

A range of mobility issues, from measuring the problems to estimating the benefits and evaluating solutions are addressed by researchers at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute. (Read More)



The Texas A&M Transportation Institute is at the forefront of exploring ways to prevent vehicle crashes and soften the blow society suffers from each one. Read More

Freight Movement

Freight Movement

TTI is investigating innovative solutions that support the use of multiple modes of transportation, facilitate freight transfer, reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality and provide alternative fuel and funding options. (Read More)

Human & Behavioral Studies

Human Factors

Human & behavioral studies research at TTI encompasses a broad range of research areas such as human performance, technology design and human-computer interaction. (Read More)

Workforce Development

Workforce Development

Workforce development at TTI educates our future transportation professionals by showing students the many opportunities that await them as engineers and planners. (Read More)



Using refined measures, new controlled laboratory studies and behind-the-scenes computer modeling, TTI research helps all Texans breathe a little easier. (Read More)



TTI researchers are actively involved in projects involving barrier testing, border security and hazardous materials transport to help secure our nation. (Read More)