New Web Site for Veterans Seeking Federal Jobs

By Sarah Greer, WTC Stratcom

Are you a wounded warrior looking for a job with the federal government? Is your retirement date approaching, and you’d like more information about preparing for a federal career search? Are you an AW2 Family member and not sure about your rights and privileges when applying for federal jobs?

There’s good news! The U.S. Office of Personnel Management recently launched, a new Web site designed to help Veterans find jobs with federal agencies. The site is part of President Obama’s Veterans Employment Initiative established by the Employment of Veterans in the Federal Government Executive Order.

The site has a directory of federal agencies looking to hire Veterans and the contact information for the Veteran Employment Program Officer at each of these agencies. Veterans seeking federal employment are encouraged to contact these individuals directly.

There are sections on the site just for Veterans and for transitioning servicemembers. In these sections, you can learn about:

  • Special hiring authorities for Veterans
  • How federal jobs are filled
  • Education and training opportunities, such as programs through the Departments of Defense, Labor, and Veterans Affairs

There is even information for Family members, with details about Family member preference and special hiring authorities for spouses and Family members.

In addition to the AW2 Career and Education Section, is an excellent resource for AW2 Soldiers, Veterans, and Family members considering federal employment.

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  1. danielle says:

    I was just recently put on TDRL and am just curious about my different options as far as school and/or employment. Guess one of my questions is that I currently have a social secutity claim pending and I am unsure on if it’s approved what my limitations are regarding how much I can work. In helping me with my decision I think right now I am wanting to know what kind of jobs are available to me. Would really appreciate a response thank you.

  2. William Roseberry says:


    You can go to and read the SSA publication which describes exactly how much you can earn and how it will or will not affect your Social Security disability benefits. It is fairly short and to the point and will not require much reading to find the answers you need. Good luck to you.

  3. Vanessa says:

    Veterans looking for a job once they complete military service may want to consider a career in the apartment industry. There is a podcast on that talks about “Hire a Hero” and how it is working with the apartment industry.

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