world.

Employee Engagement

Keep your employees engaged with live, streaming simulcasts of your IPO day.

Custom Content

Capture your IPO day and bell ringing through a custom video.

Celebratory Events

We host celebratory events on your IPO day or for significant milestones.