
The strategic framework for the implementation of the Basel Convention for 2012–2021was adopted by the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties through decision BC-10/2 . The framework aims at protecting human health and the environment by controlling transboundary movements of hazardous and other wastes and by ensuring and strengthening the environmentally sound management of such wastes.

The strategic framework consists of a vision, guiding principles, strategic goals and objectives , means of implementation, indicators for measuring achievement and performance and evaluation. Parties are encouraged to take specific actions to implement the strategic framework through the activities listed in the biennial programme of work, taking into account regional and national diversities and specificities, especially those of developing countries, countries with economies in transition and small island developing States.

The Secretariat cooperates closely with parties, Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres and other stakeholders to support the development and implementation of the activities called for in the strategic framework. In particular, the technical assistance and capacity-building activities undertaken by the Secretariat support parties and other stakeholders, such as regional centres, in implementing the strategic framework.

A mid-term evaluation of the strategic framework to be considered by the Conference of the Parties at its thirteenth meeting in 2017 and a final evaluation at its fifteenth meeting in 2021.