Orange County Transportation Authority

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  • Alternatives

  • No Build
    The No Build alternative reflects future conditions along SR-55/Newport Boulevard with no
    major improvements. This alternative also provides a “baseline condition” to which the other alternatives can be compared.

    Transportation System Management (TSM) 
    The TSM alternative includes improvements, such as signal timing, bus turnouts and a pedestrian bridge near 19th Street, that can be made without significant impacts to properties and at a lower cost than the build alternatives.

    TSM Map

    Elevated Turn Lanes
    The Elevated Turn Lane alternative features a single lane elevated roadway with an overcrossing structure that spans across the southbound lanes of SR-55/Newport Boulevard.  This design feature provides a direct connection from northbound Superior Avenue to northbound SR-55/Newport Boulevard with the removal of the left turn on W. 18th Street/Rochester Street .

    TSM Map

    Cut and Cover
    The Cut and Cover alternative evaluates building a new structure below SR-55/Newport Boulevard.  This alternative proposes a four-lane extension of the Costa Mesa Freeway under SR-55/Newport Boulevard from 19th Street to Commercial Way. Newport Boulevard could be reduced to a six-lane arterial with enhanced medians, parkways, and wider sidewalks. This alternative is designed to separate local traffic from regional through-traffic.

    TSM Map

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