CAA Permitting in EPA's South Central Region

On this page

EPA Region 6 has very limited storage space for hardcopies of permitting related documents in our office. Therefore, we request that permit applicants submitting copies of permit applications, permit addenda, and permit related air quality modeling data to EPA do so in a searchable Portable Document Format or Microsoft Word on a compact disk (CD) by regular mail to the EPA Contact address listed at the end of this page and/or also send copies, properly identified ( facility name, State, type of permit or action requested) , of those same files via email .

The Federal air permitting programs mandated by the Clean Air Act and the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments for facilities that are defined as stationary sources are as follows:

  • Title I Pre-Construction major New Source Review (NSR) permit program protects National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for stationary sources (Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)) in attainment areas found in 40 CFR part 51 and 52. See

  • Title I Pre-Construction major NSR permit program protects NAAQS for stationary sources (Non-attainment NSR)) in non-attainment areas found in 40 CFR part 51 and 52. See

  • Title I Pre-Construction minor NSR permit program protects NAAQS for stationary sources found in 40 CFR part 51, and Part 49 for minor sources on tribal reservations. See

  • Title I New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) found in 40 CFR part 60. See

  • Title I National Emission Standards for Hazardous Pollutants (NESHAPs) found in 40 CFR part 61. See

  • Title I NESHAPs for Source Categories (MACT Standards) found in 40 CFR part 63. See

  • Title V Operating permits program found in 40 CFR parts 70 (state operating program) and 71 (federal operating program). See

You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.


New Source Review (NSR) provides an air permit for air emission units prior to construction or modification. This program is based on the provisions of the Clean Air Act to protect air quality using the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). All sources, both major and minor, are subject to NSR unless the emissions are below the regulatory threshold as specified by the State permitting authority. The regulatory thresholds are specified for six criteria pollutants defined in the Act. These pollutants are: Nitrogen Oxide compounds (NOx), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Volatile Organic compounds (VOC), Particulate Material (PM-10/PM-2.5), and Lead (Pb). As the NSR programs in Region 6 are implemented under State/Local regulations, please refer to the State contact for specific questions. All states in Region 6 are SIP approved to implement the NSR program.


Jeff Robinson - E-Mail:
Phone (214) 665-6435
FAX: (214) 665-7263


AR - Thomas Rheaume (501) 682-0762 or e-mail address:
TX - Johnny Vermillion (512)239-1292 or e-mail address:
LA - Bryan Johnston (225) 219-3100) or e-mail address:
OK - Phillip Fielder (405) 702-4237 or email address:
NM - Robert Samaniego (505) 476-4360 or email address:
Alb - Israel Tavarez (505) 768-1965 or email address:


1. Arkansas:
2. City of Albuquerque:
3. New Mexico:
4. Louisiana:
5. Oklahoma:
6. Texas:

EPA Region 6 Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Permitting for Greenhouse Gases (GHG)

On November 10, 2014, EPA published in the Federal Register our final SIP and FIP GHG actions as follows: 1. The final action to rescind a majority of the Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) for Texas for greenhouse gas (GHG) Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permitting, titled “Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Withdrawal of Federal Implementation Plan; Texas; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule Revisions;” and 2. The final approval of the majority of the revisions to the Texas State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), titled “Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Texas; Prevention of Significant Deterioration; Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule Revisions.” A copy of both actions may be found at the Federal Register website available online at:

“Next Steps and Preliminary Views on the Application of CAA Permitting Programs to GHG Following the June 23, 2014 Supreme Court Decision.”

EPA issues No Action Assurance regarding EPA-Issued Step 2 PSD GHG Permits (12/19/2014) and Next Steps for Rescinding EPA-Issued Step 2 PSD GHG Permits (12/19/2014).

For information about PSD permitting for major sources of GHGs in the Region 6 states, contact the following regulatory Agencies for information:
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality:
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality:
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality:
New Mexico Environment Department:
City of Albuquerque Environmental Health Department Air Quality Division:

GHG PSD Permit Rescissions in Texas

Permit Applicant
Effective Date
Basis of Decision
Public Notice
Other Supporting
INEOS Olefins & Polymers USA,
Chocolate Bayou Plant
October 15, 2015
Basis of Decision

Public Notice
08-16- 2015 to 10-15-2015
INEOS Rescission Request

Rescission Approval

Copano Processing, L.L.C., Houston Central Gas Plant
November 1, 2015
Basis of Decision

Public Notice
09-02-2015 to 11-01-2015
Rescission Request
Rescission Approval
Other Rescission Request Info-Part 1
Other Rescission Request Info-Part 2

PSD GHG Permits Issued by EPA

Warning! Due to changes in EPA's website on October 1, 2015, all the PDFs listed in the table below have been archived. If the links to those files no longer work, you should be able to find them by searching for: Applicants Name + GHG + Texas at:

Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
Air Liquide Large Industries,
Bayou Cogeneration Plant
App Received: Sept-18-2012
Response to info request: 08/09/13
Draft Response to RFI
Comment Received
Response Comment Nov-21-13
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit

Final Permit
of Basis
Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
“No requests were received by September 23, 2013 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for October 7, 2013 was cancelled.”
Public Comment Period extended until Oct-14-2013
Transmittal Letter 11-20-13
Final Public Notice
Final Biological Assessment
Final Cultural Report
Apex Bethel Energy Center
Anderson County, Texas
App Received:

Response: Oct-12-2012
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Dec 2013)

Final Permit
(Mar 2014)
of Basis

Basis of Decision
Public Notice
Draft Permit Letter
“No requests were received by January 17, 2014 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously scheduled public hearing for January 28, 2014 was cancelled.”

SHPO Comments”

Final Biological Assessment”
SHPO concurrence
Final Cultural Resources Report
APEX Matagorda Energy Center, LLC App Received: Nov-27-2012 Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit

Final Permit

of Basis

Basis of Decision

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
“No requests were received by February 25, for a public hearing, therefore, the previously scheduled public hearing for March 13, 2014 has been cancelled.”
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
Austin Energy
Sand Hill Energy Center
App Received: Sept-13-2013
Revised App Pages

Pre-Application Letter
Combined App 09-13-13
Response to EPA 01-28-14
Response to EPA 01-28-14
Cover Letter 04-11-14
Revised Application 04-11-14
email to EPA 06-2014
Draft Permit (Aug-2014)

Summary of Revisions in Final Permit

Final Permit
(Sept 2014)

Revised Final Permit
(Sept 29, 2014)
of Basis

Public Notice
Proof of Publication
“No requests were received by August 27, 2014 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously scheduled public hearing for September 16, 2014 was cancelled.”

