How to Submit a FOIA Request

​​How do I make a FOIA request to NCUA?

You must make your request in writing. If you are seeking records about an Office of Inspector General (OIG) audit or internal NCUA investigation, send your request to the OIG. If you are seeking any other NCUA records, such as those concerning a credit union, send your request to the Office of General Counsel (OGC). If you are not sure which office might have the records you are seeking, you can call or write us to ask, or just send your request to OGC and you will be notified if it is transferred for processing.

Where do I send a FOIA request?

You can send your request to the attention of the OGC via email to for agency records, or the OIG to for OIG records. The processing of requests sent by regular mail to the agency address at 1775 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314 will be delayed due to the current pandemic.

How long will it take to get the records I requested?

Generally, we will respond to your request within 20 working days of the date it is received in the appropriate office for processing. Many times, we are able to respond more quickly. If your request involves a large volume of records, or records dispersed among several offices, we may require additional time to respond.

How much will it cost?

The FOIA permits agencies to recover some of the costs of processing a FOIA request by charging the FOIA requester for employee time spent searching for records and reviewing them for release. Agencies may also charge for duplication. See the NCUA FOIA fee schedule for more information.

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