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Sector and Thematic Areas


  • Energy

    Energy demand is projected to almost double in the Asia and Pacific region by 2030. There is an urgent need for innovative ways to generate power in a socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable manner. More

  • Information and Communications Technology

    Rapid advances in information and communications technology (ICT) have created tremendous opportunities for economic and social gains in the world’s poorest areas. A key infrastructure of knowledge-based economies, ICT is a driving force for rapidly growing new sectors. More

  • Transport

    Asian countries need sustainable transport systems – trains, buses, ferries, bike paths – that move people in a low-carbon, safe, accessible, and affordable way. Learn about the issues facing the sector, ADB’s support for sustainable transport, and see video and multimedia presentations of the region’s transport systems. More

  • Urban Development

    Cities generate over 80% of gross domestic product (GDP) in many countries of the Asia and the Pacific and are engines of economic growth that have lifted millions from poverty. But as they swell in size and number they are under increasing strain. More

  • Water

    Water is one of our most precious resources, but it is threatened by growth, misuse, and pollution. In Asia and the Pacific, many countries are in a water crisis and the demand for water is huge and growing. More

Other Focus Areas

  • Agriculture and Food Security

    ADB's efforts and strategy to achieve food security in the region emphasizes on the integration of agricultural productivity, market connectivity, and resilience against shocks and climate change impacts as the three pillars to achieve sustainable food security. More

  • Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management

    Meeting the growing demand for energy and natural resources is destabilizing our climate, and threatening the development of Asia and the Pacific. The poor are particularly vulnerable to these changes and are already suffering from rising sea levels and increasingly devastating storms, droughts, and floods. More

  • Education

    Most developing countries in Asia and the Pacific have earned high marks for a dramatic rise in primary education enrollment rates in the last three decades, but daunting challenges remain, threatening economic and social growth.  More

  • Environment

    Environmental sustainability is a prerequisite for economic growth and poverty reduction in Asia and the Pacific. ADB's long-term strategic framework for 2008-2020 identifies environmentally sustainable growth as a key strategic development agenda, and environment as a core area for support. More

  • Finance Sector

    ADB has been supporting Financial Sector Development of developing member countries in the Asia and Pacific region in many ways. Financial sector operations since 1966 have accounted for about 10% of total ADB operations. More

  • Gender and Development

    Gender equality and women’s empowerment are essential for meeting Asia’s aspirations of inclusive and sustainable development. Gender equality needs to be pursued in its own right for a just and equal society, and for better development outcomes. More

  • Governance and Public Management

    Poor governance holds back and distorts the process of development, and has a disproportionate impact on the poorer and weaker sections of society. Assisting developing countries in improving governance is therefore a strategic priority of ADB in its work to eliminate poverty in Asia and the Pacific. More

  • Health

    Health is a human right and is essential to development. Good health improves learning capacity, worker productivity, and income. ADB is committed to improving health in Asia and the Pacific by supporting better governance and spending, infrastructure development, and regional collaboration to control communicable diseases. More

  • Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)

    Public-private partnerships can play an important role in addressing infrastructure needs in developing Asia and the Pacific. More

  • Regional Cooperation and Integration

    Regional cooperation and integration (RCI) is a process by which national economies become more interconnected regionally. RCI plays a critical role in accelerating economic growth, reducing poverty and economic disparity, raising productivity and employment, and strengthening institutions. More

  • Social Development and Poverty

    Despite substantial improvements in living standards across Asia and the Pacific, hundreds of millions are still excluded from the benefits of rapid economic growth. The region needs social development programs to reduce poverty, inequality, and vulnerability among the poor. More

  • Sustainable Development Goals

    In September 2015 world leaders adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, fight inequality, and tackle climate change by 2030. ADB supports its member countries in achieving the SDGs through investment in human needs, infrastructure, and cross-border public goods. More