Entertainment is one of the main ways people consume information in their daily lives. We notice, share, and retain information far better through humor. When executives ask how to impact compliance learning and corporate culture in a unique and memorable way, we show them RealBiz Shorts. In partnership with the world's most famous improv comedy institution – The Second City – and global thought leaders, we leverage the improv philosophy of co-creation to develop short, funny, shareable content that highlights the best ways to tackle critical ethics and compliance challenges.

How do RealBiz Shorts work? It's simple: add an enterprise-wide, subscription-based library of RealBiz Shorts videos to your existing training programs. With more than 85 videos aligned with today's most pressing compliance topics, simply select a video, download it and share it! From embedding videos directly in your compliance training to reinforcing key concepts via e-mail or newsletter, use RealBiz Shorts where employees can access them seamlessly from any device.

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RealBiz Shorts Compliance Videos help:

  • Set context for critical issues and reinforce compliance learning
  • Break down barriers and get people to listen by sharing truth through humor
  • Make an emotional connection with a blend of emotional and cognitive learning

RealBiz Shorts include over 85 short, funny videos on the following critical compliance topics:

  • Conflict of Interest
  • Corruption & Bribery
  • Culture of Compliance
  • Environmental Health & Safety
  • Fair Competition
  • Fraud & Accurate Reporting
  • Information Security & Privacy
  • Anti-Money Laundering
  • Workplace Behavior
  • And more. . .

RealBiz Shorts also contains specialized libraries for the following industries:

  • Pharma
  • Medical Device
  • Oil, Gas, & Pipeline
  • Electric & Utility

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