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Regional Haze

NESCAUM is a partner organization with the Ozone Transport Commission (OTC) and MARAMA in the MANE-VU Regional Planning Organization. Official notification of MANE-VU activities can be found on the MANE-VU website hosted by the Ozone Transport Commission. This website contains NESCAUM contributions toward the MANE-VU regional haze planning efforts.

In 1999, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) issued a regulation aimed at restoring natural visibility conditions at 153 Federal Class I areas across the country. This regulation, termed the Regional Haze Rule, required states and tribes to develop plans for achieving reasonable progress toward the national visibility goals. The Class I areas in the MANE-VU region include: Acadia National Park, ME; Moosehorn Wilderness Area, ME; Roosevelt-Campobello International Park, ME/NB; Presidential Range-Dry River Wilderness Area, NH; Great Gulf Wilderness Area, NH; Lye Brook Wilderness Area, VT; and Brigantine Wilderness Area, NJ.

Together NESCAUM, MARAMA, and the OTC acting under the auspices of MANE-VU provide states and tribes with technical, regulatory, and outreach support to assist them in their planning efforts to achieve improved visibility at scenic vistas in the Northeast.

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