An official website of the United States government.

Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Rule

CROMERR Application Tools and Templates

On this page:

The tools and templates on this page are designed to help determine CROMERR applicability and assist application preparation for state, tribal and local governments authorized to administer EPA programs. POTWs follow a special process jointly implemented by EPA Office Environmental Information (OEI), Office of Water (OW), and the states. EPA headquarters and regional programs also follow a special process. Please use the links above to skip to special sections describing these processes.

Getting started

If you think CROMERR applies to your electronic reporting system contact us!  There have been significant changes in CROMERR program processes as well as an increase in off-the-shelf and shared services system options over the past several years. The CROMERR Program can help you navigate the approval process and provide you with helpful resources and expertise. Get started with these resources.

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Application technical guidance

The following resources will help you prepare your CROMERR application.

Plan to implement an off-the-shelf solution or the Central Data Exchange (CDX) Shared CROMERR Services? Exit You will still need CROMERR approval, but you may not need to provide CROMERR technical documentation.
See: Application Forms

The following documents are useful for applicants preparing a CROMERR "system checklist". Only substantially or entirely custom-developed systems require comprehensive CROMERR technical documentation. The system checklist is the recommended format for this technical documentation. A blank system checklist can be found under the Application Forms section below; several pre-populated system checklist templates are available for off-the-shelf solutions requiring limited CROMERR technical documentation.

  • CROMERR Application Reviewer Guide (DOC)(45 pp, 98 K, May 2017)
    This guide evolved from EPA's own internal procedures for reviewing CROMERR applications. It provides detailed technical specifications around each of the CROMERR requirements.
  • CROMERR Electronic Signature Agreement
    Example electronic signature agreement language that may be used, in part, to satisfy the electronic signature agreement or subscriber agreement requirement of CROMERR.

Additional technical assistance materials may be available to applicants. Contact the CROMERR program for more information.

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Application forms

To apply for CROMERR approval, start by completing the Application Cover Sheet.

NOTE: Customized application cover sheets exists for several off-the-shelf solutions. Applicants pursuing these solutions can complete the cover sheet above but will likely find it easier to complete the cover sheet specifically tailored for the system they are implementing.

Next, locate your system/approach in the following list and, if applicable, complete any additional form(s) and/or template(s) specific to that system/approach. Applicants pursuing off-the-shelf approaches not yet evaluated by the CROMERR program or custom-developed solutions will find relevant forms under the link for custom-built systems.

  • Shared CROMERR Services Applications

    The EPA Central Data Exchange (CDX) Shared CROMERR Services (SCS) are application programming interface (API) component solutions which can meet individual CROMERR system requirements or provide an end-to-end CROMERR compliant solution. SCS reduces cost and technical barriers to CROMERR-compliant electronic reporting. Applicants implementing the full suite of Shared CROMERR Services generally do not need to provide CROMERR technical documentation.

    The CROMERR program is not directly involved in the technical implementation of these services. To learn more, visit the EPA Exchange Network's CDX Shared CROMERR Services Integrated Project Team site.Exit

    Agencies and companies interested in using these services should contact the Shared CROMERR Services Help Desk -- which can provide a sandbox environment, assistant with integration, and provide information about setting up services with Lexis Nexis.

  • EPA-developed off-the-shelf solutions

    EPA National NetDMR

    Uses: Stormwater and pretreatment Discharge Monitoring Reports under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
    See: EPA National NETDMR Support Portal

    NetDMR Application Cover Sheet

    * EPA-authorized programs applying to use National NetDMR are not required to complete a CROMERR system checklist. Please refer to the system-specific cover sheet for application documentation that may be required.

    EPA NPDES e-Reporting Tool

    Uses: Supplements NetDMR for additional NPDES reporting
    See: Final National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Electronic Reporting Rule

    EPA NPDES e-Reporting Tool (NeT) Application Cover Sheet

    * EPA-authorized programs applying to use NeT are not required to complete a CROMERR system checklist. Please refer to the system-specific cover sheet for application documentation that may be required.

    EPA Compliance Monitoring Data Portal

    Uses: Reporting of drinking water lab sample data

    EPA Compliance Monitoring Data Portal (CMDP) Application Cover Sheet

    * EPA-authorized programs applying to use CMDP are not required to complete a CROMERR system checklist. Please refer to the system-specific cover sheet for application documentation that may be required.

