Comment Policy

Comment Policy

The purpose of the Census Bureau’s Web 2.0 presence that includes social media channels is to engage residents from across all walks of life in an online platform where they can learn about and share their important topics regarding Census Bureau programs and services.

Census Bureau Blog(s), Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social media channels allow visitors to interact with the agency and others, and encourage visitors to freely comment and give welcomed feedback. We encourage your comments. Your ideas and concerns are important to us because we want you as an active participant in our programs and to be well informed about how the Census Bureau’s work gets done.

Visitor-generated comments made on any and all Census Bureau social media channels become public domain.

We also want to publish your comments, but we expect conversations to follow the conventions of polite discourse. Therefore, we moderate social media; meaning that all comments are reviewed before we post them. In our review process, we try to remove any objectionable content.

Objectionable content includes but is not limited to:

  • Abusive or vulgar language
  • Offensive or threatening language
  • Personal attacks of any kind against any individual or group
  • Spam
  • Links to any site
  • Off-topic statements
  • Advertising and/or other endorsements about products, businesses, individuals, or parties
  • Any comment with specific allegations of misconduct will be removed and referred to the appropriate authorities.
  • We will not post any comment that contains personally identifiable information (PII):
    • Email address
    • Employer identification number
    • Business address
    • Personal address
    • Phone number

Your privacy is important to the Census Bureau, and we make every effort to ensure your privacy under Title 13 and other applicable laws (See the Census Bureau’s Privacy Policy for more information). We ask that you also protect your own privacy by not including any personally identifiable information within your comments.

Under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998, persons under the age of 13 years old are not allowed to submit questions or comments.

4 Responses to Comment Policy

  1. milton walker says:

    I oppose nema it is not needed only adds another division of diversity to America.

  2. Janice says:

    I live in So. Calif. I have been chosen for an economic survey. I am informed it is NOT mandatory and I have written 3 letters and called the census person herself and asked her to stop coming by at all hours. I called the Los Angeles Regional Office and was assured by Ms. P. Wen, who works with supervisor Ms. Ferreri that this worker would be contacted and told to stop coming by. The worker was trying to look in my windows last week prior to my call to regional. Neighbors saw her doing this. Tonite she showed up again laughing. I told her AGAIN and LOUDLY my participation is not mandatory, it’s on the web site, she laughs. I was screaming by this time at her. I will get a personal restraining order against her, looking in the windows borders if not qualifies as stalking. No name but…ID#: G42. Find her and make her stop harassing me. I am literally having nightmares.

  3. Janice says:

    #2…let me know who the appropriate authorities are within your agency if you are unable to post my comment. I need your assistance with this worker of yours to get her to stop. Please help me.

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