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CHIPS Articles: Editor's Notebook, July-September 2004

Editor's Notebook, July-September 2004
By Sharon Anderson - July-September 2004
The spring issue feature article about Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) drew kudos for the Navy's efforts regarding the NKO from the — Army! Army personnel I spoke with were impressed with the many educational and training; professional development; financial; and healthy lifestyle resources available to NKO users. Army personnel asked if they could use the resources on NKO. An NKO spokesman informed me that the NKO is currently not funded for joint service use.

"Personnel from the other services cannot log on unless they are sponsored as guests. Given the intent of NKO, it is not currently funded for joint service use. Only NKO administrators can provide guest access, which means in special cases, they can manually enter a user profile. Most often guest access is given to contractors who are working on one of our projects. These contractors have a valid need to access NKO because of their participation in the Revolution in Training initiative."

Army personnel cannot use their Army Knowledge Online (AKO) user identification and password to access the NKO at this time nor is accessibility available between the AKO and NKO Web sites.

"While accessibility between AKO and NKO would be an ultimate goal, there are no definite plans at this time."

With all the enthusiasm for NKO you can imagine my chagrin when I found a voice message from Lt. Susan Henson, Public Affairs Officer, Naval Personnel Development Command, telling me that I had used an incorrect URL on the CHIPS Spring 2004 cover (of all places!) for the NKO Web site. The correct URL is The URL was correct in the remainder of the magazine.

My sincere apologies to the CHIPS readers who were inconvenienced by the error, and to the NKO staff, who work so hard to provide the invaluable career and learning resources on the NKO Web site. I'll never make last minute tweaks to the cover again!

CHIPS was an exhibitor with the DON CIO at the NMCI Industry Symposium, June 20-23 in New Orleans, and we partnered with the Information Professional (IP) Officer Community at TechNet International, May 11-13 in Washington, D.C. It was a pleasure talking with CHIPS readers and exploring topics for future issues. Thank you for your feedback. Our thanks to the DON CIO, NETWARCOM and the IP Officer Community for providing these opportunities.

Welcome new subscribers!

DON CIO, Dave Wennergren, speaking at the NMCI Industry Symposium.
DON CIO, Dave Wennergren, speaking at the NMCI Industry Symposium.

Rob Lewis and Charlie Meyers
Rob Lewis and Charlie Meyers

Clockwise left to right, U.S. Senator Conrad Burns (R-MT), SPAWAR Charleston computer scientist, Jerri Baeumel, CHIPS senior editor, Sharon Anderson and the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer support team: Bob Alderman, Jim Knox, Rob Lewis and Charlie Meyers at the NMCI Industry Symposium.
Clockwise left to right, U.S. Senator Conrad Burns (R-MT), SPAWAR Charleston computer scientist, Jerri Baeumel, CHIPS senior editor, Sharon Anderson and the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer support team: Bob Alderman, Jim Knox, Rob Lewis and Charlie Meyers at the NMCI Industry Symposium.
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988