  • Commercially-developed off-the-shelf solutions

    Mention of trade names, products, or services does not convey, and should not be interpreted as conveying, official EPA approval, endorsement, or recommendation. These are solutions that applicants have used; this may not be a complete list.

    American Resource Management

    Uses: Hazardous waste reporting
    See: ARM Waste Reporting Software SolutionsExit

    Uses: Enterprise applications

    RSP core product assessed by CROMERR program for general compliance. A sample approved RSP application can be found on the Sample Applications and Checklists page. Contact CGI for CROMERR checklist preparation.

    enfoTech Software

    Uses: System checklist
    See: enfoTech & ConsultingEXIT

    enfoTech Implementation:CROMERR System Checklist(37 pp, 345 K)

    LinkoExchange Software

    Uses: Reporting of pretreatment data
    See: LinkoExchange SoftwareExit

    LinkoExchange Template(32 pp, 244 K, 04/10/2014)

    Premirus Edoctus Environmental Portal

    Uses: Enterprise applications
    See: Premirus Edoctus Environmental PortalExit

    SAIC Electronic Sample Entry (e-SE) Verify

    Uses: Drinking water lab sample data

    e-SE core product assessed by CROMERR program for general compliance. A sample approved RSP application can be found on the Sample Applications and Checklists page. Contact SAIC for CROMERR checklist preparation.

    Windsor Solutions SLEIS Product

    Uses: Reporting of emissions inventory data
    See: SLEIS: Emissions Inventory SystemExit

    Windsor SLEIS Template(21 pp, 232 K, 11/14/2013) Note: This CROMERR checklist template currently only reflects the state/local hosted version of SLEIS.

    Windsor Solutions nForm Product

    Uses: Enterprise applications and e-Permitting
    See: nForm: Online e-Permitting SolutionExit

    Windsor nForm Template(21 pp, 205 K, 6/26/2015)

  • Custom-built systems

    Applicants not using an off-the-shelf solution or component-based solutions such as Shared CROMERR Services usually have custom-built systems.

    To minimize rework, such applicants are encouraged to work with the CROMERR program during the design phase and to submit system documentation for draft review.

    Blank System Checklist (DOC)(13 pp, 120 K) * Typically, applicants with custom-built systems are required to provide additional documentation beyond the CROMERR checklist that describes their system’s conformance with the CROMERR standards

    For more information about documenting signature approaches on CROMERR applications, click on the following diagram for additional detail:

    Diagram for completing the CROMERR checklist by signature approach for priority and non-priority reports

Questions? Contact the CROMERR Help Desk.

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Maintaining compliance

Applicants are responsible for informing the CROMERR program about changes that may affect their CROMERR compliance.

Examples of significant changes could include changes to the types of file formats that affect how the copy of record (COR) is maintained, as well as changes to the technologies that may be used for file transfer or for creating electronic signatures on transmitted reports.

For information, see: Notification and Approval of Changes to Approved CROMERR Applications: For State, Tribal and Local Governments and FAQs: Modifications to Approved Applications

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Information for Publicly Owned Treatment Works

EPA’s Office of Water (OW) and Office of Environmental Information developed a hybrid approach for processing requests to modify approved POTW NPDES pretreatment programs to allow for electronic reporting.

For more information, see: CROMERR Compliance for the Publicly Owned Treatment Works Pretreatment Program

Local governments interested in reporting NPDES pretreatment data electronically should contact the CROMERR program ( or EPA’s OW Pretreatment Team (

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Information for EPA Programs

EPA has designated the Central Data Exchange (CDX) as the Agency's mechanism for providing CROMERR-compliant electronic reporting services for all EPA data collections. All systems that are subject to CROMERR must use CDX's CROMERR services to ensure that their data collections or exchanges have met Agency enforceability requirements.

For more information, reference the Enterprise Architecture Policy’s Data Exchange Procedure (CIO 2122-P-04.0) on EPA's intranet.

Only those EPA programs requesting special customizations to CDX's CROMERR services engage with the CROMERR program in technical documentation and review.  Almost all other EPA programs implementing CDX's CROMERR services are CROMERR-compliant by definition and approved automatically. 

See: CROMERR Overview for EPA Programs and Regions

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