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Introduction to the NLRB

The National Labor Relations Board is an independent federal agency that protects the rights of private sector employees to join together, with or without a union, to improve their wages and working conditions.Read More

Employee Rights

Federal law gives you the right to form, join or assist a union; choose representatives to bargain with your employer on your behalf; act together with other employees for your benefit and protection; and choose not to engage in any of these protected activities.Read More

Protected Concerted Activity

The law we enforce gives employees the right to act together to try to improve their pay and working conditions, with or without a union. Read More

Employer/Union Obligations

The National Labor Relations Act forbids employers from interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights. Read More

Board Decisions

Citation Number: 365 NLRB No. 14
Case Number 03-CA-167978
Issuance Date: 01/11/2017
Citation Number: 365 NLRB No. 13
Case Number 21-RC-176174
Issuance Date: 01/09/2017
Citation Number: 365 NLRB No. 6
Case Number 25-CB-150584
Issuance Date: 01/04/2017
Citation Number: 365 NLRB No. 5
Case Number 12-CA-143221
Issuance Date: 01/03/2017
Citation Number: 365 NLRB No. 11
Case Number 31-RC-164868
Issuance Date: 12/30/2016
Citation Number: 365 NLRB No. 12
Case Number 07-CA-183327
Issuance Date: 12/29/2016
Regional Offices

The NLRB has regional offices across the country, and each one has a page with local news, upcoming events, maps and directions, and contact information.


In this section, you will find charts and tables that reflect the Agency’s work, and downloadable data for your own analysis.


Registering for NLRB E-Service allows you to receive, via email, decisions and orders of the Board and Administrative Law Judges immediately upon their issuance.