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Congressman Warren Davidson

Representing the 8th Congressional District of Ohio

Latest News

January 13, 2017 Press Release
U.S. Representative Warren Davidson (OH-08) voted today to take the first steps to repeal Obamacare by passing Senate Concurrent Resolution 3. He released the following statement: “Obamacare has failed. It took an already dysfunctional healthcare economy and made it worse. The list of broken promises to fix our healthcare system with the law is long. Rather than fall by $2,500, premiums rose by $4,300, a difference of $6,800. It did not allow Americans to keep their insurance if they liked it. It did not allow Americans to keep their doctor. This is just the first step. Congress must swiftly replace Obamacare with reforms that respect the Constitution and individual liberty.
January 5, 2017 Press Release
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass H. Res 11, Objecting to United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 as an obstacle to Israeli-Palestinian peace, and for other purposes. Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) release the following statement after voting for its passage:
January 5, 2017 Press Release
Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) today reintroduced the Protect Family Farms and Businesses Act in the House and Senate, which would prevent Internal Revenue Service (IRS) bureaucrats from ignoring 25 years of tax precedent and unilaterally reinterpreting death tax law.