International Company Profile

Need a background check on potential partners? We can investigate the capabilities, legitimacy and financial strength of a potential overseas business partner gleaned from government, industry and financial contacts, the local press and other sources.


The International Company Profile will provide:

  • A detailed background report on a prospective overseas sales representative or partner in approximately 15 days or by the date negotiated with the overseas’ office.
  • A listing of the company's key officers and senior management.
  • A site visit as well as banking and other financial information about the company
  • Market information, including sales and profit figures, and potential liabilities
The U.S. Commercial Service will also provide you with an opinion as to the viability and reliability of the overseas company or individual you have selected as well as an opinion on the relative strength of that company's industry sector in your target market

Eligibility and Pricing

You must be an export-ready U.S. company seeking to export goods or services of U.S. origin or that have at least 51% U.S. content to utilize this service. 

The fee for an International Company Profile is $600 for a small or medium sized company and $900 for a large company and may vary based on scope of work and market(s) of interest.

To learn more about the service and determine if it is right for you, contact one of our Trade Specialists today.

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