Final Public Notice - Sept-29-2014
Final Transmittal Letter

Draft Final Cultural Report
DraftBiological Assessment
BASF Fina LP GHG Application App Received: May-17-2011
Date of Revised: Jan 2012
Draft Permit (Apr-23-2012)

Summary of Revisions in Final Permit

Final Permit
(Aug 2012)
of Basis

Public Notice - Apr-26-2012
Transmittal Letter
Proof of Publication
"No requests were received by May 23, 2012 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for June 4, 2012 was cancelled."
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
Final Essential Fish Habitat Assessment
Addendum to Final Biological Assessment
C3 Petrochemicals LLC App Received: Feb-12-2013
Resp to Completion Determination
Revised App: Feb-2014
Response: Mar-2014
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(May 2014)

Final Permit
(June 2014)

Signed Letter
(June 2014)

of Basis

Basis for Decision

Public Notice May-9-2014
"No requests for a public hearing were received as of May 30, 2014, therefore the previously planned public hearing for June 23, 2014 was cancelled."
Draft Final Biological Assessment
NHPA Agreement
Final Cultural Resources Report Addendum – Linear Facilities
Final Cultural Resources Report
Essential Fish Habitat Report
Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
Calpine Deer Park GHG Application App Received: Sept-01-2011 Previous Incomplete


Draft Permit

Final Permit
(Nov 2012)

Summary of Revisions to Final Permit
Statement of Basis

Additional Info to the Statement of Basis
Public Notice 08-02-2012
Transmittal Letter
Proof of Public Notice
"No requests were received by August 29, 2012 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for September 5, 2012 was cancelled."
Final Biological Assessment
Final Cultural Report
Final Essential Fish Habitat Report
Addendum to Biological Report
Calpine-Channel Energy Center App Received: Nov-03-2011 Complete
Draft Permit
(Aug 2012)

Final Permit
(Nov 2012)

Summary of Revisions to Final Permit
of Basis

Additional Info to Statement of Basis
Public Notice 08-30-2012
Transmittal Letter
Public Notice Proof
No requests were received by September 27, 2012 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for October 3, 2012 was cancelled."
Final Biological Assessment
Final Cultural Report
Final Essential Fish Habitat Report
Addendum to the Biological Assessment
CCI Corpus Christi, LLC
Condensate Splitter Facility
Nueces County, Tx
App Received: Nov-04-2013
Revised App: Mar-2013
Information Request 03-27-14
Response 04-28-14
Request to Process App 05-09-14
ROC 05-14-14
Response 05-21-14
Draft Permit

Final Permit

Summary of Revisions to Final Permit
of Basis (July 2014)

Public Notice (Aug-6-2014)
Transmittal Letter (Aug-6-2014)
"No requests were received by August 27, 2014 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for September 16, 2014 was cancelled"
Proof of Publication
Final Public Notice
Final Transmittal Letter
Draft Cultural Report
Draft Final Biological Assessment
Final Essential Fish Habitat Report
Clear Lake Plant
App Received: Aug-10-2012
Boiler Plate Conditions
Process Flow Diagram
Methanol Loading
Overview Presentation
Supplemental Info
Revised App 06-14-2013
Other Supporting Docs
Supplemental Info 11/08/13
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Aug 2013)

Final Permit
(Dec 2013)
Draft Statement
of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
Proof of Publication
“No requests were received by July 17, 2013 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for July 29, 2013 was cancelled.”
Final Transmittal Letter
Response to Public Comments
Final Public Notice
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
Public Comments
Cost Effective Analysis
Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
Chevron Phillips Chemical Co., Cedar Bayou Plant App Received: Dec-19-2011
Response March-19-2012
Previous Incomplete


Draft Permit
(Oct 2012)

Letter to Permitee

Final Permit
(Jan 2013)

Summary of Revisions
of Basis

Public Notice
"No requests for a public hearing were received as of Dec 13, 2012, therefore the previously planned public hearing for Dec 19, 2012 was cancelled"
Transmittal Letter
Final Biological Assessment
Final Cultural Report
Chamisa CAES at Tulia, LLC App Received: Nov-06-2012
Response to Completeness Determination
Response to EPA 07-29-2013
Response to EPA 01-26-2014
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Feb 2014)

Final Permit
(March 2014)

Summary of Revisions
of Basis

Transmittal Letter
Public Notice
"The permitting authority, having determined there was not a significant degree of interest in the draft permit, cancelled the public hearing previously scheduled for March 18, 2014."
Final Public Notice
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Biological Assessment
Final Cultural Report
Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
Copano Processing L.P.
Houston Central Gas Plant
Colorado County, Sheridan, Tx
App Received: Jun-6-2012
Response August-06-2012
Revised App Oct-01-2012
Revised App Dec-07-2012
Turbine Perf. Std.
Previous Incomplete


Draft Permit
(Jan 2013)

Final Permit
(Mar 2013)

Summary of Revisions

of Basis

Revised Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
Proof of Public Notice
"No requests for a public hearing were received as of February 11, 2013, therefore the previously planned public hearing for February 27, 2013 was cancelled."
Transmittal Letter
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
Diamond Shamrock Company, Valero McKee Refinery App Received: Dec-01-2011
Response Aug-6-2012
Date of Revised App: Dec-2012
Revised App June 13, 2013
Supplemental Information
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Jul 2013)

Final Signed Permit
(Sept 2013)

Summary of Revisions

Final Signed Transmittal Letter
of Basis

Public Notice
No requests were received by August 27, 2013 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for September 19, 2013 was cancelled.
Draft Permit Letter to Company
Proof of Publication
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
DCP Midstream, LP - Hardin County NGL Fractionation PlantSee withdrawn applications below this table
DCP Midstream NGL Fractionation Plant - Jefferson County App Received: July-10-2012
Revised App - Feb 2013
Revised App Cover Letter
Heater Efficiency
Cost Estimate
DCP email
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Aug 2013)

Final Permit
(Oct 2013)

Response to Comments
of Basis

DCP Comments on Statement of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
The permitting authority, having determined there was not a significant degree of interest in the draft permit, cancelled the public hearing previously scheduled for September 18, 2013.
Public Notice
Final Public Notice
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Biological Assessment
Final Cultural Report
DOW Chemical Company (Freeport), Light Hydrocarbon 9 App Received: Dec-4-2012
Revised application 09-20-2013
Consolidated Application 09-13-2013

Previous Incomplete
Response to Incomplete Determination 07-09-2013
Draft Permit
(Mar 2014)

Final Permit
(May 2014)

of Basis

Public Notice
Public Notice Approval Letter
The permitting authority, having determined there was not a significant degree of interest in the draft permit, cancelled the public hearing previously scheduled for April 17, 2014
Public Notice Response to Comments (RTC)
RTC 05-20-14
Draft Final Cultural Report – Site Facility
Draft Final Cultural Report – Pipeline
Comment Received 04-10-14
SHPO Concurrence
FWS Concurrence
Final Biological Assessment
Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
El Paso Electric Company - Montana Power Station App Received: Apr-20-2012
Response - Aug 2012
El Paso Proposed GHG BACT Limits Sept-21-2012
Supplemental Info - Jan 2014
Previous Incomplete


Draft Permit
(Sept 2013)

Response to Public Comments
(Mar 2014)

