Migratory Bird Program Regional Office Atlanta, GA
Conserving the Nature of America - Southeast Region
Map of the Southeast

About the Migratory Bird Program

Region Four Logo Southeast Regional Office Web Page
Regional Office
1875 Century Blvd
Atlanta, GA 30345






National Division Of Migratory Birds


Double-Crested Cormorant


Double-Crested Cormorant












Migratory birds are some of nature’s most magnificent resources. They have a significant role in the health of the environment, economy, and culture in the U.S. and internationally. The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Migratory Bird Program is to conserve migratory bird populations and their habitats for future generations, through careful monitoring, effective management, and by supporting national and international partnerships that conserve habitat for migratory birds and other wildlife.

In pursuing our Vision and Mission, the Program embraces the following operating principles:

Science-based Foundation – Our actions and decisions are firmly rooted in science. A solid scientific foundation provides the means to continually improve understanding, assess and account for uncertainty, evaluate and enhance effectiveness, and promote credibility and transparency in everything we do
Strategic and Adaptive Approach – Our practice of conservation incorporates adaptive learning and decision making. We organize our conservation efforts using strategic frameworks (e.g. Strategic Habitat Conservation) that promote comprehensive examination of the problem, identification of clear objectives, alignment of activities, adaptive refinement, and regular re-evaluation of where to best invest resources.
Balanced and Comprehensive Perspective – Conservation must consider the full ecological and social contexts. Our conservation actions must account for the complete annual needs of migratory birds within the broader interests of healthy ecosystems, while simultaneously balancing societal values and expectations and how these influence and are affected by our conservation decisions.
Partnerships and Collaboration – A partnership mindset embodies all of our work and is essential in addressing every conservation challenge we face. The scope and complexity of these challenges require our collaboration with myriad domestic and international stakeholders to build relationships, foster trust, and reconcile diverse interests in effectively promoting the conservation of migratory birds.
Service and Ambassadorship – We perform our work in service to the American public, and our interactions with people represent a principal means for engendering positive societal attitudes regarding birds and their conservation. Success in our mission depends on professional public service and engaging people every day in ways that consistently promote understanding, appreciation and support for bird conservation.
Forward-looking, Long-Term Commitment – Conservation implies perpetual commitment and attentiveness – there is no finish line. Near-term actions and investments must yield outcomes that accumulate and persist if long-term conservation vision goals are to be realized. Our goals and priorities, investment of resources, and benchmarks for and evaluation of success must track a long-term outlook firmly fixed on net conservation gains and a commitment to sustain efforts whose dividends are best measured over decades.
Keeping Common Birds Common – Proactive measures to conserve birds are more efficient and effective than reacting to conservation crises. While there will always be critical needs, it takes less investment of resources and we are more likely to success if we can promote conservation well before species become vulnerable or risk extinction.


Find banding and recovery locations for your flyway or state at Bands Across America


2016 Status of Waterfowl Report Released
Final results from the 2016 Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey are now available. Click the link above for a PDF version of the report.

What is the Migratory Bird Program of the U.S. Fish and WIldlife Serivce? Watch this video for an overview of the Migratory Bird Program and the work we do conserving America's birds for present and future generations.


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Last Updated: December 2016