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Single Family Lending 

  • Fannie Mae – In addition to its standard mortgage products, Fannie Mae continues to support the Native American community through its Native American Conventional Lending Initiative (NACLI). Favorable financing terms for specific tribes are available through NACLI.  More information can be obtained by doing a search for NACLI on 
  • Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) of Des Moines’s Native American Homeownership Initiative – As of January 3, 2012, FHLB Des Moines has allocated $200,000 of its annual Affordable Housing Program contribution to members to help eligible Native American households purchase single family owner-occupied properties. 
  • Housing and Urban Development’s Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program (Section 184) - This is a home mortgage federal loan guarantee for enrolled members of federally recognized tribes or for Tribally Designated Housing Entities. 
  • Department of Agriculture Rural Development – Rural Guaranteed Housing Loans - USDA Rural Development administers the Section 502 Rural Housing Guaranteed Loan program to promote homeownership opportunities in rural communities of 20,000 people or less.  Assistance can be provided on and off trust lands. For more information contact a local USDA Rural Development office.  

Public Facilities Lending 

  • Rural Community Assistance Corporation - Provides technical assistance, training, and financing for rural communities. 
  • The Tribal Economic Development Bond Program, part of the American Recovery and Investment Act (ARRA) of 2009 - This is a tax-exempt bond program that authorizes bond issuances for tribal economic development without having to satisfy the "essential governmental function" test generally applicable to bonds issued by tribal governments. 

USDA Rural Development Community Facilities 

  • Loans and Grants Program - The Community Facilities program provides loans and grants and loan guarantees for water and environmental projects, as well as community facilities projects. 
  • Guaranteed Loan Program - The USDA partners with private lenders to finance public facilities in rural areas. 

Commercial Lending