Final Permit
(Mar 2014)

of Basis

Public Notice
Public Notice in Spanish
Transmittal Letter
Proof of Public Notice
Request for Public Meeting
Reply to Request for Public Meeting
Request for Extension for Public Comments
EPA Comments on Request for Extension
Comments Period Extended thru Nov 6th
Request for Extension for Public Comments: Nov-06-2013
Comment Periond Extended thru Dec 4th
Public hearing transcript
Public Comments re-posted 1/7/13 (large 32 mB file)
Final Public Notice
Final Transmittal Letter
Revised Comment Index
1st Consultation Letter Sent to Historic Tribal Nations with Texas Interests 08-01-13
2nd Consultation Letter Sent to Historic Tribal Nations with Texas Interests 08-22-13
Commitment Letter
Final Biological Assessment
Final Cultural Report
SHPO Concurrence Request
SHPO Concurrence Response
Enterprise Products Operating, Mont Belvieu Complex
Eagleford Fractionation and DIB Units
Revised App: May 2012
Response May-2012
Previous Incomplete


Draft Permit
(Aug 2012)

Final Permit
(Oct 2012)

Final Permit Summary of Revisions
of Basis

Public Notice
Proof of Public Notice
"No requests were received by August 31, 2012 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for September 12, 2012 was cancelled."
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Biological Assessment
Final Cultural Report
Enterprise Products
Mont Belvieu
Propane Dehydrogenation Unit.
App Received: Dec-19-2012
Response 06-21-2013
Attendee List 07-02-2013
Response 07-15-2013
Response 07-26-2013
Response 08-23-2013
Flare Emissions 01-02-2014
Nat Gas Analysis
CO2 CEMs Resp
Response 01-20-2014
Email 01-21-2014
Response 01-29-2014
ghg factor Response 02-12-2014
Response 02-21-2014
Comb Unit Emissions
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Mar 2014)

Response to Public Comments

Final Permit
(Apr 2014)

of Basis

Public Notice
Public Notice Cover Letter
"No requests for a public hearing were received by April 1, 2014, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for April 23, 2014 was cancelled."
Proof of Public Notice
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Public Notice
Draft Final Cultural Report
Public Comment 04-07-14
Final Biological Assessment
ETC Texas Pipeline-Jackson Revised App Mar-15-2012 Previous Incomplete


Draft Permit
(Mar 2012)

Final Permit
(May 2012)

Final Permit Revision Summary
of Basis

Final Statement of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
Proof of Publication
"No requests were received by April 19, 2012 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for April 26, 2012 was cancelled."
Final Permit Public Announcement
Final Permit Transmittal Letter
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
EJ Report
Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
Equistar Chemical, Olefins Plant Expansion Project - Corpus Christi Complex App Received: Mar-6-2013
Revised App Received: Oct-22-2013
Additional Info
Additional Info
Response 02-25-14
Draft Permit
(Feb 2014)

Final Permit
(Apr 2014)

Summary of Revisions

of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
“The permitting authority, having determined there was not a significant degree of interest in the draft permit, cancelled the public hearing previously scheduled for April 23, 2014.”
Signed Transmittal Letter
Draft Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
Final Essential Fish Habitat Report
Equistar Chemicals, Channelview, Olefins 1 & 2 Expansion - Channelview, Tx Olefins 1: Revised May 15-2012
Olefins 2: Revised May 15-2012
Heater Efficiency Calculations
Follow-up Response
Response to EPA
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(May 2013)

Final Permit
(Jul 2013)

Summary of Revisions

of Basis

Public Notice
Proof of Public Notice
“No requests were received by June 17, 2013 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for June 26, 2013 was cancelled.”
Signed Transmittal Letter
Final Cultural Report
Final Essential Fish Habitat Report
Final Biological Assessment
Equistar Chemicals, La Porte Complex App Received: Sept-29-2011
Revised App: May 2012
Furnace Decoking
Furnace Efficiency Calculations
Previous Incomplete


Draft Permit
(Jan 2013)

Final Permit
(Mar 2013)

Transmittal Letter
of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
No requests were received by February 20, 2013 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for March 4, 2013 was cancelled.
Final Essential Fish Habitat
Final Biological Assessment
Final Cultural Report
Equistar Chemicals, Channelview, Methanol Unit App Received: Oct-27-2011
Revised App - July 2012
Previous Incomplete


Draft Permit
(Dec 2012)

Final Permit
(Feb 2013)

Summary of Revisions

Transmittal Letter
of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
Proof of Public Notice
No requests were received by February 1, 2013 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for February 13, 2013 was cancelled
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
Final Essential Fish Habitat Report
Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
Energy Transfer Partners
Lone Star NGL
Mont Belvieu Gas Plant
Revised App June-5-2012
Response May-2012
Draft Permit
(Aug 2012)

Final Permit
(Oct 2012)

Final Permit Summary
of Basis

Permit Notice
Public Notice
Proof of Publication
"No requests were received by September 27, 2012 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for October 9, 2012 was cancelled."
Transmittal Letter
Final Biological Assessment
Final Cultural Report
Addendum to Final Cultural Report
ExxonMobil Chemical, Baytown Olefins Plant App Received: May-22-2012
Response 10-16-12
Process Flow Diagram
Process Description
Response Addendum - Nov 2012
Response to EPA 01-31-2013
email & Response to EPA 02-07-2013
Cracking Furnace
Duct Burner
Response to EPA 02-08-2013
Comment to EPA 05-03-2013
Comment to EPA 09-06-2013
Comment to EPA 09-20-2013
Comment to EPA 09-27-2013
Response to Comments
Previous Incomplete


Draft Permit
(Jun 2013)

Public Comments Received

Final Permit
(Nov 2013)

EPA Decision Letter (May 2014)

Statement of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
"No requests were received by July 1, 2013 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for July 17, 2013 was cancelled."
Final Public Notice
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
Final Essential Fish Habitat Report
ExxonMobil Chemical, Mont Belvieu Plastics Plant App Received: May-22-2012
Response Nov-2012
Revised App: Mar-08-2013
Vent Gas Recovery Email 05/23/13
Previous Incomplete


Draft Permit
(Jul 2013)

Final Permit
(Sept 2013)

Final Permit Revisions Summary

of Basis

Transmittal Letter
Public Notice
“No requests were received by August 12, 2013 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for August 21, 2013 was cancelled.”
Signed Transmittal Letter
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
FGE Power, LLC App Received: May-6-2013
Response 01-17-14
Cost Est 03-09-14
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Mar 2014)

Final Permit
(Apr 2014)

Final Permit Revisions Summary

of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
“The permitting authority, having determined there was not a significant degree of interest in the draft permit, cancelled the public hearing previously scheduled for April 29, 2014.”
Final Transmittal Letter
Draft Final Cultural Resources Report
Draft Final Cultural Resources Addendum
Draft Final Biological Assessment
Flint Hills Resources Corpus Christi, LLC, West Refinery App Received: Dec-18-2012
(See revised Mar 2014 App below)
Response May-16-2013
Response June-25-2013
Revised App: July-03-2013
EPA questions 06-18-13
Email Response 01-08-14
Request 01-30-14
Response 02-17-14
Request 02-05-14
Email Response 02-18-14
Response 02-21-14
Email Response on emitting units
Request on MSS activities
CCR Fuel 03-04-14
90 lbs Fuel 03-04-14
Response 03-04-14
Mid Plant Fuel 03-04-14
Purchase fuel 03-04-14
Email Response 03-04-14
Signed Settlement Agreement
Response on BACT Analysis 03-11-14
Email Response on BACT Analysis 03-11-14
Email Response 03-13-2014
Response on Emissions 03-13-2014
Response on BACT Analysis 03-17-2014
Email Response on BACT Analysis 03-18-2014
Email on calc revisions 03-19-14
Calc revisions 03-19-14
Revised App: Mar 2014
Request 03-12-14
Response 04-08-14
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Apr 2014)

