Protecting Oregon's Environment
Oregon State Seal
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Water Quality

Water Quality Permit Program

 WQ Info Guides:
by alphabet
by category

NPDES and WPCF Industrial Permit Application Forms and Permit Fees

[Individual Industrial NPDES Permits]  [Individual Industrial WPCF Permits]  [General Industrial NPDES Permits]  [General Industrial WPCF Permits]

Fees for new applications are composed of two parts: an application fee and an annual fee, unless otherwise noted. Fees must be submitted at the time of application. No fees are required at the time of application renewal.

A Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) signed by the local land use authority must also be submitted with a new application, unless otherwise noted. For renewal applications, submittal of a LUCS is only required if major changes have been made at the facility or if there is no LUCS on file with DEQ.

For more information:

IMPORTANT: Permit copies available for download below are for reference purposes only.  An application must be submitted to the Oregon DEQ for coverage under general National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) discharge permits or under general Water Pollution Control Facilities (WPCF) permits.  Applicants receive a signed copy of the permit when coverage is issued.

Individual Industrial NPDES Permits (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System)
Permit/Discharge Type

NEW Permits


Individual NPDES
Industrial wastewater discharges to surface waters; some stormwater discharges to surface waters not otherwise covered by NPDES general permit
Application Forms Application Forms
  • LUCS
  • EPA Form 1 PDF
    and one of the following:
  • EPA Form 2B PDF
    (aquatic animal production)
  • EPA Form 2D PDF
    (new industrial process wastewater or any mixture of process wastewater, non-process wastewater and/or stormwater)
  • EPA Form 2E PDF
    (non-process wastewater only)
  • EPA Form 2F PDF
    (industrial stormwater only - not otherwise covered by a general permit such as wood treaters)
  • Renewal PDF
    and one of the following:
  • EPA Form 2B PDF
    (aquatic animal production)
  • EPA Form 2C PDF
    (existing industrial process wastewater or any mixture of process wastewater, non-process wastewater and/or stormwater)
  • EPA Form 2E PDF
    (non-process wastewater only)
  • EPA Form 2F PDF
    (industrial stormwater only - not otherwise covered by a general permit such as wood treaters)
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $9,445 - $46,936
  • Annual:  $1,536 - $16,412
  • No fees required at time of renewal.


Individual Industrial WPCF Permits (Water Pollution Control Facility)
Permit/Discharge Type NEW Permits Permit RENEWALs
Individual WPCF
Industrial wastewater discharges
Application Forms Application Forms
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $9,445 - $46,936
  • Annual:  $1,234 - $15,232
  • No fees required at time of renewal.


General Industrial NPDES Permits (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System)
Permit Type NEW Permits Permit RENEWALs
100-J PDF
Cooling water/heat pumps
Application Forms Application Forms
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $192
  • Annual:  $435
  • No fees required at time of renewal.
200-J PDF
Filter backwash
Application Forms Application Forms
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $192
  • Annual:  $435
  • No fees required at time of renewal.
300-J PDF
Fish hatcheries
Application Forms Application Forms
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $304
  • Annual:  $435
  • No fees required at time of renewal.
400-J PDF
Log ponds
Application Forms Application Forms
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $192
  • Annual:  $435
  • No fees required at time of renewal.
500-J PDF
Boiler blowdown
Application Forms Application Forms
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $192
  • Annual:  $435
  • No fees required at time of renewal.
700-PM PDF
Suction dredges
Application Forms Application Forms
  • Application
    Recreational/Small Scale Placer Mining, no LUCS
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $25
  • No fees required at time of renewal.
900-J PDF
Seafood processing
Application Forms Application Forms
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $192
  • Annual:  $435
  • No fees required at time of renewal.
1500-A PDF
Petroleum hydrocarbon cleanups
Application Forms Application Forms
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $304
  • Annual:  $435
  • No fees required at time of renewal.
1700-A PDF
Vehicle and equipment wash water
Application Forms Application Forms
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $424
  • Annual:  $435
  • No fees required at time of renewal.
1900-J PDF
Non-contact geothermal heat exchange
Application Forms Application Forms
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $424
  • Annual:  $435
  • No fees required at time of renewal.


General Industrial  WPCF Permits (Water Pollution Control Facility)
Permit Type NEW Permits Permit RENEWALs
600 PDF
Offstream placer mining
Application Forms Application Forms
  • Application [PDF]  [DOC]
  • LUCS
    for stationary sources > 5 cubic yards/day
  • Renewal PDF
  • LUCS
    for stationary sources > 5 cubic yards/day
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:
    < 5 cu yd/day,
    or < 1500 cu yd/yr
     -- no fee

    1500 to 10,000 cu yd/yr
     -- $192
  • No fees required at time of renewal.
Confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs)
Application Forms Application Forms
Contact Oregon Dept. of Agriculture,
(503) 986-4712
Contact Oregon Dept. of Agriculture,
(503) 986-4712
Fee Range Fee Range
1000 PDF
Gravel mining
Application Forms Application Forms
Contact DOGAMI, (541) 967-2039
except for Columbia County:
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $192
  • Annual:  $435
  • No fees required at time of renewal.
1400-A PDF
Seasonal food processing and wineries, less than 25,000 gallons/day
Application Forms Application Forms
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $192
  • Annual:  $255
  • No fees required at time of renewal.
1400-B PDF
Food processors, less than 25,000 gallons/day
Application Forms Application Forms
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $304
  • Annual:  $435
  • No fees required at time of renewal.
1500-B PDF
Petroleum hydrocarbon cleanups
Application Forms Application Forms
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $304
  • Annual:  $435
  • No fees required at time of renewal.
1700-B PDF
Vehicle and equipment wash water
Application Forms Application Forms
  • Renewal PDF
  • No LUCS for mobile operations
Fee Range Fee Range
  • Application:  $424
  • Annual:  $435
  • No fees required at time of renewal.


[print version]


For more information on DEQ's Water Quality Division and its programs, see our contact page.

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Headquarters: 811 Sixth Ave., Portland, OR 97204-1390
Phone: 503-229-5696 or toll free in Oregon 1-800-452-4011
Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service: 1-800-735-2900  FAX: 503-229-6124

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is a regulatory agency authorized to protect Oregon's environment by
the State of Oregon and the Environmental Protection Agency.

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