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CHIPS Articles: Navy Sponsors Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge

Navy Sponsors Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge
By MC2(SCW) Scott Bigley, Navy Recruiting Command Public Affairs - September 15, 2015
MILLINGTON, Tenn. — Navy Recruiting Command (NRC) has entered into a year-long partnership with the Conrad Foundation as a sponsor for the 2015-2016 Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge.

The Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge is a nation-wide competition among high school science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) students to conceptualize, design, build, test, and promote technological inventions in one of four categories — Aerospace and Aviation, Energy and Environment, Cyber Technology and Security, and Health and Nutrition.

"The Navy is excited to partner with the Conrad Foundation for the 2015-2016 Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge,” said Rear Adm. Jeff Hughes, commander, NRC. “There is a long-standing historic connection between the Navy and America's space program, best exemplified by the all-Navy crew of Apollo 12, led by the foundation's namesake, Charles "Pete" Conrad. There is close alignment between the focus of our respective organizations — reaching and inspiring youth; encouraging STEM studies and careers; outreach to often under-represented diverse and female students; and dedication to the principles of ambition, hard work, teamwork, and creativity."

Winning teams are selected by panels of judges and experts in the fields and can receive scholarships, seed funding grants, patent support and other business services.

The Navy sponsorship will allow for cross promotion and branding, the ability to build awareness of Navy STEM careers among students and centers of influence, and the opportunity to have Navy subject matter experts share their experiences and perspectives with the teams.

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