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International Listings

With 2,400+ of the world’s best companies, innovators, and problem solvers listed at the New York Stock Exchange, we’re helping fuel the visions of today’s greatest leaders and providing access to the resources they need to change the world. Our markets trade an average daily volume of $123 billion, making us the world’s largest and most liquid capital source.

129 Listings
$1.1 T MV

United States
1,892 Listings
$17.5T MV

Latin America
114 Listings
$772.8 B MV

155 Listings
$4.1T MV

7 listings
$34.5B MV

120 Listings
$2.1T MV

International Listings Tools & Information

Why Companies List in the U.S.

  • More Liquidity - Companies listed in the U.S. are exposed to the largest pool of liquidity in the world1.

  • Diversified Investors - Gain exposure to a broad, varied and increased range of global investors (retail and institutional; short-term, long-term and sector specific).

  • More Analyst Coverage - NYSE dual-listed companies get more sell-side research analyst coverage than companies listed solely in their home country.

  • Trade in U.S. Currency – U.S.-dollar denominated shares enable U.S. based acquisitions and other transactions.

  • Welcoming Regulatory Environment - The U.S. has a positive regulatory environment for non-U.S. companies2.

  • U.S. Market Awareness - Gain awareness with American consumers, 27% of the world’s consumer market.

Why Companies Choose NYSE

  • More Confidence - The NYSE has a unique market model that combines a high speed trading platform with human judgment. Each company has a Designated Market Maker, who participates during times of stress, to lower volatility up to 48%, tighten spreads and provide better pricing dynamics.

  • More Visibility - Celebrate listing day and corporate milestones by ringing the iconic NYSE bell, access 30+ media outlets on the floor and use NYSE’s stunning rooms to host investor days. Take a deeper look at our global visibility solutions.

  • Prestigious Network - Join the NYSE network of the world’s leading companies, trade alongside U.S. and global peers, and join exclusive NYSE events with peers and visionaries. 90% of global listings chose the NYSE over any other US exchange3.

  • Holistic C-Suite Solutions - Utilize the greatest complimentary suite of corporate services for the entire C-suite, from CFOs and Investor Relations professionals to Compliance teams and CMO and Public Relations reps.

  • Unparalleled Service - Get a dedicated, multilingual client service manager who is incentivized based on client satisfaction.


  • Use IFRS (in its original IASB version) instead of U.S. GAAP. While not an option (yet) for U.S. Companies, rule changes passed in 2007 enable international companies to use IFRS reporting language in their filings.
  • Follow home country corporate governance practices. Numerous corporate governance requirements adhered to by U.S. companies are not required for foreign private issuers. Among the most notable: U.S. proxy rules do not apply to International Companies. For the proxy process, international companies are only required to solicit proxies from their U.S. holders. In doing so, they do not need to use a proxy statement compliant with the U.S. rules.
  • List ADRs or Common Shares (same requirements). A company (whether it is a dual listing or a single listing) is not limited to using only ADRs.


International companies are REQUIRED to follow select key provisions of the Sarbanes Oxley Act or SOX:

  • Abide by the internal control requirements of SOX 404 (Internal Controls). However, continuous cost reductions with the elimination of excessive testing (materiality) and documentation have decreased the burden on listed companies.
  • This snapshot of requirements that don’t apply to foreign companies—and those that do--should not to be mistaken for legal advice. Please check with any member of the NYSE team on details. We are at your disposal.

Requirements That Don't Apply to International Companies

There are certain rules and regulations that apply to publicly listed companies based in the U.S., and not to foreign private issuers. International companies do not have to meet the following requirements:

  • Report on a quarterly basis. Unlike domestic filers (with their 10-K and 10-Q filings), international companies file their annual report as a 20-F and interim reports (minimum frequency is set by home country requirements) are submitted, like any press release, on a Form 6-K.
  • Have a majority independent board. The independence test is focused on the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee can consist of one person.
  • Have a compensation or nominating committee. The only committee required for an international company is the Audit Committee.
  • Receive shareholder approval for equity compensation or other stock issuances.


119% of liquidity is executed on the NYSE vs. 15% on NASDAQ OMX, 9% on LSE, 2% on Euronext, and 55% on 60 combined, remaining exchanges comprising the World Federation of Exchanges.

2 2012 JOBS Act and acceptance of IFRS provided for regulatory and financial reporting relief; Non-US companies can follow home country governance practices; and Sarbanes-Oxley Act less onerous to comply with

3 90% by market cap