

The desert is an extreme environment. Carry enough water, one gallon per person per day, and drink it. Water is available at Visitor Information Center, Diablo East, and Governors Landing. Do not drink untreated water.

Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion occurs when the body loses more fluid than (is taken in). Signs of heat exhaustion include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, headaches, pale appearance, stomach cramps, and cool clammy skin. If a member of your party begins to experience any of these symptoms, stop your activity immediately. Find a cool, shady area and have the victim rest with their feet up to distribute fluids throughout the body. It is important to drink fluids, but it is also important to eat. While suffering from heat exhaustion, drinking fluids without eating can lead to a potentially dangerous condition of low blood salt. If heat exhaustion symptoms persist for more than two hours, seek medical help.

Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is an advanced stage of heat exhaustion. It is the body's inability to cool itself. Symptoms include confusion, disorientation, behavioral changes, and seizures. If you believe that a member of your party is suffering from heat stroke, it is imperative to cool them using any available means and obtain immediate medical assistance.


Hypothermia occurs when the body is cooled to dangerous levels. It is responsible for the greatest number of deaths among people engaging in outdoor activities. Possible even in warm weather, it often occurs without the victim's awareness. It is a hazard on the lake because immersion in water is the quickest way to lose body heat. To prevent hypothermia, avoid cotton clothing (it provides no insulation when wet) and eat high energy food before you are chilled. The signs of hypothermia include uncontrollable shivering, stumbling and poor coordination, fatigue, and confusion or slurred speech. If you recognize any of these signs, stop what you are doing and immediately replace wet clothing with dry clothing.


Every year, whitetail deer and other wildlife are killed by vehicles on the roads surrounding Amistad. Wear safety belts and use child safety seats.

Hiking Safety

Hiking is one of the many recreational activities that is available at Amistad National Recreational Area. There are several designated hiking trails throughout the park. Remember a well-planned hike is a safe hike.

  • Always tell someone where you are going and when you should be back.
  • Take a map.
  • Wear closed toed shoes and dress in appropriate clothing, long pants are recommended.
  • Bring drinking water with you.
  • Wear a hat and it is recommended to use sunglasses.
  • Cell phone crevice is usually reliable with in the park and can be helpful if needed in an emergency.

Boating Safety

Boating is one of the most popular activities at Amistad. The number of boaters on the lake can vary from just a handful to over 200 when there is a large fishing tournament going on. Remember to follow these safety tips when boating on the reservoir.

  • All boaters must have the required safety equipment on board their boats.
  • Check the weather forecast to avoid any inclement weather.
  • Lake levels fluctuate, be aware of submersed debris or other hazards.
  • Always wear a life jacket.

Contact the Park

Mailing Address:

4121 Veterans Blvd
Del Rio, TX 78840


(830)775-7491 x0

Contact Us