Final Permit
(May 2014)

Final Permit Revision Summary
(May 2014)

Draft Statement of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
“No requests for a public hearing were received by April 30, 2014, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for May 21, 2014 was cancelled."
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Essential Fish Habitat Report
Draft Final Biological Assessment
U.S. FWS Response
NOAA Concurrence
Final Cultural Report
SHPO Concurrence Response
Tribal Consultation Letter
Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
Formosa Plastics Corporation, Texas, Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Plant App Received: Dec-11-2012
Comments Received: May-10-2013
LDPE response July-01-2013
Emission calculation table A-1 Mar-2014
Emission calculation table A-1 Apr-2014
MSS Emission calculation table A-8 Apr-2014
Emission calculation check
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Jun 2014)

Final Permit
(Aug 2014)

Final Permit Revisions Summary
(Aug 2014)

Draft Statement of Basis

Transmittal Letter
Public Notice
"The permitting authority, having determined there was not a significant interest in the draft permit, cancelled the public hearing previously scheduled for July 31, 2014."
Proof of Publication
Final Transmittal Letter
Draft Final Cultural Report
Formosa Plastics Corporation, Texas, Olefins Expansion App Received: Dec-11-2012
Revised Olefins3 GHG Application May-16-2013
Revised Olefins3 GHG Application Section 6.3 Aug-09-2013
Detail PDH Reactor 08-09-13
Followup email 08-09-2013
Supplemental Responses 08-09-2013
Furnace Detail
Response to Flare as Backup
Response Mar-17-2014
Response Mar-24-2014
Response Apr-08-2014
Response to PDH Reactor Catalyst Apr-09-2014
Response Apr-09-2014
Response CCS Evaluation Apr-09-2014
EPA Response Apr-09-2014
Revised App C BACT Analysis Apr-09-2014
App C BACT Analysis Apr-14-2014
Site Specific CCS Evaluation Apr-14-2014
Table 6-8 CCS Costs
Revised calculation Mar-2014
Table A-1 Apr-2014
Table A-10 Apr-2014
Response to MSS totals Apr-28-2014
Table A-11 Apr-2014
Response to furnace question Apr-01-2014
Revised calculation May-2014
Emission calculation check
Expansion BACT Limits
Expansion Calculations
BACT Engines and MSS
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Jun 2014)

Final Permit
(Aug 2014)

Final Permit Revisions Summary
(Aug 2014)

Draft Statement of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
"The permitting authority, having determined there was not a significant interest in the draft permit, cancelled the public hearing previously scheduled for July 31, 2014."
Proof of Publication
Transmittal Letter
Draft Final Cultural Report
Formosa Plastics Corporation, Texas, Gas Turbines App Received: Dec-11-2012
Comments Received: May-10-2013
Response Aug-09-2013
Emission Summary Table A-1 Mar-2014
Utility Calculations
Appendix C - CCS BACT Analysis
Short Ton Conversion
Table 6-8
Gas Turbine email 04-17-14
Capital Cost May-12-2014
Gas Turbines Calc email 06-04-14
Gas Turbines Conversion email
Gas Turbines Sum of Plant Costs
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Jun 2014)

Final Permit
(Aug 2014)

Final Permit Revisions Summary
(Aug 2014)

Draft Statement of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
"The permitting authority, having determined there was not a significant interest in the draft permit, cancelled the public hearing previously scheduled for July 31, 2014."
Proof of Publication
Final Transmittal Letter
Draft Final Cultural Report
Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Antelope Station App Received: Feb-1-2013
Revised App: July 29, 2013
Response to EPA Completion Determination
Basis for BACT Limits
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Apr 2014)

Final Permit Cover Letter
(June 2014)

Final Permit
(June 2014)

of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
“No requests were received by May 21, 2014 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for June 11, 2014 was cancelled.”
Draft Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
Addendum to Final Biological Assessment
Guadalupe Power Partners LP App Received: Nov-13-2012
Response: Jun-12-2013
Revised App: Sept 10, 2014
Revised table Oct 6, 2014
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Oct 2014)

Final Permit
(Dec 2014)

Final Permit Revisions Summary
(Dec 2014)

of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
"No requests were received by November 14, 2014, for a public hearing, therefore, the previously scheduled public hearing for December 2, 2014 has been cancelled."
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Cultural Report
Draft Final Biological Assessment
Indeck Wharton Energy Center App Received: June-21-2013
Response: Feb-03-2014
Revised Appendix B
Response to EPA 01-08-2014
SHPO Concurrence
Draft Permit
(Apr 2014)

Final Permit
(May 2014)

Final Permit Revisions Summary

of Basis

Transmittal Letter
Public Notice
"The permitting authority, having determined there was not a significant degree of interest in the draft permit, cancelled the public hearing previously scheduled for May 12, 2014.”
Final Transmittal Letter
Draft Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
No. 2 Olefins Unit
Brazoria County, Tx
App Received: Jul-28-2011
Revised App: Feb-24-2012, updated May 2012
Request for CBI
Return of CBI
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Aug 2012)

Final Permit
(Oct 2012)

Final Permit Cover Letter

of Basis

Supplement to Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Notification Letter
"No requests were received by Sept 24, 2012 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for Oct 2, 2012 was cancelled."
Final Essential Fish Habitat Report
Final Biological Assessment
Final Cultural Report
Additional information
SHPO Concurrence Response
Invenergy Thermal Development LLC
Ector County Energy Center
App Received: May-13-2013
Revised App: Jun-26-2013
Request for Info
Emission Summary 12-31-13
Response 01-02-14
Supplemental Info 03-24-14
Draft Permit
(Apr 2014)

Cover Letter

Final Permit
(Aug 2014)

Final Permit Revisions Summary
(Aug 2014)

of Basis

Public Notice
“No requests for a public hearing were received by May 8, 2014, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for May 27, 2014 was cancelled.”
Transmittal Letter
Draft Final Cultural Report
Draft Final Biological Assessment
INVISTA, S.a r.l., Victoria Site App Received: Mar-13-2012
Response Received: 07-18-2012
Supplemental App Material: 03-14-2013 (revised)
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Mar 2013)

Final Permit
(May 2013)

Signed MOA
of Basis

Supplement to the Statement of Basis
Public Notice
“No requests were received by April 9, 2013 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing was cancelled."
Transmittal Letter
Final Cultural Report
Addendum to Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
Yselta del Sur Pueblo Response
Tonkawa Tribe Response
United Keetoowah Band of CherokeeResponse
Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
KM Liquids Terminals App Received: Mar-27-2012
Revised App: Jul-26-2012
3) Revised App: 01-18-2013
Revised App: 03-05-2013
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Apr 2013)

Final Permit
(May 2013)

Permit Revisions Summary
of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
“No requests were received by May 1, 2013 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for May 14, 2013 was cancelled.”
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Cultural Report
Additional Info
Final Biological Assessment
Final Essential Fish Habitat Report
La Paloma Energy Center Revised App: July 2012
Response letter Aug-06-2012
Application Addendum: Aug-06-2012
Response to Questions: Nov-1-2012
Revised App: Mar-03-2013
Response email Feb-08-2013
Response letter Aug-08-2013
Wastewater provider Jan-30-2013
Econamine Technology Info Aug-05-2013


Draft Permit
(Mar 2013)

Public Comments Received

Edited Appendix A from Sierra Club. Contact for a full copy.

