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CHIPS Articles: CNO Charts A Course for A Successful ISS

CNO Charts A Course for A Successful ISS
By Chief of Naval Operations Public Affairs - September 18, 2014
NEWPORT, R.I. (NNS) — Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan Greenert, the host of the 21st International Seapower Symposium (ISS-21), presented his vision Sept. 17 for what he hopes to accomplish at this year's symposium during his ISS opening remarks at the U.S. Naval War College.

"If you assume that each of you has 30 years of experience, then we would have 2,500 years of maritime experience here in this room during this week," said Greenert to the attendees. "Everyone here is a leader, and everyone here can learn from one another."

More than 170 senior officers and civilians from 113 countries, including many of the senior-most officers from those countries' navies and coast guards, are attending this year's symposium. The People's Liberation Army Navy and the Madagascar Navy are two new first time attendees of this year's ISS.

During his remarks, Greenert said focusing on commonalities, open sharing and mutual respect are what will make the symposium productive.

"It's about finding partners, in and out of uniform, that we know we can trust and that we have confidence in working with," said Greenert. "In building that trust and confidence we learn to take risks, share ideas and perspective without regard for the size of each navy. Every single person, regardless of whom they represent, adds value to the collective group."

Greenert said, no matter how great or small, every nation can contribute toward collaborative solutions.

"The common responsibility that I share, and that you share, is the security of your homeland and the security of the sea," Greenert said. "All of us raised our hands and took an oath for country-we all want prosperity and we can all benefit from an open global trade system."

Delegates to the first ISS in 1969 were veterans of World War II, leaders who recognized the need for international dialogue after many years at war. Since then ISS has become the largest gathering of maritime leaders.

This year's theme, "Global Solutions to Common Maritime Challenges," speaks to one of ISS's core functions to create and solidify solutions to shared maritime challenges and threats in ways that are also in the interests of individual nations.

ISS is not a standalone event but part of a larger continuum of events aimed at expanding international naval partnerships throughout the year. ISS consists of meetings, panels and discussions between maritime leaders from Sept. 16 - 19.

To view Greenert's full remarks, as well as remarks from Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work, and Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus follow this link: ISS Full Remarks

NEWPORT, R.I. (Sept. 16, 2014) Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan Greenert makes brief introductory remarks during a special Gulf of Guinea Maritime Security Dialogue hosted by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus at the 21st International Seapower Symposium (ISS-21). The ISS is hosted by the U.S. Naval War College biannually and is the world's largest gathering of naval leadership, which provides a platform for group and individual discussions for the more than 100 countries represented this year. U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Peter D. Lawlor.
140916-N-WL435-066 NEWPORT, R.I. (Sept. 16, 2014) Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan Greenert makes brief introductory remarks during a special Gulf of Guinea Maritime Security Dialogue hosted by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus at the 21st International Seapower Symposium (ISS-21). The ISS is hosted by the U.S. Naval War College biannually and is the world's largest gathering of naval leadership, which provides a platform for group and individual discussions for the more than 100 countries represented this year. U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Peter D. Lawlor.
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