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  1. stop making us click through on articles

    It is absolutely ridiculous that you make us click through to read an article. Once the article has been clicked on - show the article. It is a pain in the rear and it always makes me leave the site. This is why you are going broke and users are abandoning you!!!

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      35 comments  ·  Local News  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
    • obviously you are using your site to promote hillary, so guess who is getting deleted for my search engine

      all citizens who do not believe that news media sites should have the right to influence citizens choices on voting by negatively representing one politician an positively representing the other instead of an even display of both parties actions. should be considered to remove them as your search engine or home page site. How dare they attempt to influence the public one way or the other. They are no longer news media they are now billboards. At least call yourselves what you are and stop attempting to relate your information as news. When you are that bias. you are not…

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        6 comments  ·  New Yahoo News  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
      • 255th ranked
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          8 comments  ·  New Yahoo News  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
        • 272nd ranked
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          • 300th ranked
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              5 comments  ·  Editorial Feedback  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
            • The comments are still very broken

              The comments are still very broken. I am encountering all of the following errors:

              - Instead of posting my comment, the SAVE button causes the page to reload, destroying my comment

              - The SAVE button seems to work, but then my comment is never seen again

              - My comment appears and disappears when I look at a story at different times.

              - Words that are not profanity get the censorship treatment. In some cases, the censorship appears in the middle of a word.

              - When I click My Comments, it finds no comments and reports 0 comments.

              - When I…

              380th ranked
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                9 comments  ·  Bug or error  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
              • Read More

                Why the **** do I need to click a "read more" button when I want to read the story in the first place. What is the point, besides being really irritating to click on a news story link that has half a paragraph and a page full of f__ing ads and then I need to click on "read more" to see the story on another website's web page. good job Yahoo! Keep up the good work.

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                  4 comments  ·  New Yahoo News  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                • Stop trying to destroy Trump. His language/behaviors don't w/Hillary's email scandal, selling plutonium to Russia, taking foreign $$$.

                  It's so obvious your "news" coverage tries to destroy Trump over bad manners, language, etc., but you don't seem to believe that Hillary's taking foreign money from countries that trample on the rights of women and gays; her using an unsecured server; her deleting non-personal gov't. E-mails AFTER they were subpoenaed by Congress; and her taking foreign "donations" for influence aren't as serious. At least you cover them a fraction of the amount that you cover Trump's non-criminal behaviors. We are not stupid. Try being unbiased in your coverage. Your grandmother will smile!!! (If she's still alive, just ask her.)…

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                    1 comment  ·  Other  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                  • Stop filtering out news that is negative to HRC. Be objective, you'll still make money.

                    Stop filtering out news that is negative to HRC. Be objective, you'll still make money.

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                      1 comment  ·  New Yahoo News  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                    • force me to "read more"

                      I do not enjoy opening a news article and it only shows 3 lines and you force me to "read more".
                      i opened the article because i wanted to read it. i shouldn't have to tell you that i want to read the content twice. please stop

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                        2 comments  ·  Feedback on new products  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                      • I want articles that are not so obviously biased toward the democrats and Islam.

                        Please try to put more balance in your news article selection. If I wanted Hillary Clinton, Islam and the NWO crammed down my throat I'd go to CNN's homepage! Try a pro Trump or Christianity article once in a while!

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                          3 comments  ·  New Yahoo News  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                        • Please return the functionality of your "Comments" section as it was before recent changes!!!

                          One of the biggest draws to Yahoo, and a great service for people to voice and share their opinions, was Yahoo's awesome comment section. ... But now, Yahoo has ruined that as well. ... Not only can we no longer click on another user's id to review their other posts, we are no longer able to quickly access or view our own comments and responses. ... Personally, I like to go back to review previous comments, both mine and others, to see how others think and feel about the issues posted, and to be able to copy/paste my comments to…

                          435th ranked
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                            2 comments  ·  Suggestion for commenting section  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                          • 505th ranked
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                              2 comments  ·  Feature Suggestion  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                            • Get rid of ALL of the Advertizing

                              Get rid of ALL of the Advertizing

                              2338th ranked
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                                1 comment  ·  Ads Feedback  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                              • Amazing that Yahoo is joining the ranks of the "establishment" and is now censoring comments.

                                Looks like it is time for those of us who comment on Yahoo seek another outlet; as it is pathetic that our voices have no value on Yahoo.

                                426th ranked
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                                  1 comment  ·  Suggestion for commenting section  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                                • way to one sided in the political arena. I feel you should explain both sides. Hillary clinton committed treason on this country.

                                  way to liberal! How about some fair coverage. Why don't you show more things about how hillary committed treason on this country!

                                  408th ranked
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                                  • HATE THE NEW COMMENT FORMAT!!!!!!

                                    Most of the reason that I get my "news" from Yahoo is connected to the comments section. I liked thumbs upping or thumbs downing comments. Guess there's no real reason for me to continue to visit Yahoo News.

                                    574th ranked
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                                      3 comments  ·  Feature Suggestion  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                                    • 672nd ranked
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                                        6 comments  ·  My Yahoo  ·  Flag idea as inappropriate…  ·  Admin →
                                      • Politics Bias

                                        If you're going to run a million negative ads on Trump, then do the same amount for Hillary, there is plenty to write,you're so bias - you can tell you're in the tank for Hillary..I'm about to cancel my email and never read yahoo again, not that you'd care

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                                        • What happened to the comics?

                                          The comics page is now missing completely, when I click Yahoo comics from a search result I'm taken to yahoo home page. What happened to the comics?

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