Response to Public Comments

Final Permit
(Nov 2013)

of Basis

Public Notice
Signed Transmittal Letter
"No requests were received by April 15, 2013 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for May 1, 2013 was cancelled."
Transmittal Letter: Nov-06-2013
Public Notice
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
LCRA Thomas Ferguson GHG PSD App Received: Mar-15-2011 Complete
Draft Permit
(Sept 2011)

Final Permit
(Nov 2011)

Revision Summary

of Basis

Final Permit Announcement
Permit Public Notice
Final Transmittal Letter
EJ Analysis
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
Lon C. Hill Power Station App Received: Nov-8-2013
NOD Resp Letter
Air Quality Analysis
Revised App 02-28-14
Resp to question 4
email 03-19-14
Heat Rate w/ degradation
Siemens Performance
email 03-25-14
Siemens Annual Rates
BACT Cost Analysis
Combined Cycle Units
Combined Cycle Unit Performance
email 03-28-14
Revised App 05-13-14
Updated Calcs
BACT 08-13-14
CCS Cost 08-13-14
email resp 08-13-14
BACT 08-18-14
Fact Sheet 10-27-14
Draft Permit
(Sept 2014)

Final Permit
(Oct 2014)

Revision Summary

of Basis

Public Notice
Draft Transmittal Letter
"No requests were received by October 10, for a public hearing, therefore, the previously scheduled public hearing for October 28, 2014 has been cancelled.”
Final Transmittal Letter
Draft Final Cultural Report
Draft Biological Assessment
SHPO Concurrence Response
Lone Star NGL
Mont Belvieu Gas Plant
(Also see Energy Transfer Partners - above)
App Received: Jun-7-2013 Revised App
Draft Permit
(Feb 2014)

Final Permit
(Apr 2014)

Revision Summary

of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
"The permitting authority, having determined there was not a significant degree of interest in the draft permit, cancelled the public hearing previously scheduled for April 16, 2014.”
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Cultural Report (same as ETP Mont Belvieu - above)
Final Cultural Report: Supp. 1, Supp. 2, Supp. 3
Letter to the EPA addressing FRAC III APE and AA
Final Biological Assessment
SHPO Concurrence
Magellan Terminal Holdings, LP App Received: Nov-13-2013
Resp to EPA 03-19-14
Revised Page 4-2
Revised App 08-22-14
Revised App 09-22-14
Additional Supporting Info
Draft Permit
(Oct 2014)

Final Permit
(Dec 2014)

Revision Summary

of Basis

Transmittal Letter
Public Notice
“No requests were received by November 18, 2014 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for December 4, 2014 was cancelled.”
Final Transmittal Letter
Public Notice
Draft Final Cultural Resources Report
Draft Biological Assessment
M&G Resins USA, LLC. PET Plant
(Part of Project Jumbo)
App Received: Mar-4-2013
App Updates: May-to-Sept-2014
Incomplete (Feb 2014)
Def Response (Mar 2014)
Draft Permit
(Oct 2014)

Final Permit
(Nov 2014)

Revision Summary

of Basis

Public Notice
"The permitting authority, having determined there was not a significant degree of interest in the draft permit, cancelled the public hearing previously scheduled for November 17, 2014."
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
TCEQ non GHG PSD App - Feb 2013
M&G Resins USA, LLC. Utility Plant
(Part of Project Jumbo; formerly NRG Development, Corpus Christi Combine Heat and Power)
App Received: Mar-27-2013
M&G Util Pmt App Updates
Util App Upd May15 2014
Incomplete (Feb 2014)
Util App Upd May15 2014
Draft Permit
(Oct 2014)

Final Permit
(Nov 2014)

Revision Summary

of Basis

Public Notice
"The permitting authority, having determined there was not a significant degree of interest in the draft permit, cancelled the public hearing previously scheduled for November 17, 2014."
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
TCEQ non GHG PSD App -May 2014
Natgasoline, LLC
App Received: Feb 19-2013
Revised App: Nov 06-2013
Response to Incomplete Determination
Updated CCS Costs 06-27-14
Additional Information 08-01-14
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Aug 2014)

Final Permit
(Sept 2014)

of Basis

Basis of Decision

Draft Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
"No requests were received by September 17, 2014, for a public hearing, therefore, the previously scheduled public hearing for October 8, 2014 has been cancelled"
Final Transmittal Letter
Draft Biological Assessment
Draft Final Cultural Resources Report
Nuevo Midstream, LLC
Ramsey Gas Plant
App Received: Jan-27-2014
Updated Engine Calcs 05-21-14
Additional Info 08-27-14
Revised App: Aug 2014
EOR Cost 09-04-14
Injection Wells
Estimated Number of Wells
Sequestration Costs
Draft Permit
(Oct 2014)

Final Permit
(Nov 2014)

Revision Summary

of Basis

Transmittal Letter
Draft Public Notice
"No requests were received by November 4, 2014, for a public hearing, therefore, the previously scheduled public hearing for November 19, 2014 has been cancelled."
Final Transmittal Letter
Draft Final Cultural Report
Draft Final Biological Assessment
Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
Occidental Chem Corp
Ingleside Chemical Plant,
Ethylene Plant
App Received: Dec-28-2012
Furnance Efficiency Calc
Avg Cost Effectiveness
Revised App - Nov 2013
Revised App - Jan 2014
Cost Est 02-03-14
Citizen Comment 04-24-14
Letter 05-23-14
Programmatic Agreement 05-23-14
Response to Comments 05-23-14
Previous Incomplete (July 2013)
Response to EPA Completeness
Draft Permit
(Mar 2014)

Final Permit
(May 2014)

of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
“The permitting authority, having determined there was not a significant degree of interest in the draft permit, cancelled the public hearing previously scheduled for May 8, 2014.”
Cultural Report Site Facility: Supplemental Info (No Effects)
Final Cultural Report
Final Cultural Report: Pipeline Expansion
Draft Final Biological Assessment
Biological Assessment: Appendices A, B, C, D
Occidental Chem Corp,
Natural Gas Fractionation Facilities,
Ingleside Chemical Plant
App Received: May-21-2012
Response: Aug-01-2012
Previous Incomplete


