
National SAVE Youth Summit!
April 1, 2017 – NC State McKimmon Center

SAVE is excitesummit logod to host the National SAVE Youth Summit in Raleigh, NC at the NC State McKimmon Center on April 1, 2017.   This fun and educational event is a time for youth to  showcase effective violence prevention strategies and share their successes with their peers.

The National SAVE Youth Advisory Board has chosen Mother Teresa’s quote to be this year’s theme: Peace Begins With a Smile!

This event is a time for youth voices to be heard in workshops, peer-to-peer presentations, and activities that Encourage, Educate, Engage, and Empower youth with violence prevention strategies. Learn how SAVE chapters are addressing youth violence, bullying, gangs, dating violence, theft, social media safety, substance abuse, self harm and teen driving safety.  There will be motivating workshops, outstanding speakers, national awareness efforts and special presentations.  View the Summit Flyer.

Register now! Early Bird Rate of $25.00 

Who Should Attend:

  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Administrators
  • Law Enforcement
  • Community Members
  • Social Workers
  • Counselors
  • Youth Leaders
  • Parents
  • Coaches
  • School Safety Coordinators
  • Dropout Prevention Coordinator

Key Note Speakers

Stand Strong, Strive, Survive

At the tender age of 9, Kaylin Robeson was viciously attacked by a dog rendering wounds that required facial reconstruction and life support. Kaylin experienced bullying and low self esteem as a result of her injuries. This experience and it’s aftermath fueled a passionate and compelling artistry and portal to combat negativity.  Learn how Kaylin overcame fear and judgement and how she became an upstander to bullying.  Kaylin will share how to be a role model and  to love yourself and your own uniqueness.

Kaylin is a singer, songwriter and pianist/guitarist based out of Raleigh, N C. She is a passionate powerhouse making an indelible imprint on the country/country pop scene. Kaylin has recently been honored with distinguished titles such as Deep South Entertainment’s Open Mic champion, the youngest champion in the venues history, forging the path to her recent EP release titled “Run Back To You”. “Run Back To You” has been featured on Large Market Country Station of the Year 94.7 QDR as part of their Homegrown Carolina Country Series. Kaylin has also been named North American Country Music Association International Female Vocalist of the Year New Country 2016; Clayton’s Teen Idol; winner of Clayton’s Got Talent; and featured on Raleigh, NC based television station WRAL as an “artist to watch in 2016“. Kaylin’s passion for song writing exudes in her sultry, tragic, charismatic composition defined by everyday life experiences.   She has recently had the distinct honor to co-write with the legendary Don Goodman and Tom Worth off Music Row and record at the legendary Dark Horse Recording Studio. Kaylin’s playing accolades include venues from all over the state of North & South Carolina to a sold out show at 3rd & Lindsley in Nashville, TN. This alluring captivating artist is knocking on door steps in a town near you.

#spreadkindness: Re-Writing Our Stories and Re-Thinking Our Strategies 

Join the Ripon College Speakers Bureau for a dynamic presentation about re-thinking our approach to bullying prevention. Through story-telling and story re-telling, the speakers will help you re-write the story of bullying in your school to help #spreadkindness. Along the way, they’ll share the story of how they helped one middle school learn to #spreadkindness all year long!

The Ripon College Speakers Bureau empowers college students to use their voices to make a difference. Ripon College Speakers Bureau students regularly work with K-12 students to #spreadkindness and prevent violence. Members of the Ripon College Speakers Bureau contributing to this presentation include: Avery Herbon, a junior from Antioch, IL studying communication, psychology, and theater; Maddie Vandenhouten, a senior from Green Bay, WI majoring in communication and minoring in Spanish and education; Lauren Hince, a junior from Minneapolis, MN majoring in communication and politics; Allison Macknick,a senior from Sheboygan, WI, majoring in theatre and minoring in communication; Justin Filter is a sophomore from Janesville, Wisconsin, majoring in Communication with a minor in Military Science; and Thomas Phillipsen, a sophomore from Waupaca, WI, majoring in communication with a minor in law and society.

