Some of the world’s most treasured animals are rapidly diminishing in the wild and many are threatened with extinction.

Through the Species Programs, we are working with partners in Africa, Asia, Latin America and other areas of the world to help conserve and manage these species. The efforts are making a difference, proving that endangered animals can recover when there is support for habitat conservation, public education, patrols to ward off poachers, and other interventions.

African Elephant Conservation Fund

African elephants are suffering drastic population declines as poaching for ivory intensifies and as human populations expand into remote areas. This fund supports efforts to prevent poaching, minimize elephant conflict with people, and protect habitat across sub-Saharan Africa.

Amphibians In Decline Fund

There are 6,887 species of amphibians (frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts), many facing rapid decline and extinction. This fund conserves amphibian species across the globe, from the Chinese giant salamander, to Cameroon’s caecilians, and the Panamanian golden frog.

Asian Elephant Conservation Fund

Poaching, conflicts with people and the conversion of land into farms and other developments are threatening Asian elephants in the wild. This fund helps to mitigate these conflicts and teach people how to better protect and manage elephants and their habitats.

Critically Endangered Animals Conservation Fund

This fund seeks to conserve the rarest of rare species around the globe. All are on the verge of extinction. Focused on endangered species of birds, mammals, and reptiles, the fund has conserved animals like the Tonkin snub-nosed monkey in Vietnam, the Angolan giant sable, and the golden lion tamarin in Brazil.

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Chimpanzee hanging from tree at Virnuga National Park Credit Radu Dumitrascy/Frankfurt Zoological Society

Credit: Radu Dumitrascu/Frankfurt Zoological Society

Great Ape Conservation Fund

Ape populations are being pushed to the brink of extinction due to habitat destruction, trade in their meat, illegal sales in live animals, and disease. This fund supports training in field conservation, law enforcement efforts, and educating communities.

Marine Turtle Conservation Fund

Six of the seven marine turtle species are listed as endangered or threatened due to habitat loss, overfishing, and human exploitation for eggs and meat. The fund supports patrolling to protect nesting females and nests from poaching, and to monitor nesting population trends; programs with artisanal and commercial fishers to reduce sea turtle bycatch; outreach and education on a national level and with local communities; and training and capacity building to develop national and local marine turtle conservation programs.

Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Fund

Rhinoceros horns and tiger pelts and body parts have long been in high demand on the global black market. This, coupled with habitat loss, has led to these magnificent creatures being severely threatened in the wild. This fund helps to protect rhinos across Africa and Asia and tigers in Asia.