Draft Permit
(Jul 2013)

Final Permit
(Jan 2014)

Permit Revision Summary

Corrected Final Permit
(Apr 2014)

Strikeout Emission Table

of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
“No requests were received by August 5, 2013 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for August 21, 2013 was cancelled.”
Final Transmittal Letter
Revised Final Transmittal Letter
Total Capital Cost email
Final Cultural Report: Site
Final Essential Fish Habitat Report
Final Biological Assessment
USFWS Concurrence Response
NOAA Concurrence Response
Oxy Chem Commitment Letter to NOAA 01-14-14
OxyChem SHPO Response 9-5-13
OxyChem SHPO Final Report
OCI Beaumont LLC App Received: Dec-21-2012
Equipment Diagram
Response 12-12-2013
Reply to emails
Emit Calcs 03-19-14
Response 03-06-14
PTE Calculations v2
Previous Incomplete

Draft Permit
(Jun 2014)

Draft Permit Cover Letter

Final Permit
(Aug 2014)

Final Permit Basis of Decision

Statement of Basis

Public Notice
“No requests were received by July 14, 2014 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing on July 28, 2014 has been cancelled”.
Draft Final Cultural Report
Draft Final Biological Assessment
Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
ONEOK Hydrocarbon, Mont Belvieu NGL Fractionation Plant App Received: Sept-21-2012
Response: Jan-14-2013
Revised App: 04-29-2013
Revised App: 05-08-2013
Cooling Tower BACT Info
Questions from EPA
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(May 2013)

Permit revision summary

Final Permit
(Jul 2013)
of Basis

Transmittal Letter
Public Notice
“No requests for a public hearing were received as of June 24, 2013, therefore the previously planned public hearing for July 10, 2013 was cancelled.”
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
ONEOK Hydrocarbon, Mont Belvieu NGL Fractionation Plant, Frac-3 and Frac-4 App Received: Jan-28-2014
Response 02-24-14
Response 04-04-14
Draft Permit
(May 2014)

Final Permit
(Jun 2014)

Summary of Revisions

of Basis

Transmittal Letter
Public Notice
"The permitting authority, having determined there was not a significant degree of interest in the draft permit, cancelled the public hearing previously scheduled for June 25, 2014"
Final Transmittal Letter
Draft Cultural Report
Biological Assessment
Pinecrest Energy Center, LLC
App Received: Feb-28-2013
Revised App: May-01-2014
email response May-14-2014
Draft Permit
(Jun 2014)

Final Permit
(Aug 01, 2014)

Summary of Revisions
(Aug 01, 2014)

of Basis

Transmittal Letter
Public Notice
"The permitting authority, having determined there was not a significant degree of interest in the draft permit, cancelled the public hearing previously scheduled for July 30, 2014.”
Final Transmittal Letter
Draft Final Cultural Report
Draft Final Cultural Resources Report – Linear Facilities Addendum.
Draft Biological Assessment.
PL Propylene LLC Revised App: 2013
Summary of Revisions
Previous Incomplete


Draft Permit
(Apr 2013)

Final Permit
(Jun 2013)
of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
“No requests were received by May 13, 2013 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for May 22, 2013 was cancelled”.
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
Final Essential Fish Habitat Report
Rohm and Haas Deer Park Chemical Plant Harris county, Tx App Received: Oct-26-2012
Incompleteness response 02-04-2013
Supplemental Info
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Dec 2013)

Final Permit
(Feb 2014)

Summary of Revisions

of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
Proof of Public Notice
“No requests were received by January 21, 2014 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing was cancelled."
Final Transmittal Letter
Draft Final Cultural Report
Final Essential Fish Habitat Report
Final Biological Assessment
Date of Application Submittal
Completeness Determination
Statement of Basis
Public Notice
Other Supporting Information
South Texas Electric Cooperative
Red Gate Power Plant
App Received: Jan-02-2013
Response: June-07-2013
Response: July-31-2014
Sierra Club Comments Oct-03-2014
Response to Sierra Club Comments, 11-14-2014
email response 01-28-15
email response 01-30-15
email response 02-10-15
Wartsila brochure
Draft Permit
(Sept 2014)

Final Permit
(Feb 2015)

of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
Proof of Public Notice
“No requests were received by October 7, 2014, for a public hearing, therefore, the public hearing previously scheduled for October 28, 2014, was cancelled.”
Final Transmittal Letter
Response to Public Comments
Draft Final Cultural Resource Report
Draft Final Cultural Resource Report Addendum
Draft Final Biological Assessment
Targa Gas Processing, Longhorn Gas Plant App Received: Feb-23-2012
Revised Emission Data
Process Description
Summary of Revisions - 06-18-2013
Previous Incomplete



Response letter

Draft Permit
(Apr 2013)

Final Permit Cover Letter

Final Permit
(Jun 2013)

of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
Proof of Public Notice
“No requests were received by April 26, 2013 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for May 15, 2013 was cancelled."
Final Cultural Report
Final Biological Assessment
Targa Midstream Services, Mont Belvieu Plant App Received: Mar-26-2012
Response: Nov-08-2012
Emission Rate Data
Train 5 email revisions
Train 5 Emission Rates
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Nov 2013)

Final Permit
(Dec 2013)

Final Permit Revisions Summary
(Dec 2013)

of Basis

Transmittal Letter
Public Notice
“No requests were received by December 16, 2013 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for January 8, 2014 was cancelled.”
Transmittal Letter Dec-30-2013
Final Draft Cultural Resources Report
Final Biological Assessment
Tenaska Brownsville Generating Station
Brownsville, Texas
App Received: Feb-15-2013
Resp to Deter Letter 12-16-13
Revised App: Mar-20-2014
Emission Data 04-10-14
Cost Est from Trinity 05-19-14
Revised Emission Data 09-10-14
Response to Comments on the CR: Part 1
Response to Comments on the CR: Part 2
Response to Comments on the CR: Part 3
Draft Permit
(Oct 2014)

Final Permit
(Jan 2015)

Final Permit Revisions Summary
(Dec 2013)

of Basis

Transmittal Letter
Public Notice
"No requests were received by November 19, 2014 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously planned public hearing for December 3, 2014 was cancelled"
Public Notice
Final Transmittal Letter
Final Biological Assessment
BA Addendum 1
BA Addendum 2
Cultural Resources Assessment (CRA)
CRA: Appendices A, B, C, Attachment 1
CRA: Attachment 2
CRA: Attachment 3 and 4
EPA NHPA Determination
NHPA Proposed MOA
Signed MOA
Tenaska Roans Prairie Generating Station App Received: July-22-2013
EPA Resp Jan-14-2014
EPA Resp Jan-21-2014
Revised App: Mar-05-2014
Revised App: Apr-28-2014
Annual avg BACT Limits 05-12-14
Avg BACT Limits 05-14-14

Draft Permit
(May 2014)

Final Permit
(Aug 2014)

