Renewable & Alternative Fuels

Find statistics on renewable energy consumption by source type, electric capacity and electricity generation from renewable sources, biomass and alternative fuels.

Production and consumption
Interactive data from: Total Energy Data Browser
Renewable electricity
International renewable electricity
data from: International Energy Portal
Biofuels overview
Interactive data from: Total Energy Data Browser

Monthly biodiesel production

  • PDF XLSProduction capacity and production
  • PDF XLSProduction, sales, and stocks
  • PDF XLSInputs to biodiesel production
  • PDF XLSProducers and production capacity, by state
  • PDF XLSProduction by Petroleum Administration for Defense District

International biofuels production and consumption
data from: International Energy Portal

PDF Geothermal energy consumption
XLS Generation
Net generation from hydroelectric (conventional) power by state by sector
Photovoltaic industry overview and shipments
Release Date: September 29, 2016 | data from: Solar Photovoltaic Cell/Module Shipments Report ...more photovoltaic industry data from the Solar Photovoltaic Cell/Module Shipments Report
Net generation from wind by state by sector
Electric net summer capacity by wind and other renewable sources, annual (back to 2002)
Alternative transportation fuels  
Alternative fueled and hybrid vehicles (on-road)
Data on alternative fuel vehicle (AFV) supply and fuel use and number of vehicles for four types of vehicle fleets: federal government, state government, transit agencies, and fuel providers; fleet & fuel data back to 2003, supplier data back to 1994.

  • PDF XLS INTERACTIVE  Fuel ethanol overview
    Interactive data from: Total Energy Data Browser
  • Plant production capacity
    Release date: July29, 2016 | data from: Form EIA-819M Monthly Oxygenate Report
    Production capacity data for all operating U.S. fuel ethanol production plants
Monthly biodiesel production
  • PDF XLSProduction capacity and production
  • PDF XLSProduction, sales, and stocks
  • PDF XLSInputs to biodiesel production
  • PDF XLSProducers and production capacity, by state
  • PDF XLSProduction by Petroleum Administration for Defense District