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CHIPS Articles: Military, Industry Talk Undersea Integration

Military, Industry Talk Undersea Integration
By Krishna M. Jackson, Program Executive Office for Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence - January 12, 2017
SAN DIEGO -- The Navy's Undersea Integration Program Office (PMW 770) hosted a three-day program review to discuss undersea integration and modernization and the status of various Navy programs, Dec. 13-15.

The review provided a forum for professionals who play a role in the development, advancement, management, maintenance, and operation of undersea technology to engage in conversations with leaders, acquisition professionals, scientists, engineers, and others in Navy Undersea Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (UC4I) program management.

"We are here to have constructive conversations about the modernization of the Navy's undersea systems and programs of record," said Mike Hutter, PMW 770 technical director, during a review of the action items resulting from the three days of discussions.

Military and civilian personnel from various commands and organizations attended the review along with representatives from the Royal Canadian navy and United Kingdom's Royal navy. The UK and Canada regularly participate in the Navy's Rim of the Pacific biennial exercise, and Canada takes part in the annual crisis response exercise Trident Warrior.

According to Capt. Ed Anderson, PMW 770 program manager, working with foreign military partners to align integration efforts helps improve interoperability during operations and training exercises.

"What good is working together if we can't communicate across platforms?" asked Anderson. "Keeping an open dialogue with our partners allows us to collaborate on our modernization efforts as we strive to align our systems so they can communicate with each other during critical operations."

PMW 770 plays a critical role in the advancement of Undersea C4I systems which contribute to the submarine's unique abilities to conduct missions of nuclear deterrence, sea control, and force projection.

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