Final Permit Revisions Summary
(Aug 2014)

of Basis

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
“No requests were received by Monday June 16, 2014 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously scheduled public hearing for July 16, 2014 was cancelled.”
Final Transmittal Letter
Public Notice
Draft Final Cultural Report
Draft Final Biological Assessment
Victoria Power Station
App Received: Feb 15, 2013
email to EPA 05-14-14
email to EPA 07-07-14
emission rate calcs
Performance Stds
Proposed Stds
email to EPA 07-28-14
Response to Comments 10-3-14
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Aug 2014)

Final Permit
(Oct 2014)

of Basis

Transmittal Letter
Public Notice
Proof of Publication
“No requests were received by Wednesday September 3, 2014 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously scheduled public hearing for September 24, 2014 was cancelled.”
Final Transmittal Letter
Public Notice
Draft Final Cultural Report
Draft Final Biological Assessment
Voestalpine App Received: Feb-04-2013
Resp to Incomplete Determination 11-0-13
Revised App 11-26-13
Emission Calcs 01-23-14
Tech Comparison 04-08-14
Response 04-20-14
Flow Diagrams
Previous Incomplete
Draft Permit
(Apr 2014)

Final Permit
(Jun 2014)

of Basis

Basis of Decision

Public Notice
Transmittal Letter
“No requests were received by Friday May 16, 2014 for a public hearing, therefore, the previously scheduled public hearing for June 11, 2014 was cancelled.”
Final Transmittal Letter
Draft Final Biological Assessment
Biological Assessment: Addendum
Essential Fish Habitat
Draft Final Cultural Report
NOAA Concurrence
USFW Concurrence
SHPO Concurrence

Deep Water Ports

Title I Preconstruction Permits/Title V Operating Permits

Port Pelican (Draft Permit)
Port Pelican - Response to Comments on Draft Permit
Port Pelican (Final Permit - Effective 6/19/04)
El Paso Energy Bridge (Original Final Permit Issued on 6/29/04 and Effective on 7/29/04)
El Paso Energy Bridge (Gulf Gateway Energy Bridge LLC) Final Response to comments
Gulf Gateway Energy Bridge LLC (Administratively amended - El Paso Final Permit Issued on 6/29/04 and Effective on 7/29/04)
Gulf Gateway Energy Bridge LLC (Final Permit Issued on 11/28/05)
Gulf Gateway Energy Bridge LP - Final Permit Issued April 26, 2011 (Will be uploaded today, 6/6/11)
Gulf Gateway Energy Bridge LP - Statement of Basis (SOB ) (Will be uploaded today, 6/6/11)
Gulf Gateway Energy Bridge LLC
Main Pass Energy Hub ( Permit Application)
Pearl Crossing ( Permit Application)


R6 is the permitting authority for the NSR permits that include minor NSR, non-attainment NSR and the Prevention of Significant Deterioration ( PSD) as well as the Operating Permits program (Part 71) for 65 tribes.

What is Indian Country?
American Indian Environmental Tribal Portal
EPA National Tribal NSR Program
Region 6 Tribes

EPA Contact:
Bonnie Braganza P.E.
US EPA Region 6
Air Permits Section
Multimedia Permitting & Planning Division
Phone:214 -665-7340
Fax: 214-665-6762

Tribal Minor New Source Review Permitting


On July 1, 2011, the EPA promulgated a final Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) that implements New Source Review (NSR) preconstruction air pollution control requirements in areas in Indian country. The FIP, which is titled "Review of New Sources and Modifications in Indian Country" includes two NSR rules for the protection of air quality in Indian country. One of those rules, known as the Minor NSR Rule, applies to new industrial facilities or modifications at existing industrial facilities with the potential to emit equal to or more than the minor NSR thresholds but less than the major NSR thresholds, generally 100 to 250 tons per year (tpy). The FIP gives EPA Region 6 the authority to review applications for and issue minor NSR permits to stationary sources on Indian country in the Region (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas). The FIP also allows EPA to delegate that authority to tribes in the Region that request it and are able to demonstrate appropriate capability to implement the plan. Additionally, the FIP can be replaced by an EPA-approved tribal implementation plan (TIP).

Sources planning to seek coverage under a permit must first demonstrate it has adequately completed the screening processes to comply with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). For sources utilizing the permit by rule the source must receive a written letter from the EPA indicating that the processes have been satisfactorily addressed, prior to notifying the reviewing authority that it is covered under a permit by rule [ 80 FR 25090; 49.56(f)(6)(iii) on May 1, 2015]. For other NSR permitting actions, please reference the application forms for providing adequate information on the above two Acts for EPA’s review.

The Minor NSR program provides three options for obtaining permits:

  • Site-Specific Permits - includes case-by-case determinations of the source emission limits as well as any control technology requirements;
  • General Permits - permits that have been developed for a number of similar equipment types or facilities to simplify the permit issuance process for facilities; or
  • Synthetic Minor Permits - applies to a source that has the potential to emit pollutants in amounts that are at or above major source thresholds, but has voluntarily accepted emission limitations so that its potential to emit is less than those thresholds, thereby allowing the source to avoid more stringent major source requirements of the Clean Air Act, such as Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD), and Title V Operating Permit requirements. This option is available to different types of facilities, including those that emit hazardous air pollutants so that they will not be subject to Maximum Available Control Technology (MACT) standards for major sources.

The permit issuance process includes public notice and comment requirements, as well as administrative and judicial review provisions.

The final rule is located at 40 CFR 49.151. A fact sheet is available EPA's NSR Website.

Rule Applicability Timeline

Upon Rule Effective Date - August 30, 2011

Permitting will apply to:

  • Minor modifications at existing major NSR sources
  • New synthetic minor requests
  • Part 71 synthetic minor source transfers
  • 50% PTE Transition Policy source transfers
  • Consent decree source transfers

Upon General Permit Effective Date


  • New true minor sources in the source category only will be able to apply for coverage
3 Years After Rule Effective Date - September 2, 2014

Permitting will apply to:

  • All new true minor sources

Tribal Minor NSR Permit Application Forms

Application Forms
Sources planning to seek coverage under a permit by rule must first demonstrate it has adequately completed the screening processes for the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and Section 6 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) , and received a written letter from the EPA indicating that the processes have been satisfactorily addressed, prior to notifying the reviewing authority that it is covered under a permit by rule [80 FR 25078; 49.56(f)(6)(iii) on May 1, 2015]. For other NSR permitting actions, please reference the application forms for providing adequate information on the above two Acts for EPA’s review

email ( ) or copy this email address and paste into your default mail program: (Subject must contain the word "Tribal")

Existing Source Registration Form (FORM REG)

New Source General Application Form (FORM NEW)

Synthetic Minor Limit Request Form (FORM SYNMIN)

Application Instructions

Existing Sources – Constructed Prior to August 30, 2011:
Submit Form REG only by March 1, 2013.
Existing sources are not required to obtain a MNSR permit.
New Minor Sources - Constructed Between August 30, 2011 and September 2, 2014:
Submit Form REG only within 90 days after the source begins operation.
Sources constructed in this time frame are not required to obtain a MNSR permit unless a general permit for that source category has been promulgated.
For the Proposed Construction of New Minor Sources – On or After September 2, 2014
Submit Form NEW only for pre-construction approval
For Any Synthetic Minor Limit Request :
Submit Form NEW and Form SYNMIN

