Is there an Asian RMB bloc?


In the past two weeks we have been treated with a mostly positive but nonetheless mixed bag of economic data from China. There has been good news, bad news, good news with worrying underlying trends, and bad news with silver linings. Analysts have announced that things are getting worse and that things are getting better. …

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How to be a China bull


I recently “debated” twice with senior Chinese officials on the future prospects for China.  In both cases they made the argument that Chinese growth rates were going to rise in the next few years and that the current deep pessimism is unwarranted. I argued, of course, that growth would slow even more. Neither of the …

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Can China increase export competitiveness?


Three weeks ago the Wall Street Journal published my OpEd piece about concern that China may try to make the rebalancing process less painful by allowing the RMB to depreciate. In the piece I argue that this isn’t as obvious as you might think. From July 2005 to February this year the RMB rose by just over 30% …

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I apologize to my readers but over the past two weeks my site was infected by a pretty sophisticated virus that made it impossible for me to get into the site, so I was unable to approve comments and to post new entries.  Since I also spent much of the past two weeks traveling, it …

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