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Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program

NOTICE: The Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases survey (EIA-1605(b)) and program was suspended May 2011.

What Is the Voluntary Reporting Program?

logoEstablished by Section 1605(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, the Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program encourages corporations, government agencies, non-profit organizations, households, and other private and public entities to submit annual reports of their greenhouse gas emissions, emission reductions, and sequestration activities. The Program provides a means for voluntary reporting that is complete, reliable, and consistent.  More information on the program…

Why Report?

Reporting allows your organization to create a public record of your emissions, emission reductions, and/or sequestration achievements.  In addition, the registration of emission reductions may provide special recognition to those entities willing to meet additional requirements. More information on reporting…

What Are Greenhouse Gases?

Greenhouse gases, found in trace quantities in the atmosphere, absorb infrared energy and prevent it from leaving the atmosphere. Increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere may contribute to an increase in average global temperatures, resulting in adverse climate change.  More information on greenhouse gases…

How Do I Get Started?

Go to our Getting Started page for information about reporting options, completing the right parts of Form EIA-1605, estimating emissions, and calculating emission reductions. 


Contact the 1605(b) Program