 Break Out Session Topics

  • Bullying
  • Racism
  • Dating Violence
  • Diversity
  • Social Media Safety
  • Collaboration
  • Self-harm
  • Social Norms
  • Mental Health
  • Substance Abuse
  • Teen Driving Safety

Want 3 free tickets  to the Summit?  Submit a breakout session proposal. Share your chapter’s success and ideas in a 40 minute session. Chapters chosen to present will receive 3 free tickets. 

My Best Friend is The Bully – Presented by Ripon College Speakers Bureau 

What do you do when you realize your best friend is bullying? How can you make them aware that they are hurting people? How can you encourage them to change? And what can you do if you realize they are bullying you, too? This interactive workshop will help you devise strategies to protect yourself and others from a “friend” who isn’t so friendly after all.  (All)

Bullying and LGBTQ Awareness – Cuthbertson High School SAVE

In this session, teens will learn to recognize, stop, and get help when they fall into a situation of bullying. On top of that, we will raise awareness for the LGBTQ society to give youth a better understanding. We aim to inform and empower youth to end bullying and support LGBTQ youth. (MS/HS)

Stop Preventing the Bad; Start Promoting the Good  – Presented by Ripon College Speakers Bureau 

This interactive session will help you develop new strategies to encourage positive behaviors in your school and community. Rather than focus so much on programming about preventing “bullying,” learn how to advocate for #spreadkindness and create your own positive, innovative approaches. (All)

Collaboration for a Cause – Highland School of Technology SAVE 

Highland SAVE will be teach a session on collaboration and how it is beneficial. Learn ideas to take back to your chapter and many examples of fun community service events we have done in the past and how to incorporate them into your own chapters. (All)

Get Out of My Face! – Presented by Ripon College Speakers Bureau

This session will explore the ideas of “face” (how we present our identity) and “altercasting” (how we force our assumptions onto others).  Learn about the dangers of altercasting others to benefit our own “face.” Finally, we will develop plans we can all use to raise awareness of these behaviors at our schools. (All) 

Social Media “The Ugly Truth – Presented by Optimism Preventive Services SAVE 

It’s Silence! Social media appears to be enlightening , engaging and entertaining. However, for many teens it can also be depressing. Contributing factors: Sexting, Cyberbullying, Addiction or Obsession. (ALL)

The Anonymous Bully: New Trends in Cyberbullying – Presented by Ripon College Speakers Bureau 

In an era of rapidly expanding technology, “new” media become yesterday’s news faster than we can keep up. In this session we will explore some of the very latest trends in social media and technological programs popular with teenagers. Specifically, we will discuss the ways some new media worsen the reach and damage of cyberbullying via enhanced anonymity for those who bully. Together, we will consider how SAVE chapters can help educate teachers and parents about these dangers. (Advisors Only)

“Toilet Talk” Using Social Norms to Share Messages – Presented by Chapel Hill HS

Do you wonder what your classmates are thinking about things? We will show you how to design & conduct “fun facts” polling with your school. Design your poll, collect your results and share them. Plus add in important teen safety facts. Explore what we believe is happening vs. what the actual behaviors & facts are. Celebrate the positive choices! (MS/HS)

What Makes You Smile? 

SAVE chapter members are asked to create an 8 1/2 X 11 poster with the theme of “What Makes You Smile?.” Be sure to include your name, chapter and state on your posters. Posters will be displayed at the Summit. If you cannot attend the Summit, please mail your chapter’s poster to the National SAVE office before March 15, 2017.

Call for Photos

SAVE is collecting photos for a slide show that will premier at the SAVE Summit. Send us photos of your chapters in action, or pictures of SAVE members and their favorite peace quote!

Chapters are also welcome to submit their own slide shows or videos. SAVE will select several to play in the general sessions at the summit. Submit by March 15, 2017 to

Hotel Information: Hotels near the McKimmon Center

We have a block of rooms at the following:

Comfort Suites 
1200 Hurricane Alley Way Raleigh, NC 27607
$99 special for 2 Queen Room
Call: 919-854-0502 Specify room block name when reserving: Students Against Violence Everywhere- Attendees

Register now! Early Bird Rate of $25.00 

Summit Sponsors:

Allstate Foundation

Highlights from the 2016 SAVE Summit

Highlights from the 2015 SAVE Summit

Highlights from the 25th Anniversary SAVE Summit