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CHIPS Articles: Inaugural Issue of Advanced Warfighting Journal Online

Inaugural Issue of Advanced Warfighting Journal Online
By Grant Sattler, Chief Communications Officer/PAO Navy Warfare Development Command - July-September 2015
NORFOLK NAVAL STATION (NNS) — The Navy Warfare Development Command announces the launch of the Advanced Warfighting Journal. The AWJ is a classified, quarterly theme-based electronic periodical featuring warfighting development articles from subject matter experts from across the Navy.

The AWJ is intended to stimulate tactical warfighting conversations in ready rooms and wardrooms, inform readers about emerging capabilities, and connect them to Navy doctrine and tactics, techniques and procedures.

The inaugural AWJ focuses on a key CNO initiative: Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare.

AWJ is posted on the NWDC Navy Warfighting Development Portal: Individuals can request access by going to the NWDC SIPR SharePoint Portal:

Navy integrated fires is the theme for the Fall 2015 AWJ which will feature articles on efforts enabling our kill chain in the anti-access area denial environment while disrupting adversary capabilities. Submissions are due Sept. 25, 2015 to Content is classified up to secret-noforn.

Contact Grant Sattler, NWDC N3 Outreach, for questions about submissions:;; 757-341-4240.

<em>Advanced Warfighting Journal</em> logo
Advanced Warfighting Journal logo
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988