
Site Information for

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Staying Informed and Involved

A community advisory group (CAG) has been established for the Foster Wheeler site but is currently reorganizing to meet the demands of changing membership. For more information, please contact Larry Johnson, EPA Community Involvement Coordinator at 215-814-3239 or at


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Are there risks at the site now?

The contaminant of the concern at the site is trichloroethylene (TCE). Contaminant descriptions and associated risk factors are available here

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Community Resources

Community involvement is the process of engaging in dialogue and collaboration with community members. The goal of Superfund community involvement is to advocate and strengthen early and meaningful community participation during Superfund cleanups. Read about ways you can participate in EPA’s Community Involvement Program.

EPA celebrates 35 years of the Superfund Program: Read about sites in your states where Superfund has made a difference in protecting human health and the environment.

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Emergency Response and Removal Program

  • Cleanup to date has included removal actions, or short-term cleanups, to address immediate threats to human health and the environment.
  • Actions between 1988 and 2005 included constructing and operating a groundwater treatment system; providing bottled water to residences with impacted wells; temporarily providing impacted residences with carbon filtration systems; connecting affected homes to the public water supply; and disconnecting and abandoning contaminated wells.
  • Detailed information about Removal Actions at the site can be found here.

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