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CHIPS Articles: Iraqi Government Begins Management of High Frequency Radio Band

Iraqi Government Begins Management of High Frequency Radio Band
The Government of Iraq (GoI) began managing the high frequency radio band throughout the country in October '09
By Multi-National Force-Iraq Public Affairs - January-March 2010
Multi-National Force-Iraq turned over responsibility for management of the high frequency radio band to the Government of Iraq after a months-long process that included training, fielding management systems and development of Iraqi procedures for utilization of the electromagnetic spectrum.

In accordance with the Security Agreement, both parties formed the Frequency Management Joint Sub-Committee in January 2009 to address any issues regarding frequency management.

Dr. Hiyam Al Yassiri, of the Ministry of Communications, and Rear Adm. David Simpson, Deputy Chief of Staff, Communications and Information Systems (CJ6), Multi-National Force-Iraq, co-chairman of the sub-committee, oversaw the development of Iraqi spectrum management capacity to allow the transition of the high frequency (HF) band to the Iraqi Government.

The sub-committee will continue to work together to develop an Iraqi process for each successive band. Each band has very different commercial, government and security uses and will need different procedures to accommodate all of the Iraqi user groups. The sub-committee is now working on the transition of both the very high frequency (VHF) and ultra high frequency (UHF) bands with the ultimate goal of turning over management responsibilities for all frequencies to the GoI.

In May 2009, U.S. forces conducted frequency management training for GoI personnel in various ministries. The purpose of the training was to establish a cadre of individuals capable of staffing a Communications and Media Commission and for Ministries that depend on radio frequencies as a critical resource. The training produced GoI staff capable of training and certifying future spectrum and frequency managers.

"The radio spectrum is a limited natural resource for every nation. Governments must balance domestic needs and international responsibilities as they manage their spectrum resources. The demand for radio frequency use is on the rise and will continue to grow in the foreseeable future. Iraq's Communications and Media Commission and Ministry of Communications are committed to preserving the equities of Iraqi citizens," Simpson said.

"This talented Government of Iraq team of engineers, technicians and managers are ready to serve Iraq as stewards of the [Iraqi] nation's spectrum resources consistent with international treaty obligations and with due regard for the rights of neighboring nations."

For more information about Multi-National Force-Iraq, visit WWW.MNF-IRAQ.COM or contact the public affairs office at

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