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Solutions Spectrum

Covering all angles

There is always more than one way of looking at a situation, and considering it from multiple positions at a time can give you a unique perception of reality. IATA Solutions Spectrum offers you an array of different viewpoints that, combined, provide you with the best possible understanding.

IATA Consulting: a clear view across a wide horizon

The airline industry professionals of IATA Consulting have years of combined expertise in a wide array of aviation specific business challenges, as well as individual specializations that give you exactly the perspicacity you require. We can help squeeze value out of operating models, realize growth ambitions, and gain insights that translate into competitive differentiation.

Drawing on our own experience as well as IATA’s vast storehouse of knowledge and data, to which we have unparalleled access, we provide neutral and unbiased assessments, recommendations based on international best practices, and implementation support that ensures ROI, in solution to the industry’s most complex issues. More than reports and advice, we’re committed to knowledge transfer and developing local capabilities to secure sustainability for your business and the industry.

IATA Training: an updated view from new vantage points

ITDI trains professionals to obtain real business results and, in order to do so, ensures it is always up to date with best practices, international standards and industry regulations. Equipped with the latest knowledge and skills, your staff will be able to competently tackle the most recent developments in the industry.

IATA Intelligence, Data & Financial Services: a 360° view of every aspect of your business

Representing, leading and serving the airline industry puts IATA in a unique position to develop products and services that assist you in your day-to-day business. We have access to a wealth of timely and unique data that we bring together and package into products to inform your business decisions and monitor their effectiveness and relevance; in some cases it can even be done on a daily basis. We have the knowledge and know-how to create services that add value to different areas of your business and help reduce costs.

  • Increase the profitability of your network
  • Re-orient your business to ensure growth
  • Boost revenue now and for the future
  • Gain advantage from passenger loyalty
  • Build a future-proof distribution strategy
  • Make safety part of your airline’s DNA
IATA Solutions


Our mission is to represent, lead and serve the airline industry

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