Minnesota Report Cards on Environmental Literacy

Report card imageMinnesota adults were surveyed to help assess their environmental literacy—knowledge about, attitudes toward, and behaviors related to the environment.

The results of these statewide surveys have been summarized in report cards, where responses are broken down demographically and compared to related survey questions in studies performed in Minnesota, by other states, and nationally.

The report cards offer a snapshot of the environmental literacy of Minnesota adults at a particular point in time. Using these findings, educators can review, adapt, and develop efforts that can better serve their audiences.

  • The Third Minnesota Report Card on Environmental Literacy (2008)
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    Includes question on energy and climate change
  • The Second Minnesota Report Card on Environmental Literacy (2004)
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    Includes questions focusing on water
  • The Minnesota Report Card on Environmental Literacy (2002)
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    Includes questions focusing on urban sprawl

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