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Environmental Quality Incentives Program

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The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) is a voluntary conservation program that promotes agricultural production and environmental quality as compatible National goals. Through EQIP, farmers and ranchers may receive financial and technical help to install or implement structural and management conservation practices on eligible agricultural land. EQIP was reauthorized in the Food, Energy and Conservation Act of 2014 (Farm Bill). The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) administers EQIP. Funding for EQIP comes from the Commodity Credit Corporation.

EQIP General Program Description

National Initiatives

The National and Regional Conservation Initiatives enable NRCS to more effectively address priority natural resource concerns by delivering systems of practices, primarily to the most vulnerable lands within geographic focus areas. NRCS uses conservation initiatives to accelerate the results that can be achieved through voluntary conservation programs. All NRCS programs are designed to support farmers, ranchers, and foresters in improving the environment while maintaining or improving a vibrant agricultural sector. Conservation initiative funds are targeted to better address nationally and regionally important conservation goals.

Texas State Priority Areas 

The Texas Priority Areas and Initiatives provide a method of targeting both NRCS and Conservation Partner funds for special projects developed by our conservation partners to address significant resource concerns the cross multiple county and resource team boundaries typically using a systems approach at the landscape or watershed level. They each have defined and measurable environmental outcomes to be reached over a 3 to 5 year period. These priority projects are reviewed by the State Technical Committee and approved by the State Conservationist when funds other resources are available.

Texas Local Resource Team Priorities

The timeline for implementation of EQIP in Texas is as follows:
  State Priority Areas, National Initiatives
and RCPP Fund Pools
Local Team
Fund Pool
Fund Pools
Ranking Deadlines:
(Batching Cut-off Dates)
January 27 February 27 March 31**
Contract Approval Deadlines: March 3 April 4 June 2**



Mark Habiger, Assistant State Conservationist-Programs
Phone: 254.742.9881

Troy Daniell, Financial Program Manager
Phone: 254.742.9825

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