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Indian Housing Plan/APR Form Guidance

 -   Indian Housing Plan/APR (MS-Word) 
 -   HUD 2516 (Contract and Subcontract Activity, MBE Report)
 -   HUD 7015-15 (Request for Release of Funds & Certification)
 -   HUD 27053 (LOCCS Request Voucher for Grant Payment, for ICDBG)
 -   HUD  27054 (LOCCS Voice Response System Access)
 -   HUD 50080-IHBG (LOCCS Indian Housing Block Grant Payment Voucher)
 -   HUD 51999 (General Depository Agreement)
 -   HUD 52736 (NAHASDA Investments/Depository Agreement)
 -   HUD 52736-A (Banking Accounts Depository Agreement)
 -   HUD 52736-B (Brokers/Dealers Depository Agreement)
 -   SF- 425 (Federal Financial Report)
 -   Instructions for SF-425, Federal Financial Report
 -   SF-1199 (Direct Deposit Sign Up Form)
 -   Other Forms (HUDClips)