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  1. Field Notes

    CreditTom Bloom

    Fathers and Stepfathers Join Hands at Weddings

    Weddings don’t always bring out the best in people, but some fathers and stepfathers are setting aside their differences for the sake of the children.

Wedding Announcements

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  1. Photo
    CreditNicole Wickens/Green Door Photography

    Kinsey Casey, Rick Siger

    The couple met when they worked for John Kerry and reconnected on the Obama campaign.

  2. Photo
    CreditTimothy Kaldas

    Holly Dagres, Ian Lee

    The couple work in Cairo, she as a commentator and editor, and he as a CNN correspondent.

  3. Photo
    CreditDuron Shem Yov/Duron Studio Photography

    Bhavjyot Singh, Prabtej Chawla

    The bride, a lawyer, and the groom, who works at the World Bank, married in Palatine, Ill.


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  1. Vows

    CreditMonica Almeida/The New York Times

    One T.S.A. Line Worth the Wait

    Josh Mankiewicz, a “Dateline” correspondent, struck up a conversation with Anh Dang, who was ahead of him in a security line.

Field Notes

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  1. Field Notes

    CreditJessica Hische

    You’ve Canceled the Wedding, Now the Aftermath

    Wedding jitters have long been Hollywood material, but in real life it can be traumatic. Also, six tips on easing the financial and emotional pain.

  2. Field Notes

    CreditTracey Buyce

    If Anyone Here Objects to This Union, Bark

    Pets participating in weddings? This summer, one photographer in Vermont expects to see them at half the ceremonies he’s working.