Eden Housing


Challenge Commitment
3.22 Million Square Feet
Goals Progress
20%Reduction in Energy Intensity

Eden Housing's mission is to build and maintain high-quality, well-managed service-enhanced affordable housing communities that meet the needs of lower income families, seniors, and persons with disabilities.

Eden Housing pioneered the adoption of green technologies and features more than 40 years ago. In the 1970s, Eden Housing installed solar hot water systems at Josephine Lum Lodge and Eden Lodge. In the early 1980s, Eden was one of the first affordable housing developers to install double-pane windows—reducing residents’ utility costs and improving their comfort.

Eden Housing was one of the first non-profit owners in the country to look comprehensively at its existing portfolio of properties from an energy-efficiency perspective. Since adopting the Green Initiative in 2010, Eden has made energy-saving retrofits at more than 50 properties, and has educated staff and residents about green practices. Having garnered both regional and national recognition for these efforts, many other developers are now adopting Eden’s model. To date, Eden has exceeded their energy conservation goals, saving 37 percent portfolio-wide

Eden is furthering the commitment to energy reduction by joining the Better Buildings Challenge to commit reduce their portfolio wide energy intensity by 20% over 10 years.