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Website Demonstrations

View Website Enhancements (updated October 2013)

Quick Tour

View a quick overview of some of the main features and tools available on the ACS Web Editions platform.
Download a printable PDF version.

Comprehensive Tour

The ACS Publications website enables you to find and use the high-quality content you are looking for by providing:

  • A powerful advanced search engine and interface, with the ability to save searches
  • A Full Text HTML display with in-line references and a unique Figure Viewer
  • Direct SciFinder® links from articles/chapters to the CAS database

Learn more about these and many other features by taking an interactive flash tour of the ACS Publications platform.

ACS Publications Website Interactive Tour

ACS ChemWorx

View ACS ChemWorx User Guides.

C&EN Archives

Learn more about navigating C&EN Archives by watching the demo video.

C&EN Archives Demo

ACS Symposium Series

See where you will find peer-reviewed book content on the website by watching the walkthrough video.

Watch the ACS Symposium Series Demo in English
Watch the ACS Symposium Series Demo in Mandarin
Watch the ACS Symposium Series Demo in Japanese

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