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About Us

IA has the primary responsibility for coordinating the efforts of diverse elements in the Department to ensure a unified voice in our international energy policy. IA works closely with Departmental elements, other Federal agencies, national and international organizations and institutions, and the private sector to coordinate and align our international energy activities with our national energy policies. IA coordinates DOE international initiatives on clean energy, climate change, and technology exports.

IA works closely with DOE program Assistant Secretaries and other DOE Secretarial officers to identify top international priorities among the activities of the Department, and to engage with other Federal departments and agencies (including the National Security Council, Office of Management and Budget, and other White House offices), members of Congress and Congressional Committees, and energy producers and consumers.

The Assistant Secretary coordinates and manages DOE cooperation with counterparts from other nations and international organizations. IA also negotiates and manages a variety of bilateral and multilateral agreements with other countries and international agencies for cooperation in research and development for energy, environmental, and technology cooperation.