NSR Permits located in Indian Country

Type of Permit
Application & Additional Suppliments
Completeness Determination
Draft permit and Technical Support Document
Public Notice Information
Final Permit and Basis of Decision
Other Cross-cutting Federal Evaluations/ Actions
Sandia Pueblo
Synthetic Minor
Sandia Resort and Casino
Application Date Sept-04-2012
App Amendments Rec'd Aug-13-2014
Emission Analysis
App Amendments Rec'd Sept-23-2014
Jicarilla Apache
Synthetic Minor
XTO Compressor Station
Application Date Feb-02-2012
XTO Letter
Aggregation Determination
Response from XTO Energy
Laguna Pueblo
Synthetic Minor
NGMC- Redonda Compressor Station
Redonda Compressor Station App
Jicarilla Apache
Syn- convert from Part 71
Nora Generation
Nora Generation App
Project Termination Letter
“Application withdrawn - Facility dismantled”
Jicarilla Apache
Synthetic Minor
Lindrith Compressor Station
Application Date Oct-18-2013
Santo Domingo/Kewa Tribe
Synthetic Minor
NuStar Logistics,L.P. Rosario Terminal
Application Date Mar-20-2015
Application Amendments Rec'd July-02-2015

Tribal Major Non-attainment NSR Permits

NSR permitsThe NA NSR program can be found in Title 1, part D of the CAA, and the federal requirements for state NA NSR implementation plans are in 40 C.F.R. part 51, subpart I. The federal requirements for EPA to implement the NA NSR program in Indian country are in 40 C.F.R. part 49.

Tribal Major PSD Permits

The PSD program can be found in Title I, part C of the Clean Air Act (CAA). The federal requirements for state PSD implementation plans are found in 40 C.F.R. part 51, subpart I. The federal requirements for EPA to implement the program are in 40 C.F.R. part 52, subpart A, and 40 C.F.R. part 124.

In order to facilitate the PSD permitting process for regulated entities, EPA will accept the respective State permitting forms for application of a PSD permit in Indian Country

Note that a facility may be required to obtain both types of major NSR permits if it is located in an area that is in attainment for some of the pollutants it will emit but not for others.


Facility Identification
Application Received
Completeness Review
Type of Action
Public Comment Period
Public Comments Received
Response to Public Comments
Permit Issued
None at this time

Tribal Title V Implementation in Indian Country

Title V permits contain only existing federal and Tribal air quality requirements. Currently only the federal New Source Performance Standards, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, and Prevention of Significant Deterioration requirements apply to Title V sources in Indian Country.

Tribes may develop their own Title V air operating permit program and seek EPA approval of such program at any time now that the Tribal Authority Rule is finalized. Tribes may develop a Title V air operating permit program that includes a cooperative agreement with the State or Local air permitting authority.

Part 71 Title V Operating Permits in Region 6

(Includes applicability information and Table of Permits)

EPA-issued title V permits are often called "Part 71" permits because the regulations that establish the standards for them are found in the Code of Federal Regulations at 40 C.F.R. part 71.

Forms for Part 71 permits

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss any of these issues, please call Bonnie Braganza at (214) 665-7340.

Part 70 Title V Operating Permits Program in Region 6 States

The Operating Permits Program can be found in Title V of the CAA. Title V operating permits are legally enforceable documents issued to stationary sources after the source has begun to operate. Sources whose emissions are greater than the established Title V permitting thresholds or who meet other applicable criteria are required to obtain an operating permit. The permits contain all the air pollution control requirements that apply to the source, including requirements from NSR permits, or other applicable requirements, such as New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) or National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP). The Title V Operating Permits Program provides for public participation in the permitting process. The public generally has at least 30 days to comment on all draft Title V operating permits. All states in Region have approved operating permit programs.

Operating Permit Timeline

(To view permit information, click on the State below)
New Mexico

Title V Petitions

State/Permitting Authority
Permit Number
Date Petition Received
LACheniere Energy Sabine Pass LNG LiquifactionGulf Coast Environmental Labor Coalition (GCEC) Title V permit 0560-00244-v32/3/12Acknowledge receipt of petition: 3/5/12
LAMurphy OilLEAN/ Sierra Club, et al.Title V permit 2500-00001-V512/10/09NOI to Sue
Compliant Filed 12/1/10
Final Order Issued - 9/21/11

LDEQ Resp to Order: 12/20/12
NOI from LEAN for EPA not issuing/denying
based on LDEQ response: 5/8/12 - Pending
LAYuhuang Chemical Inc. – Methanol Plant, St. James ParishSierra Club and the Louisiana Environmental Action Network (LEAN)Title V Permit No. 2560-00295-V0May 19, 2015Pending
AREntergy Arkansas, Inc - Independence PlantSierra ClubTitle V permit 0449-AOP-R7October 19, 2010Pending
AREntergy Arkansas, Inc – White BluffSierra ClubTitle V permit 0263-AOP-R7January 28, 2010Pending
ARBig River Steel, LLCNucor Steel – AR And Nucor-Yamato SteelTitle V permit 2305-AOP-R0October 9, 2013Pending Acknowledge receipt of petition: 11/1/13
AR Entergy Arkansas, Inc – White Bluff Power PlantSierra Club Title V Permit No. 0263-AOP-R8May 6, 2015Pending - Acknowledgement letter for receipt of petition: 05/12/2015
AREntergy Arkansas, Inc – Independence Power Plant Sierra Club Title V Permit No. 0449-AOP-R8 May 5, 2015 Pending - Acknowledgement letter for receipt of petition: 05/08/2015
TXShell Deer Park Chemical PlantEIPTitle V permit O1668May 19, 2014Pending - Acknowledge receipt of petition: 05/22/13
TXShell Deer Park RefineryEIPTitle V permit O1669May 19, 2014Pending - Acknowledge receipt of petition: 05/22/13
TXSouthwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) H.W. Pirkey Power Plant in Harrison County, TexasEIPTitle V permit O31October 30, 2014Pending - Acknowledge receipt of petition: 11/17/14

Texas Title V Pilot Permits to Remove 'Incorporation by Reference' (IBR):

03-21-2012 EPA Ltr to TCEQ on TV Pilot Project to Remove IBR.pdf


Regulation development includes the development and adoption of air permitting rules and regulations by the State and local air pollution control agencies to implement the NSR, title V, and air toxic permitting requirements. The state and local air pollution control agencies adopt these rules and regulations after holding public hearings and coordinating with the EPA Air Permitting Section to ensure that these rules meet applicable requirements in the Clean Air Act. Air Permitting reviews and comments on proposed permit regulations and either approves or disapproves final permit rules that the State adopts and submits to EPA. Air Permits also reviews and comments to headquarters on draft federal regulations pertaining to air permitting.