Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse in Texas

Fraud, waste, or abuse can be related to the expenditure of state funds for:

Why report fraud?

Anyone can report fraud, waste, or abuse.

In addition, state agencies, colleges, and universities are required by law (Texas Government Code, Section 321.022) to report suspected fraud or unlawful conduct to the State Auditor's Office if there are facts (not just mere suspicion) that point to fraud or unlawful conduct. Persons or entities reporting fraud to the State Auditor's Office (SAO) do not have to establish probable cause and/or have a suspect.

The SAO investigates allegations of misuse and/or illegal acts involving state resources. This includes funds provided by the State of Texas to aid Hurricane Ike victims.

To report fraud, waste, or abuse occurring at a Texas state agency, college, or university call the SAO Hotline at 1-800-TX-AUDIT (892-8348). In addition, a form to report fraud, waste, or abuse is available on the Fraud Reporting page. Reports of fraud, waste, or abuse may also be mailed to:

State Auditor's Office
Attn: IAS
P.O. Box 12067
Austin, TX 78711-2067.

Persons who report fraud may choose to remain anonymous.

Information to Submit

Provide as much detail as necessary so that appropriate action can be taken. This can include the following: