“AW2 Can Change People’s Lives,” AW2 Soldier and Staff Member Says

By Anna Eisenberg, WTC Communications Division

“AW2 can change people's lives," said AW2 Soldier and current staff member Staff Sgt. Jorge Haddock-Santiago, pictured far left on a ride in Big Sur, California in 2011.

“AW2 can change people’s lives,” said AW2 Soldier and current staff member Staff Sgt. Jorge Haddock-Santiago, pictured far left on a ride in Big Sur, California in 2011.

Staff Sgt. Jorge Haddock-Santiago’s wounds are invisible—scars that no one can see or touch but will never heal or disappear. Haddock, who served as a Mortuary Affairs Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO), was on his third deployment to Iraq when he began developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He worked in the same role on previous deployments, managing Soldiers’ personal affairs and ensuring that all mortuary processes functioned smoothly.  “To take care of Soldiers, you have to take care of yourself first,” said Haddock. “That’s when I came forward and said I have these issues and I want to take care of them.”

Haddock spent two years recovering at a Warrior Transition Unit (WTU) in Germany, where he worked with his interdisciplinary team, including his AW2 Advocate, to create a set of goals. His main objective: remain in uniform. After a Medical Evaluation Board found him medically unfit for duty, Haddock applied to continue on active duty through a special program called Continuation on Active Duty (COAD). “I wanted to stay in in any way and serve my country,” Haddock said. “All my other goals were there to help me work toward COAD.”

Haddock’s other goals included rediscovering an old hobby that he enjoyed before he deployed: cycling. His AW2 Advocate connected him with a nonprofit that led Soldiers and Veterans on a cycling trip, and his motivation to recover skyrocketed. “Adaptive reconditioning did a lot,” Haddock said of the physical activities that Soldiers participate in to support their physical and emotional well-being. “It has one main goal: to heal you and give you purpose.”

With a total of 18 years in the Army, Haddock remains in uniform and serves as the Continuation on Active Duty/Continuation on Active Reserve NCO at AW2, assisting in taking care Soldiers who want to stay in the Army through this unique program.

“AW2 can change people’s lives,” said Haddock. “Taking care of Soldiers, especially when they are ill or wounded, I am proud of that. When you see the difference you do, when your job is impacting others and their Families, there is no greater satisfaction than that.”

Editors Note: 2014 marks the 10th anniversary of the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2). Read more about AW2′s decade of impact with more than 19,000 severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, their Families and Caregivers at http://www.WTC.army.mil/announcements/aw2_10th_anniversary.html.

An AW2 COAD Soldier Shares his Motivation to Continue on Active Duty

By Anna Eisenberg, WTC Communications Division

Staff Sgt. Giovanni Pascasio participated in a “Death March” in White Sands, N.M. in 2009.

Staff Sgt. Giovanni Pascasio participated in a “Death March” in White Sands, N.M. in 2009.

Staff Sgt. Giovanni Pascasio remembers waking up in a hospital bed. He remembers looking to his right leg, then his left. He remembers moving his arms, realizing he was able to keep them despite the shrapnel wounds and second and third degree burns that covered over 30 percent of his body—injuries sustained in combat in Iraq in 2007.

Pascasio recovered at a Warrior Transition Battalion (WTB) at Brooke Army Medical Center in Texas. The U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) connected him with an AW2 Advocate while he was still in the hospital, and they bonded immediately. “She would visit me if not every day then every other day,” said Pascasio of his AW2 Advocate. She was knowledgeable about Veteran benefits such as Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection (TSGLI) and social security, and kept him on top of his appointments. “We would talk for hours. She was always attentive and always willing to help me,” said Pascasio.

Pascasio worked with his AW2 Advocate and his mother, who doubled as his Non-Medical Attendant (NMA), to create a Comprehensive Transition Plan that would enable him to meet his goals as he recovered and transitioned. Though he continued to improve physically, Pascasio struggled with his guilt and anger. “I blamed myself for everything that happened,” he said. “I didn’t give up on life, but I gave up on the Army. I felt like I wasn’t fit to be in.”

With guidance from his AW2 Advocate, and inspired by other Soldiers he met at the WTB, Pascasio decided to apply for Continuation on Active Duty (COAD)—a program designed for Soldiers who have been found unfit for duty by a Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) but are interested in continuing to serve in the Army.

Pascasio currently serves as an Operations Sergeant at Warrior Transition Command in the AW2 Advocate Support Branch, a job he was recommended for by his AW2 Advocate. He is also working toward an associate degree in general studies at the University of Maryland University College.

“AW2 was instrumental in helping me put together my five year plan. I’ve hit four out of my five goals,” said Pascasio of his accomplishments. He plans on obtaining a bachelor’s degree with a major in emergency management services and a minor in homeland security.

Editors Note: 2014 marks the 10th anniversary of the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2). Read more about AW2′s decade of impact with more than 19,000 severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, their Families and Caregivers at http://www.WTC.army.mil/announcements/aw2_10th_anniversary.html.

AW2 10th Anniversary Public Engagement Day

By Caitlin Morrison, WTC Communications Division

(left to right) Staff Sgt. Julio Larrea, Col. Johnny Davis, Staff Sgt. Jeffery Redman, Mr. Thomas Webb and Spc. Joshua Budd engage with the public during Tuesday’s Facebook Townhall.

(left to right) Staff Sgt. Julio Larrea, Col. Johnny Davis, Staff Sgt. Jeffery Redman, Mr. Thomas Webb and Spc. Joshua Budd engage with the public during Tuesday’s Facebook Townhall.

On Tuesday, April 22, WTC hosted a media roundtable, Facebook Townhall and WTC Community Support Network informational call in commemoration of AW2’s 10th Anniversary.  Participants included Deputy to the Commander Mr. Thomas Webb, AW2 Director Col. Johnny Davis and three AW2 Soldiers who traveled to Boston last year to mentor victims of the tragic Boston Marathon bombing. Peer mentoring is one process that helps Soldiers in their own recoveries. Many AW2 Soldiers have injuries similar to those sustained by the victims of last year’s Boston Marathon bombing, including Staff Sgt. Julio Larrea (Cadre, Walter Reed Warrior Transition Brigade at Bethesda, Md.), Staff Sgt. Jeffery Redman (320th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airbourne Division at Fort Campbell, Ky.) and Spc. Joshua Budd (Army Marksmanship Unit in Fort Benning, Ga.).

These Soldiers, who went to Boston to lend their expertise and share experiences with the victims, attended Tuesday’s event to provide their insight on peer mentoring, AW2  and returning to duty after  being wounded. In the year since their trip, each of these Soldiers completed in-patient care,  are back in uniform, attending school and raising awareness of the resilience of Soldiers and the challenges facing Soldiers and others with severe physical injuries.

Seven news outlets attended the roundtable, raising discussions with the leadership on the scalability of AW2 and the work of the AW2 Advocates.  Media participants interacted with the Soldiers, asking about the most memorable parts of their trip to Boston and how their Families have supported their recoveries.

More than 1,000 people viewed the Facebook Townhall during the hour-long session and generated 61 posts, which includes comments, questions and replies. Mr. Webb and Col. Davis provided a number of responses geared toward program specifics, while the Soldiers shared their individual experiences on topics such as spirituality and how they feel about discussing their injuries in public. More than 2,500 people saw the posts by the conclusion of the Townhall.

To wrap up the day, several organizations joined the WTC Community Support Network informational call.  Mr. Webb and Col. Davis thanked these organizations for providing valuable services to wounded, ill and injured Soldiers and Veterans, and stressed the importance of networking with local AW2 Advocates to create lasting relationships. The three Soldiers spoke about organizations that have helped them during their recovery and transition and what types of resources are beneficial. These conversations helped the organizations get a better understanding of the ways they can support WTC and AW2 Soldiers and Veterans.

Learn more about the AW2 10th Anniversary

The U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) observes its 10th anniversary this April, commemorating a decade of impact for more than 19,000 of the most severely wounded, ill and injured Soldiers and Families.  As part of the Army’s Warrior Care and Transition Program (WCTP), AW2 supports these Soldiers in all aspects of their life throughout the recovery and transition process, whether back to the force or on to civilian life.  The AW2 model of personalized support extends through a corps of more than 200 AW2 Advocates at Army and Veterans Affairs facilities throughout the country and a team of transition professionals at AW2 headquarters to help resolve more complex issues. These AW2 Advocates work within the system to help each Soldier anticipate challenges, identify programs and benefits and ensure continuity of care throughout the recovery and transition process.

Editors Note: 2014 marks the 10th anniversary of the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2). Read more about AW2′s decade of impact with more than 19,000 severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, their Families and Caregivers at http://www.WTC.army.mil/announcements/aw2_10th_anniversary.html.

Meet AW2 Veteran Ira Brownridge Jr.

By Caitlin Morrison, WTC Communications Division

AW2 Veteran Ira Brownridge Jr. enjoys a sporting event with his AW2 Advocate, Melvin Kearney.

AW2 Veteran Ira Brownridge Jr. enjoys a sporting event with his AW2 Advocate, Melvin Kearney.

Spc. Ira Brownridge Jr. sustained a bullet wound to the head while deployed to Iraq in 2007.   He underwent a number of lifesaving surgeries before returning to the United States to begin recovery at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

During his year-long recovery at Walter Reed, Brownridge was introduced to the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) and his first AW2 Advocate, Melvin Kearney, who was visiting the medical center at the time.  Brownridge quickly developed a strong bond with Kearney, especially when they learned that they had been serving in the same zone in Iraq just months apart.

In addition to his physical injuries, Brownridge sustained PTSD that led him to socially withdraw.  Kearney realized early on that Brownridge would benefit from joining organizations, taking courses and meeting other Veterans.  Kearney helped Brownridge enroll in a communications and human relations course that Brownridge credits with giving him skills for interacting with his Family, managing his PTSD and breaking out of his shell.  After completing the course, Brownridge built up the courage to participate as a guest speaker during the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System OEF/OIF Welcome Home Celebration and Car Show.

Kearney also invited Brownridge to interact with Veterans with similar experiences. Brownridge attended large-scale events such as a dinner hosted by a nonprofit to honor wounded warriors in New York City and joined a local Veterans Service Organization in Michigan. Kearney helped Brownridge realize how important it is to get out there and use the resources of these organizations.  “You can have all the help in the world,” said Brownridge, “but if you aren’t willing to help yourself you’re just stuck.”

With Kearney’s help, Brownridge began to understand the importance of setting reasonable, achievable goals to avoid overwhelming himself with large-scale, long-term goals.  For example, he is in training for a half marathon, but is starting with 5K races.  “It’s a great honor to have someone like that in your corner,” Brownridge said of Kearney. “It’s having that person that’s not pushing you but giving you that positive attitude.”

Editors Note: 2014 marks the 10th anniversary of the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2). Read more about AW2′s decade of impact with more than 19,000 severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, their Families and Caregivers at http://www.WTC.army.mil/announcements/aw2_10th_anniversary.html.

From Injury to Inspiration: How AW2 Helped One Veteran Find Hope on the Road to Recovery

By Anna Eisenberg, WTC Communications Division

Retired Sgt. Ron Wiley holds his infant daughter in the Family’s new mortgage-free home, donated by a local non-profit.

Retired Sgt. Ron Wiley holds his infant daughter in the Family’s new mortgage-free home, donated by a local non-profit.

After 17 years of service and three deployments that took him to Panama, Kosovo and Iraq, retired Army Sgt. Ron Wiley retired to civilian life. Sustaining multiple physical and emotional injuries while deployed made the adjustment difficult, and the career Soldier was unsure of where to turn.

“The Army was all I had known,” said Wiley. “I loved it.”

Finding steady employment proved challenging, and his wife searched for a second job to hold the Family’s finances together. After checking in with the VA, Wiley connected with the Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) and met AW2 Advocate Laura Arisohn.

Arisohn and AW2’s support and the resources they helped him access played an integral role in Wiley’s recovery. Five years after his first meeting with Arisohn, Wiley graduated with an associate degree in network administration from the University of Phoenix with a 3.8 GPA. Arisohn also connected him with a local non-profit organization that donated a mortgage-free home to the Wiley family. Wiley found assistance from AW2 and Arisohn in other ways as well—help in better understanding insurance, changing medical providers and better managing his medications.

Most importantly, Wiley says Arisohn and AW2 inspire him. He now works with other Veterans who need support in either transitioning back to the Army or to civilian life.

“People see me and say ‘you are one of my heroes, you give me hope’,” says Wiley. “In reality that is what my AW2 Advocate gives me. She gives me hope.”

Editors Note: 2014 marks the 10th anniversary of the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2). Read more about AW2′s decade of impact with more than 19,000 severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, their Families and Caregivers at http://www.WTC.army.mil/announcements/aw2_10th_anniversary.html.

Meet AW2 Soldier Shenae Mitchell

By Caitlin Morrison, WTC Communications Division


Spc. Shenae Mitchell addresses the Warrior Transition Command to launch the AW2 10th Anniversary commemoration.

While deployed in Afghanistan in June 2012 with the 82nd Airborne Division, Spc. Shenae Mitchell was crushed under 1,000 pounds of medical containers, called Hescro barriers. She sustained thirteen injuries that required intensive surgical treatment. After being medically evacuated from Afghanistan, Mitchell began her recovery and rehabilitation at the Fort Belvoir Warrior Transition Unit. At Fort Belvoir, she was immediately introduced to the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) and her AW2 Advocate, Ayandria Barry.

During Mitchell’s recovery, Barry helped her navigate military residence training, including 496 hours of military correspondence courses. Mitchell has also completed 44 college credits toward an associate degree thus far during her recovery at Fort Belvoir. She credits Barry with anticipating questions and possible challenges and providing accurate answers every time. When Mitchell needed a tutor to retake her Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT) to raise her General Technical (GT) score, Barry found her a tutor through a local program in just weeks. Barry would arrange a ride if Mitchell needed to travel off post to support her recovery and transition goals, such as going to tutoring sessions. If Mitchell couldn’t find a ride, Barry would provide transportation herself.

Barry and Mitchell’s relationship extends past assistance with completing coursework and finding tutors. “Ms. Barry has been supportive not only from the military aspect,” said Mitchell. “She would build my hope and my courage up.”

Mitchell plans to re-enlist in the Army with a new Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) and return to duty upon completing in-patient care. Barry supported Mitchell in submitting her paperwork to change her MOS to one more suited to her medical profile. She is currently waiting to hear whether she is approved for either of the two MOS options she has applied for: 27D (Paralegal) or 42A (Human Resource Assistant).

Editors Note: 2014 marks the 10th anniversary of the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2). Read more about AW2′s decade of impact with more than 19,000 severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, their Families and Caregivers at http://www.wtc.army.mil/announcements/aw2_10th_anniversary.html.

Meet AW2 Veteran Karl Pasco

By Caitlin Morrison, WTC Communications Division

AW2 Veteran Karl Pasco and his daughter take a trip on the Austin Steam Train.

AW2 Veteran Karl Pasco and his daughter take a trip on the Austin Steam Train.

Retired Sgt. 1st Class Karl Pasco, a two-time Purple Heart recipient and avid shooting enthusiast, was injured on two separate deployments in Iraq. On his first deployment in 2004, his vehicle ran over an improvised explosive device (IED). After recovery, he redeployed to Iraq in 2006 and was hit by another IED. Among other injuries, Pasco sustained a shattered right leg, shrapnel in his left arm, ten broken ribs, three fractured vertebrae, a broken upper jaw, a bruised heart and shrapnel puncturing his chest. The first time he was injured, the US Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) had not yet been created and Pasco remembers having to navigate the recovery and transition process on his own. After his second attack, AW2 support began right away when he was recovering at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He returned to his home state of Texas once major surgeries were completed to continue his recovery at Fort Hood.

Pasco has worked with a number of AW2 Advocates over the years. “They would challenge me to attain the goals that I set,” he said of all of his AW2 Advocates. One of the most important goals for Karl was to be able to shoot again. He told AW2 that he wanted to build his own shooting range and they said, “Well then do it!” Pasco found planning the project and actually constructing the range extremely therapeutic.

While at Fort Hood, he created his own internship with the ROTC program at Texas A&M University-Central Texas. Pasco knew that he did not want to spend his time at the Warrior Transition Unit (WTU) “sitting around,” so he went to work in their S3 operations as the Donations NCO and Activities NCO. He processed donations to the WTB for three years and helped coordinate activities for other wounded, ill and injured Soldiers at the WTB. Karl took many of his fellow WTB Soldiers hunting, fishing, four-wheeling, kayaking and more.

Pasco is currently a part-time student at Central Texas College, working towards his BA and MA. He has a very close relationship with his current AW2 Advocate, Carol Livengood, and takes pride in sending her updates on his rehabilitation progress. He sees Livengood quite often, as she works closely with another AW2 Advocate—his wife, Joy. Karl says of Joy, “she realized that she found a passion in her life that she didn’t realize—she wanted to help Soldiers.”

Editors Note: 2014 marks the 10th anniversary of the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2). Read more about AW2’s decade of impact with more than 19,000 severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, their Families and Caregivers at http://www.wtc.army.mil/announcements/aw2_10th_anniversary.html.

Meet AW2 Veteran Paul Roberts

By Caitlin Morrison, WTC Communications Division

AW2 Veteran Paul Roberts celebrates the holidays with his Family.

AW2 Veteran Paul Roberts celebrates the holidays with his Family.

Retired Staff Sgt. Paul Roberts is a two-time Warrior Games medalist, a father of two, a federal employee and a proud member of the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2). In the summer of 2009, Roberts was serving in Afghanistan when his truck was hit with an IED in a small ambush attack.

“I hit the windshield, and I was unconscious,” remembered Roberts, who sustained severe second- and third-degree burns and was the only survivor from the truck. “When I woke up, my face was on fire, the fire started eating through my gloves.” He was medically evacuated to Landstuhl, Germany and then to Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC) in San Antonio, Texas, where he was introduced to AW2 and his first AW2 Advocate, Kimmy Davis.

During his recovery at BAMC, Roberts participated in the Operation Warfighter (OWF) internship program at the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Though he was separating from the Army, Roberts was determined to continue to serve his country by working for the government. While at BAMC, Roberts also participated in wheelchair basketball, playing for the San Antonio Spurs wheelchair basketball team and for the Center for the Intrepid. “Wheelchair basketball was instrumental in my recovery and transition,” reflected Roberts. “It gave me a sense of purpose and a sense of drive.”

In 2012, Roberts medically retired from the Army and relocated to Washington, D.C., where he met his new local AW2 Advocate, Ayandria Barry. Barry signed Roberts up for federal job fairs and trainings to conduct practice interviews and help with his resume. He found a position with the Department of Justice and has been working there ever since. “I feel lucky that I had wonderful people at the Army Wounded Warrior Program help me transition from the Army to civilian life,” said Roberts.

Along with career and education planning, AW2 Advocates work with Soldiers and Veterans to navigate federal institutions, assist with financial planning and find local resources. Specifically, Barry secured a special lawnmower for the Roberts’ yard that accommodated the burns on Roberts’ legs. Roberts also needed a special wheelchair to train for and participate in the Warrior Games, which Barry obtained as well. Today, the Roberts Family considers Barry a staple around their household, not only as an AW2 Advocate, but also as a friend.

Editors Note: 2014 marks the 10th anniversary of the U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2). Read more about AW2’s decade of impact with more than 19,000 severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, their Families and Caregivers at http://www.wtc.army.mil/announcements/aw2_10th_anniversary.html.

Honoring a Hero

Heat player Mike Miller congratulates SPC Romero while family looks on.

Heat player Mike Miller congratulates SPC Romero while family looks on.

By:  LuAnn Georgia, WTC STRATCOM with contributions from AW2 Advocate Julio Alicea
Specialist Eddie Romero is a native of Hialeah, Florida and a die-hard fan of the Miami Heat.  Romero’s dream came true when he was recently honored on the court by the Home Strong program at Game one of the 2013 Eastern Conference playoffs.

The Home Strong program, which was established by the Miami Heat in 2006, is an ongoing program that pays tribute to the men and women in uniform. It was developed by the Heat team and Coach Pat Riley to assist with the unmet needs of military personnel and their families who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan and whom reside in South Florida.

Romero enjoys the chance to wear a Miami Heat Championship Ring.

Romero enjoys the chance to wear a Miami Heat Championship Ring.

The tribute to honor Specialist Romero was prompted when news got out about his passion for the Florida NBA team, the Miami Heat.  Romero, who joined the Florida Army National Guard right out of high school, was deployed to Kuwait in 2010 where he served as a machine gunner for supply convoys into Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom.  In 2012, while deployed to Germany, he suffered what was thought to be a knee injury but after returning home to Florida for treatment, was informed that he was suffering from Stage four Osteosarcoma, an advanced bone cancer.   Romero underwent surgery for the cancer but was told that it had spread to his lungs and there was a 15 percent chance of survival.

These days Romero is undergoing outpatient treatment at the Miami Veterans Administration Hospital and the University of Miami, Sylvester Cancer Center.  The treatment is reported to be going well and in June, Romero and his family were given hope when they received the good news that the cancer has gone dormant.

In addition to receiving the welcomed news about his health, Romero’s fiancée recently gave birth to a healthy baby boy.  As part of his tribute to the team and player he idolizes, the Romero’s named their newborn son “James” after legendary Heat player Lebron James.

While the future is uncertain, based on his examples, Baby James will grow up with an understanding of the true meaning of being a “winner”. Congratulations to the new parents and may your future be filled with many blessings.


Service Dog Provides Friendship and New Opportunities for an AW2 Soldier

AW2 Soldier Justin Miller’s service dog “Dinah” gave him the companionship and encouragement he needed to move forward with his recovery and transition.

Retired Army Sergeant and AW2 Soldier Justin Miller, who was injured on multiple occasions over the course of his military career, is a huge fan of companion dogs – specifically one called Dinah.

By Jeff Johnson, AW2 Advocate

While working to take charge of his life and deal with PTSD symptoms, he came in contact with Clear Path for Veterans, an organization in Chittenango, New York.  Clear Path’s Dogs2Vet program assists Veterans by matching them with a rescue dog.  They train the Veteran with the dog, creating a supportive bond that results in outstanding support to the Veteran and enhances their quality of life in the process. Following this training the dog is a service dog and the veteran gains the ability and confidence to deal with the many issues presented to them.

In the summer of 2012, Miller was paired with Dinah, a 3-year-old, rescue black Lab, who immediately provided him an emotional boost. Together, Miller and Dinah began the 18 month training program that Miller says not only enhanced his skills in working with Dinah but also helped him face life’s challenges. Though their training is not complete, Miller and Dinah have progressed to the final stages of training and expect an early graduation. Miller plans to continue the training to earn Therapy Dog qualification so Dinah could be used to help others and demonstrate the benefits of a service dog.

Other than the obvious, Dinah is trained to alert him when his anxiety rises – before he may even notice it.  When she hears the command ‘brace’ she helps support his body weight.  Miller shared that the biggest benefits for him are companionship and increased confidence – he is more at ease now and more comfortable socially.

Dinah accompanies Miller almost everywhere and will be joining him in college next semester. He is studying to become a recreational therapist with a goal to assist Veterans and others who have disabilities with adaptive needs.

Based on my experiences with Miller, it is evident that Clear Path for Veterans Dogs2Vets program has been a positive and instrumental factor in his ability to move on in his life and to put the pain of his injuries behind him.  He sees sharing his experiences as encouragement to other AW2 Soldiers who might benefit from a service dog, and he wants them to take the steps necessary to do what he did and enhance their life in a big way.

Clear Path for Veterans is a private, non for profit organization dedicated to helping military Veterans and their Families recover and reintegrate by offering a variety of support, training, vocational, and recreational programs in a rural setting of natural beauty. The organization offers many programs including outdoor activities, camping, vocational programs, and “talking circles” where Veterans can meet with each other and share their experiences and provide mutual support.


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