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Policy & Compliance

​​​​​​​​NCUA’s primary mission is to ensure that our nation’s cooperative credit union system remains safe and sound in both good times and bad. To accomplish this mission, we perform annual examinations of all federal credit unions and all federally insured, state-chartered credit unions with $250 million or more in assets. We also use a targeted examination program focused on risks to the overall system and the Share Insurance Fund.

Regulatory and Compliance Resource Centers

NCUA has put together comprehensive resource centers on such topics as interest rate risk, risk-based capital, consumer and fair lending compliance, cybersecurity and small business lending. More

​Supervisory Guidance

From​ time to time, NCUA will provide guidance and other information to the credit union system on a host of regulatory and supervisor matters, trends affecting federally insured credit unions and potential risks and threats. Get the latest Letters to Credit Unions, Regulatory Alerts and Accounting Bulletins, among others. ​ More

Letters of Understanding

A Letters of Understanding is essentially a contract between NCUA and a credit union, its officials or both, in which the credit union or officials agree to take, or not take, certain specified actions. Normally, these agreements are negotiated when credit unions have not adequately responded to less severe measures, such as Documents of Resolution. NCUA also requires Letters of Understanding for newly chartered credit unions, and to grant permanent special assistance. More

Consent Orders

Contains lists of credit unions that agreed to civil monetary penalties for not submitting their quarterly Call Report information by the filing deadline. More

Supervisory Review Committee

NCUA's Supervisory Review Committee investigates claims from individual credit unions on a variety of issues ranging from loan classifications and denials of technical assistance grants. More

1/11/2017 3:20 PM